182,372 research outputs found


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    This monograph is presented as a response to an indisputable fact: The use of the social web as a means of communication and a framework of relationship and coexistence between students and teachers. We want to point out the need for a framework of pedagogical model and instructional design for the use of the social web.We also raise the need for an analysis of the necessary conditions for the validation of their uses.Finally, we propose to disseminate the analyses based on particular experiences, given the insufficiency of institutional policies that contemplate integration modalities and their consequences.We see necessary and accept proposals for indicators on quality in social learning environments. As results processed and conclusions obtained from research and experiences.On the other hand, we are accustomed to a literature that emphasizes the possibilities of intelligent education, and of big data combined with response algorithms to create unique and unprecedented opportunities for academic organizations. Opportunities that promise training with higher standards and innovative approaches.This issue tries to see what theoretical approaches, practices and experiences are present and available about(1) learning and teaching strategies: intelligent pedagogy,(2) highly technological and singular services based on environments of this type, both for local students, on campus, and for remote students, online,(3) innovative smart classroom configurations with easy local / remote student interaction with teachers and centers. And also for local / remote collaboration between students,(4) design and development of multimedia-enriched content based on the Web, with interactive presentations, videoconferences, questionnaires and interactive web-based tests that allow instant and intelligent knowledge evaluation(5) other affordances and managed environments with technology and intelligent response software.In this monograph we want to accommodate the results of research projects and ongoing experiences.We will also give space to works that aim to create a taxonomy of intelligent university education and identify its main characteristics and components.Pierre Lévy and Miguel Zapata-Ro

    Learning and Management for Internet-of-Things: Accounting for Adaptivity and Scalability

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    Internet-of-Things (IoT) envisions an intelligent infrastructure of networked smart devices offering task-specific monitoring and control services. The unique features of IoT include extreme heterogeneity, massive number of devices, and unpredictable dynamics partially due to human interaction. These call for foundational innovations in network design and management. Ideally, it should allow efficient adaptation to changing environments, and low-cost implementation scalable to massive number of devices, subject to stringent latency constraints. To this end, the overarching goal of this paper is to outline a unified framework for online learning and management policies in IoT through joint advances in communication, networking, learning, and optimization. From the network architecture vantage point, the unified framework leverages a promising fog architecture that enables smart devices to have proximity access to cloud functionalities at the network edge, along the cloud-to-things continuum. From the algorithmic perspective, key innovations target online approaches adaptive to different degrees of nonstationarity in IoT dynamics, and their scalable model-free implementation under limited feedback that motivates blind or bandit approaches. The proposed framework aspires to offer a stepping stone that leads to systematic designs and analysis of task-specific learning and management schemes for IoT, along with a host of new research directions to build on.Comment: Submitted on June 15 to Proceeding of IEEE Special Issue on Adaptive and Scalable Communication Network

    Defeasible reasoning in dynamic domains

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    The design of intelligent agents is a key issue for many applications. Since there is no universally accepted definition of intelligence, the notion of rational agency was proposed by Russell as an alternative for the characterization of intelligent agency. A rational agent must have models of itself and its surroundings to use them in its reasoning. To this end, this paper develops a formalism appropriate to represent the knowledge of an agent. Moreover, if dynamic environments are considered, the agent should be able to observe the changes in the world, and integrate them into its existing beliefs. This motivates the incorporation of perception capabilities into our framework. The abilities to perceive and act, essential activities in a practica! agent, demand a timely interaction with the environment. Given that the cognitive process of a rational agent is complex and computationally expensive, this interaction may not be easy to achieve. To solve this problem, we propase inference mechanisms that rely on the use precompiled knowledge to optimize the reasoning process.I Workshop de Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (WASI)Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    PCT and beyond: toward a computational framework for ‘intelligent’ communicative systems

