6 research outputs found

    Collaboration sociale d'entreprise : Le réveil du courrier électronique ?

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    National audienceThis article studies the persistence of email while enterprise social collaborative tools are more and more promoted within firms: Can this be purely explained by the fear of change, or should other factors be considered? We claim here first that some important capabilities of messaging are lacking in enterprise social tools and second that email could be enhanced by adding new social capabilities. The first point is studied by a theoretical comparison of the different tools; the second point by a prototype followed by experimentation. This work leads to the conclusion that there are still some distinctive capabilities of messaging, which could explain its persistence, and also that email can remain a foundation to implement new social capabilities. These results open new research perspectives, and provide learnings to practitioners for the deployment of collaborative features for enterprises.Cet article part du constat de la persistance des usages de la messagerie électronique à l'heure des outils sociaux collaboratifs d'entreprise : est-elle uniquement explicable par des résistances au changement, ou d'autres facteurs doivent-ils être considérés ? Nous formulons ici les hypothèses que certaines capacités importantes de la messagerie manquent aux outils sociaux, puis que la messagerie peut être améliorée par l'ajout de nouvelles capacités sociales. La première hypothèse est étudiée par une comparaison théorique des différentes capacités des outils en présence ; la seconde par un prototypage suivi d'une expérimentation. Ces travaux concluent d'une part à l'existence de capacités distinctives de la messagerie susceptibles d'expliquer la persistance de son usage, et d'autre part à la possibilité de partir de l'email pour mettre en oeuvre de nouvelles capacités sociales, ouvrant ainsi des perspectives de recherche sur ce sujet, mais fournissant également des indications aux praticiens pour le déploiement de fonctions collaboratives dans les entreprises

    Promoting Insight-Based Evaluation of Visualizations: From Contest to Benchmark Repository

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    Multi-Relationship Evaluation Design (MRED): An Interactive Test Plan Designer for Advanced and Emerging Technologies

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    Ground-breaking technologies are developed for use across a broad range of domains such as manufacturing, military, homeland security and automotive industries. These advanced technologies often include intelligent systems or robotic elements. Evaluations are a critical step in the development of these advanced systems. Evaluation events inform the technology developers of specific needs for enhancement, capture end-user feedback, and verify the extent of the technology's functions. Test exercises are an opportunity to showcase the technology's current abilities and limitations and provide data for future test efforts. The objective of this research is to develop the Multi-Relationship Evaluation Design (MRED) methodology, an interactive test plan blueprint generator. MRED collects multiple inputs, processes them interactively with a test designer and outputs evaluation blueprints, specifying key test-plan characteristics. Drawing from the Systems Engineering Paradigm, MRED models a process that had not been modeled before. The MRED model is consistent with the experience of evaluation designers. This method also captures and handles stakeholder preferences so that they can be accommodated in a meaningful way. The result is the MRED methodology that combines practical evaluation design experience with mathematical methods proven in the literature

    Selección de herramientas online para trabajo cooperativo

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    Es un honor proporcionar este Trabajo Fin de Carrera como resultado del análisis del mercado actual de herramientas de cooperación y agradezco la oportunidad que me ha proporcionado el departamento de Sistemas Informáticos de la ETSISI y el concreto a mi tutor, el profesor titular de universidad D. Jorge Enrique Pérez Martínez, de poder desarrollar este estudio. Espero que este TFC pueda ser utilizado como referencia de análisis del mercado de herramientas de cooperación actual, proporcione una visión global y sirva como punto inicial para llegar aún más lejos, consiguiendo nuevos y más altos objetivos. ABSTRACT It is an honour to provide this Bachelor Work as resulting of the analysis of current cooperation tools market and I am very grateful for the opportunity which has been provided by Sistemas Informáticos of ETSISI and his university professor Jorge Enrique Pérez Martínez, to be able to develop this assessment. I hope this TFC can be used as a reference of current cooperation tools market, providing a global overview and can be useful as initial base point in order to go further and reach new and higher goals

    Développement et évaluation d'un outil de travail collaboratif en appui à la gestion de projets en mode dispersé

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    Les équipes dispersées et les outils de travail collaboratif -- Les équipes dispersées -- Cadres conceptuels pour étudier les équipes dispersées -- Les outils de travail collaboratif -- Design de la recherche -- Scénario d'utilisation de prospect -- L'outil de travail collaboratif -- prospect -- Outils de collecte de données -- Activités de support -- Intrants : caractéristiques des équipes -- Processus -- Extrants -- Évaluation de l'outil -- Analyse de relations

    On requirements elicitation for Software Projects in ICT for development

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    Currently, there is much interest in harnessing the potential of new and affordable Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) such as mobile phones, to assist in reducing disparities in socioeconomic conditions throughout the world. Such efforts have come to be known as ICT for Development or ICT4D. While this field of research holds much promise, few projects have managed to achieve long-term sustained success. Among the many reasons for this, from a software engineering perspective, in many cases it can be attributed to inadequacies in the gathering and defining of software requirements. Failures in realising sustainable systems stern from inadequate consideration of the high-level socioeconomic development goals, neglect of environmental constraints, and a lack of adequate input from end-users regarding their specific needs and sociocultural context. The situation is exacerbated by inadequate reporting on the social impact of such interventions, making it difficult to assess a project's success, let alone apply lessons learned to new projects. In this thesis we propose enhancing conventional requirements elicitation with a complementary elicitation methodology specifically adapted to address these shortcomings. Our approach is based on a proposed novel technique of Structured Digital Storytelling to elicit input from end-users having limited literacy in the form of stories. The proposed methodology includes a systematic method for extracting and interpreting the informational content of the stories that applies a conceptual model derived from Communications Theory to identify constraints arising from the users' sociocultural context. The thesis introduces an ICT4D quality model identifying non-functional requirements related to the sociodynamics of a system's sustained use in a rural community. The needs, goals and constraints thus identified are integrated using a goal-based analysis to produce a more informed understanding of potential areas of technology intervention and to develop high-level functional and non-functional software requirements. The resulting goal model is also used in deriving a measurement framework for assessing a project's success based on its social impact. We illustrate our approach and validate its effectiveness with a field study. Keywords: ICT4D, digital divide. requirements engineering. needs elicitation, requirements elicitation, culture, storytellin