4 research outputs found

    Real-Time Communication Support for Over-water Wireless Multi-hop Networks

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    https://www.bsc.es/education/predoctoral-phd/doctoral-symposium/7th-bsc-so-doctoral-symposiumThe prospect scenario for wireless communications and networking technologies in aquatic environments is nowadays promising. The growing interest around this subject in the last decades has recently been accelerated due to the more powerful capabilities of a number of sensing, control and communication devices. Moored, fixed, drifting, and vehicular nodes form now a rich ecosystem of autonomous embedded systems potentially connected in a multi-hop (and over-water) fashion, which demand innovative solutions to satisfy the ever-increasing requirements of reliability, bandwidth, latency and cost. The efforts in this direction, mostly as a result of the push from the Internet-of-Thing (IoT) and related communication paradigms, are now at an early stage, and thus still pose significant, technical and research challenges, especially from the perspective of communication and networking for applications involving real-time and/or multimedia networking traffic. In this research, we focus on the communication and networking aspects of over-water multi-hop networks aiming at support real-time and/or multimedia (audio/video) traffic using IEEE 802.11 (WiFi) commodity technologies. Special attention is devoted to the impact of cyclic water-level variations (such as tides and waves) on the overall network performance, and how an integrated approach to (i) network design, (ii) protocol adaptation and (iii) routing can contribute to mitigating such an issue.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Overlap-Minimization Scheduling Strategy for Data Transmission in VANET

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    The vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) based on dedicated short-range communication (DSRC) is a distributed communication system, in which all the nodes share the wireless channel with carrier sense multiple access/collision avoid (CSMA/CA) protocol. However, the competition and backoff mechanisms of CSMA/CA often bring additional delays and data packet collisions, which may hardly meet the QoS requirements in terms of delay and packets delivery ratio (PDR). Moreover, because of the distribution nature of security information in broadcast mode, the sender cannot know whether the receivers have received the information successfully. Similarly, this problem also exists in no-acknowledge (non-ACK) transmissions of VANET. Therefore, the probability of packet collisions should be considered in broadcast or non-ACK working modes. This paper presents a connection-level scheduling algorithm overlaid on CSMA/CA to schedule the start sending time of each transmission. By converting the object of reducing collision probability to minimizing the overlap of transmission durations of connections, the probability of backoff-activation can be greatly decreased. Then the delay and the probability of packet collisions can also be decreased. Numerical simulations have been conducted in our unified platform containing SUMO, Veins and Omnet++. The result shows that the proposed algorithm can effectively improve the PDR and reduce the packets collision in VANET.Comment: 6 pages,7 figure

    Empirical Performance Models of MAC Protocols for Cooperative Platooning Applications

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    Vehicular ad-hoc networks (VANET) enable vehicles to exchange information on traffic conditions, dynamic status and localization, to enhance road safety and transportation efficiency. A typical VANET application is platooning, which can take advantage of exchanging information on speed, heading and position to allow shorter inter-vehicle distances without compromising safety. However, the platooning performance depends drastically on the quality of the communication channel, which in turn is highly influenced by the medium access control protocol (MAC). Currently, VANETs use the IEEE 802.11p MAC, which follows a carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) policy that is prone to collisions and degrades significantly with network load. This has led to recent proposals for a time-division multiple access (TDMA)-based MAC that synchronize vehicles’ beacons to prevent or reduce collisions. In this paper, we take CSMA/CA and two TDMA-based overlay protocols, i.e., deployed over CSMA/CA, namely PLEXE-slotted and RA-TDMAp, and carry out extensive simulations with varying platoon sizes, number of occupied lanes and transmit power to deduce empirical models that provide estimates of average number of collisions per second and average busy time ratio. In particular, we show that these estimates can be obtained from observing the number of radio-frequency (RF) neighbours, i.e., number of distinct sources of the packets received by each vehicle per time unit. These estimates can enhance the online adaptation of distributed applications, particularly platooning control, to varying conditions of the communication channel.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A Flexible TDMA Overlay Protocol for Vehicles Platooning

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    Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks (VANETs) can enable a wide range of vehicle coordination applications such as platooning. A good use of the communication channel is paramount for an adequate quality of service. Currently, IEEE 802.11p is the standard used in VANETs and relies on CSMA/CA, which is prone to collisions that degrade the channel quality. This has led to recent proposals for TDMA-based overlay protocols that synchronize vehicles beacons to prevent or reduce collisions. In this paper, we propose RA-TDMAp that puts together properties of two previous works. On one hand, it allows the nodes in one platoon to remain synchronized even in the presence of interfering traffic, e.g. from other vehicles, by adapting the phase of the TDMA round to escape periodic interference. On the other hand, it reduces channel occupation by having just the leader transmitting with high power, to reach all the platoon at once, while the followers transmit with low power. The order of transmission is such that the leader gathers information from the whole platoon in just one round. We simulated RA-TDMAp in realistic conditions using the PLEXE simulation framework. We show the phase adaptation of the TDMA round and we compare RA-TDMAp to state of the art protocols tailored for platooning, with three networking metrics: channel busy ratio, collisions and safe time ratio, all of which confirm the superiority of RA-TDMAp.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio