459 research outputs found

    An Integrated Mobile Application for Enhancing Management of Nutrition Information in Arusha Tanzania

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    Based on the fact that management of nutrition information is still a problem in many developing countries including Tanzania and nutrition information is only verbally provided without emphasis, this study proposes mobile application for enhancing management of nutrition information. The paper discusses the implementation of an integrated mobile application for enhancing management of nutrition information based on literature review and interviews, which were conducted in Arusha region for the collection of key information and details required for designing the mobile application. In this application, PHP technique has been used to build the application logic and MySQL technology for developing the back-end database. Using XML and Java, we have built an application interface that provides easy interactive view

    An Architectural Solution of Assistance e-Services for Diabetes Diet

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    The aim of this paper is to outline the requirements and main architecture for a useful tool for determining the nutrition facts of food for people having Type 2 Diabetes. This diabetes is used only to establish the target audience, a ñ€Ɠmass of peopleñ€ having, maybe, to less in common regarding the computer usage skills. The characteristics of the target audience (huge number, diversity of habits and behaviors, computer usage skills) requires a solution based on web services delivered at least partly as a standalone/ portable application, build from Web services and provided with means for domain knowledge dissemination and usage.Software Architecture, Knowledge Management, SIK, Business Rules, Type 2 Diabetes

    Augmenting applications with hyper media, functionality and meta-information

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    The Dynamic Hypermedia Engine (DHE) enhances analytical applications by adding relationships, semantics and other metadata to the application\u27s output and user interface. DHE also provides additional hypermedia navigational, structural and annotation functionality. These features allow application developers and users to add guided tours, personal links and sharable annotations, among other features, into applications. DHE runs as a middleware between the application user interface and its business logic and processes, in a n-tier architecture, supporting the extra functionalities without altering the original systems by means of application wrappers. DHE automatically generates links at run-time for each of those elements having relationships and metadata. Such elements are previously identified using a Relation Navigation Analysis. DHE also constructs more sophisticated navigation techniques not often found on the Web on top of these links. The metadata, links, navigation and annotation features supplement the application\u27s primary functionality. This research identifies element types, or classes , in the application displays. A mapping rule encodes each relationship found between two elements of interest at the class level . When the user selects a particular element, DHE instantiates the commands included in the rules with the actual instance selected and sends them to the appropriate destination system, which then dynamically generates the resulting virtual (i.e. not previously stored) page. DHE executes concurrently with these applications, providing automated link generation and other hypermedia functionality. DHE uses the extensible Markup Language (XMQ -and related World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) sets of XML recommendations, like Xlink, XML Schema, and RDF -to encode the semantic information required for the operation of the extra hypermedia features, and for the transmission of messages between the engine modules and applications. DHE is the only approach we know that provides automated linking and metadata services in a generic manner, based on the application semantics, without altering the applications. DHE will also work with non-Web systems. The results of this work could also be extended to other research areas, such as link ranking and filtering, automatic link generation as the result of a search query, metadata collection and support, virtual document management, hypermedia functionality on the Web, adaptive and collaborative hypermedia, web engineering, and the semantic Web

    The semantic Web : theories, languages, and applications

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    La popularitĂ© croissante du Web permet la diffusion d’une quantitĂ© phĂ©nomĂ©nale d’information de toutes sortes et l’accĂšs Ă  une panoplie de services en ligne en raison du dĂ©veloppement effrĂ©nĂ© de ses contenus et de leur consultation quotidienne Ă  faible coĂ»t. Malheureusement, cette explosion du Web cause un problĂšme de surabondance de donnĂ©es pas toujours crĂ©dibles et souvent inutilisables; les rĂ©ponses obtenues des engins de recherche peuvent ĂȘtre inadĂ©quates ou imprĂ©cises et les services en ligne sont exclusifs ou incompatibles entre eux. Dans le but de pallier Ă  ces inconvĂ©nients, le consortium W3C a proposĂ© une solution globale, connue sous le nom de Web sĂ©mantique, qui amĂ©liore les structures de reprĂ©sentation des donnĂ©es de façon Ă  rendre les contenus signifiants et Ă  permettre l’infĂ©rence de nouvelles connaissances par des programmes. Ce mĂ©moire explore les thĂ©ories sous-jacentes au Web sĂ©mantique ainsi que les technologies qui lui sont propres. D’une part, les concepts de logique descriptive et de structure ontologique sont prĂ©sentĂ©s et des liens sont Ă©tablis entre eux. D’autre part, une hiĂ©rarchie de langages incluant, entre autres, les langages XML, RDF, DAML+OIL et OWL est introduite ainsi qu’une Ă©tude comparative de plusieurs moteurs d’infĂ©rence basĂ©s sur ces langages. Enfin, ce mĂ©moire prĂ©sente un exemple complet qui permet d’illustrer les principaux concepts du Web sĂ©mantique et d’évaluer la faisabilitĂ© de la mise en oeuvre d’une application par rapport Ă  l’état actuel des technologies

    The pragmatic proof: hypermedia API composition and execution

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    Machine clients are increasingly making use of the Web to perform tasks. While Web services traditionally mimic remote procedure calling interfaces, a new generation of so-called hypermedia APIs works through hyperlinks and forms, in a way similar to how people browse the Web. This means that existing composition techniques, which determine a procedural plan upfront, are not sufficient to consume hypermedia APIs, which need to be navigated at runtime. Clients instead need a more dynamic plan that allows them to follow hyperlinks and use forms with a preset goal. Therefore, in this paper, we show how compositions of hypermedia APIs can be created by generic Semantic Web reasoners. This is achieved through the generation of a proof based on semantic descriptions of the APIs' functionality. To pragmatically verify the applicability of compositions, we introduce the notion of pre-execution and post-execution proofs. The runtime interaction between a client and a server is guided by proofs but driven by hypermedia, allowing the client to react to the application's actual state indicated by the server's response. We describe how to generate compositions from descriptions, discuss a computer-assisted process to generate descriptions, and verify reasoner performance on various composition tasks using a benchmark suite. The experimental results lead to the conclusion that proof-based consumption of hypermedia APIs is a feasible strategy at Web scale.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    The Evolution, current status, and future direction of XML

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    The Extensible Markup Language (XML) is now established as a multifaceted open-ended markup language and continues to increase in popularity. The major players that have shaped its development include the United States government, several key corporate entities, and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). This paper will examine these influences on XML and will address the emergence, the current status, and the future direction of this language. In addition, it will review best practices and research that have contributed to the continued development and advancement of XML
