28,973 research outputs found

    Formal security proofs with minimal fuss: Implicit computational complexity at work

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    International audienceWe show how implicit computational complexity can be used in order to increase confidence in game-based security proofs in cryptography. For this purpose we extend CSLR, a probabilistic lambda-calculus with a type system that guarantees the existence of a probabilistic polynomial-time bound on computations. This allows us to define cryptographic constructions, feasible adversaries, security notions, computational assumptions, game transformations, and game-based security proofs in a unified framework. We also show that the standard practice of cryptographers, ignoring that polynomial-time Turing machines cannot generate all uniform distributions, is actually sound. We illustrate our calculus on cryptographic constructions for public-key encryption and pseudorandom bit generation

    EasyUC: using EasyCrypt to mechanize proofs of universally composable security

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    We present a methodology for using the EasyCrypt proof assistant (originally designed for mechanizing the generation of proofs of game-based security of cryptographic schemes and protocols) to mechanize proofs of security of cryptographic protocols within the universally composable (UC) security framework. This allows, for the first time, the mechanization and formal verification of the entire sequence of steps needed for proving simulation-based security in a modular way: Specifying a protocol and the desired ideal functionality; Constructing a simulator and demonstrating its validity, via reduction to hard computational problems; Invoking the universal composition operation and demonstrating that it indeed preserves security. We demonstrate our methodology on a simple example: stating and proving the security of secure message communication via a one-time pad, where the key comes from a Diffie-Hellman key-exchange, assuming ideally authenticated communication. We first put together EasyCrypt-verified proofs that: (a) the Diffie-Hellman protocol UC-realizes an ideal key-exchange functionality, assuming hardness of the Decisional Diffie-Hellman problem, and (b) one-time-pad encryption, with a key obtained using ideal key-exchange, UC-realizes an ideal secure-communication functionality. We then mechanically combine the two proofs into an EasyCrypt-verified proof that the composed protocol realizes the same ideal secure-communication functionality. Although formulating a methodology that is both sound and workable has proven to be a complex task, we are hopeful that it will prove to be the basis for mechanized UC security analyses for significantly more complex protocols and tasks.Accepted manuscrip

    Unified View for Notions of Bit Security

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    A theoretical framework of the bit security of cryptographic primitives/games was first introduced in a pioneering work by Micciancio and Walter (Eurocrypt 2018), and an alternative framework was introduced by the authors (Asiacrypt 2021). First, we observe that quantitative results in the latter framework are preserved even if adversaries are allowed to output the failure symbol. With this slight modification, we show that the notion of bit security in the latter framework is equivalent to that in the former framework up to constant bits. Also, we demonstrate that several existing notions of advantages can be captured in a unified way. Based on this equivalence, we show that the reduction algorithm of Hast (J. Cryptology, 2004) gives a tight reduction of the Goldreich-Levin hard-core predicate to the hardness of one-way functions. These two results resolved open problems that remained. Furthermore, in the latter framework, we show that all games we need to care about are decision games. Namely, for every search game G, there is the corresponding decision game G′ such that G has λ-bit security if and only if G′ has λ-bit security. The game G′ consists of the real and the ideal games, where attacks in the ideal game are never approved. Such games often appear in game-hopping security proofs. The result justifies such security proofs because they lose no security. Finally, we provide a distribution replacement theorem. Suppose a game using distribution Q in a black-box manner is λ-bit secure, and two distributions P and Q are computationally λ-bit secure indistinguishable. In that case, the game where Q is replaced by P is also λ-bit secure

    SSProve: A Foundational Framework for Modular Cryptographic Proofs in Coq

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    State-separating proofs (SSP) is a recent methodology for structuring game-based cryptographic proofs in a modular way, by using algebraic laws to exploit the modular structure of composed protocols. While promising, this methodology was previously not fully formalized and came with little tool support. We address this by introducing SSProve, the first general verification framework for machine-checked state-separating proofs. SSProve combines high-level modular proofs about composed protocols, as proposed in SSP, with a probabilistic relational program logic for formalizing the lower-level details, which together enable constructing machine-checked cryptographic proofs in the Coq proof assistant. Moreover, SSProve is itself fully formalized in Coq, including the algebraic laws of SSP, the soundness of the program logic, and the connection between these two verification styles. To illustrate SSProve we use it to mechanize the simple security proofs of ElGamal and PRF-based encryption. We also validate the SSProve approach by conducting two more substantial case studies: First, we mechanize an SSP security proof of the KEM-DEM public key encryption scheme, which led to the discovery of an error in the original paper proof that has since been fixed. Second, we use SSProve to formally prove security of the sigma-protocol zero-knowledge construction, and we moreover construct a commitment scheme from a sigma-protocol to compare with a similar development in CryptHOL. We instantiate the security proof for sigma-protocols to give concrete security bounds for Schnorr\u27s sigma-protocol

    On formal verification of arithmetic-based cryptographic primitives

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    Cryptographic primitives are fundamental for information security: they are used as basic components for cryptographic protocols or public-key cryptosystems. In many cases, their security proofs consist in showing that they are reducible to computationally hard problems. Those reductions can be subtle and tedious, and thus not easily checkable. On top of the proof assistant Coq, we had implemented in previous work a toolbox for writing and checking game-based security proofs of cryptographic primitives. In this paper we describe its extension with number-theoretic capabilities so that it is now possible to write and check arithmetic-based cryptographic primitives in our toolbox. We illustrate our work by machine checking the game-based proofs of unpredictability of the pseudo-random bit generator of Blum, Blum and Shub, and semantic security of the public-key cryptographic scheme of Goldwasser and Micali.Comment: 13 page

    ROYALE: A Framework for Universally Composable Card Games with Financial Rewards and Penalties Enforcement

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    While many tailor made card game protocols are known, the vast majority of those suffer from three main issues: lack of mechanisms for distributing financial rewards and punishing cheaters, lack of composability guarantees and little flexibility, focusing on the specific game of poker. Even though folklore holds that poker protocols can be used to play any card game, this conjecture remains unproven and, in fact, does not hold for a number of protocols (including recent results). We both tackle the problem of constructing protocols for general card games and initiate a treatment of such protocols in the Universal Composability (UC) framework, introducing an ideal functionality that captures general card games constructed from a set of core card operations. Based on this formalism, we introduce Royale, the first UC-secure general card games which supports financial rewards/penalties enforcement. We remark that Royale also yields the first UC-secure poker protocol. Interestingly, Royale performs better than most previous works (that do not have composability guarantees), which we highlight through a detailed concrete complexity analysis and benchmarks from a prototype implementation

    Verified Correctness and Security of mbedTLS HMAC-DRBG

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    We have formalized the functional specification of HMAC-DRBG (NIST 800-90A), and we have proved its cryptographic security--that its output is pseudorandom--using a hybrid game-based proof. We have also proved that the mbedTLS implementation (C program) correctly implements this functional specification. That proof composes with an existing C compiler correctness proof to guarantee, end-to-end, that the machine language program gives strong pseudorandomness. All proofs (hybrid games, C program verification, compiler, and their composition) are machine-checked in the Coq proof assistant. Our proofs are modular: the hybrid game proof holds on any implementation of HMAC-DRBG that satisfies our functional specification. Therefore, our functional specification can serve as a high-assurance reference.Comment: Appearing in CCS '1

    Quantum Lazy Sampling and Game-Playing Proofs for Quantum Indifferentiability

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    Game-playing proofs constitute a powerful framework for non-quantum cryptographic security arguments, most notably applied in the context of indifferentiability. An essential ingredient in such proofs is lazy sampling of random primitives. We develop a quantum game-playing proof framework by generalizing two recently developed proof techniques. First, we describe how Zhandry's compressed quantum oracles~(Crypto'19) can be used to do quantum lazy sampling of a class of non-uniform function distributions. Second, we observe how Unruh's one-way-to-hiding lemma~(Eurocrypt'14) can also be applied to compressed oracles, providing a quantum counterpart to the fundamental lemma of game-playing. Subsequently, we use our game-playing framework to prove quantum indifferentiability of the sponge construction, assuming a random internal function
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