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    Recent years have witnessed increasing interest in ‘intelligent’ autonomous machines such as robots. However, there is a long way to go before autonomous systems reach the level of capabilities required for even the simplest of tasks involving human-robot interaction - especially if it involves communicative behavior such as speech and language. The field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has made great strides in these areas, and has graduated from high-level rule-based paradigms to embodied architectures whose operations are grounded in real physical environments. What is still missing, however, is an overarching theory of intelligent communicative behavior that informs system-level design decisions. This chapter introduces a framework that extends the principles of Perceptual Control Theory (PCT) toward a remarkably symmetric architecture for a needs-driven communicative agent. It is concluded that, if behavior is the control of perception (the central tenet of PCT), then perception (for communicative agents) is the simulation of behavior

    A Generic Multi-Layer Architecture Based on ROS-JADE Integration for Autonomous Transport Vehicles

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    The design and operation of manufacturing systems is evolving to adapt to different challenges. One of the most important is the reconfiguration of the manufacturing process in response to context changes (e.g., faulty equipment or urgent orders, among others). In this sense, the Autonomous Transport Vehicle (ATV) plays a key role in building more flexible and decentralized manufacturing systems. Nowadays, robotic frameworks (RFs) are used for developing robotic systems such as ATVs, but they focus on the control of the robotic system itself. However, social abilities are required for performing intelligent interaction (peer-to-peer negotiation and decision-making) among the different and heterogeneous Cyber Physical Production Systems (such as machines, transport systems and other equipment present in the factory) to achieve manufacturing reconfiguration. This work contributes a generic multi-layer architecture that integrates a RF with a Multi-Agent System (MAS) to provide social abilities to ATVs. This architecture has been implemented on ROS and JADE, the most widespread RF and MAS framework, respectively. We believe this to be the first work that addresses the intelligent interaction of transportation systems for flexible manufacturing environments in a holistic form.This work was financed by MINECO/FEDER, UE (grant number DPI2015-68602-R) and by UPV/EHU (grant number PPG17/56)

    Using emotions in intelligent virtual environments: the EJaCalIVE framework

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    Nowadays, there is a need to provide new applications which allow the definition and implementation of safe environments that attends to the user needs and increases their wellbeing. In this sense, this paper introduces the EJaCalIVE framework which allows the creation of emotional virtual environments that incorporate agents, eHealth related devices, human actors, and emotions projecting them virtually and managing the interaction between all the elements. In this way, the proposed framework allows the design and programming of intelligent virtual environments, as well as the simulation and detection of human emotions which can be used for the improvement of the decision-making processes of the developed entities. The paper also shows a case study that enforces the need of this framework in common environments like nursing homes or assisted living facilities. Concretely, the case study proposes the simulation of a residence for the elderly. The main goal is to have an emotion-based simulation to train an assistance robot avoiding the complexity involved in working with the real elders. The main advantage of the proposed framework is to provide a safe environment, that is, an environment where users are able to interact safely with the system.This work is partially supported by the MINECO/FEDER TIN2015-65515-C4-1-R and the FPI Grant AP2013-01276 awarded to Jaime-Andres Rincon. This work is also supported by COMPETE: POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007043 and Fundacao para a Ciencia e Tecnologia (FCT) within the projects UID/CEC/00319/2013 and Post-Doc scholarship SFRH/BPD/102696/2014 (A. Costa).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A conceptual architecture for interactive educational multimedia

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    Learning is more than knowledge acquisition; it often involves the active participation of the learner in a variety of knowledge- and skills-based learning and training activities. Interactive multimedia technology can support the variety of interaction channels and languages required to facilitate interactive learning and teaching. A conceptual architecture for interactive educational multimedia can support the development of such multimedia systems. Such an architecture needs to embed multimedia technology into a coherent educational context. A framework based on an integrated interaction model is needed to capture learning and training activities in an online setting from an educational perspective, to describe them in the human-computer context, and to integrate them with mechanisms and principles of multimedia interaction

    A conceptual framework for interactive virtual storytelling

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    This paper presents a framework of an interactive storytelling system. It can integrate five components: management centre, evaluation centre, intelligent virtual agent, intelligent virtual environment, and users, making possible interactive solutions where the communication among these components is conducted in a rational and intelligent way. Environment plays an important role in providing heuristic information for agents through communicating with the management centre. The main idea is based on the principle of heuristic guiding of the behaviour of intelligent agents for guaranteeing the unexpectedness and consistent themes