118 research outputs found

    Joint bilateral learning for real-time universal photorealistic style transfer

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    Photorealistic style transfer is the task of transferring the artistic style of an image onto a content target, producing a result that is plausibly taken with a camera. Recent approaches, based on deep neural networks, produce impressive results but are either too slow to run at practical resolutions, or still contain objectionable artifacts. We propose a new end-to-end model for photorealistic style transfer that is both fast and inherently generates photorealistic results. The core of our approach is a feed-forward neural network that learns local edge-aware a ne transforms that automatically obey the photorealism constraint. When trained on a diverse set of images and a variety of styles, our model can robustly apply style transfer to an arbitrary pair of input images. Compared to the state of the art, our method produces visually superior results and is three orders of magnitude faster, enabling real- time performance at 4K on a mobile phone. We validate our method with ablation and user studies.Published versio

    Semantic Photo Manipulation with a Generative Image Prior

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    Despite the recent success of GANs in synthesizing images conditioned on inputs such as a user sketch, text, or semantic labels, manipulating the high-level attributes of an existing natural photograph with GANs is challenging for two reasons. First, it is hard for GANs to precisely reproduce an input image. Second, after manipulation, the newly synthesized pixels often do not fit the original image. In this paper, we address these issues by adapting the image prior learned by GANs to image statistics of an individual image. Our method can accurately reconstruct the input image and synthesize new content, consistent with the appearance of the input image. We demonstrate our interactive system on several semantic image editing tasks, including synthesizing new objects consistent with background, removing unwanted objects, and changing the appearance of an object. Quantitative and qualitative comparisons against several existing methods demonstrate the effectiveness of our method.Comment: SIGGRAPH 201

    Anycost GANs for Interactive Image Synthesis and Editing

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    Generative adversarial networks (GANs) have enabled photorealistic image synthesis and editing. However, due to the high computational cost of large-scale generators (e.g., StyleGAN2), it usually takes seconds to see the results of a single edit on edge devices, prohibiting interactive user experience. In this paper, we take inspirations from modern rendering software and propose Anycost GAN for interactive natural image editing. We train the Anycost GAN to support elastic resolutions and channels for faster image generation at versatile speeds. Running subsets of the full generator produce outputs that are perceptually similar to the full generator, making them a good proxy for preview. By using sampling-based multi-resolution training, adaptive-channel training, and a generator-conditioned discriminator, the anycost generator can be evaluated at various configurations while achieving better image quality compared to separately trained models. Furthermore, we develop new encoder training and latent code optimization techniques to encourage consistency between the different sub-generators during image projection. Anycost GAN can be executed at various cost budgets (up to 10x computation reduction) and adapt to a wide range of hardware and latency requirements. When deployed on desktop CPUs and edge devices, our model can provide perceptually similar previews at 6-12x speedup, enabling interactive image editing. The code and demo are publicly available: https://github.com/mit-han-lab/anycost-gan.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 2021. The code and demo are available: https://github.com/mit-han-lab/anycost-ga

    IP-Adapter: Text Compatible Image Prompt Adapter for Text-to-Image Diffusion Models

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    Recent years have witnessed the strong power of large text-to-image diffusion models for the impressive generative capability to create high-fidelity images. However, it is very tricky to generate desired images using only text prompt as it often involves complex prompt engineering. An alternative to text prompt is image prompt, as the saying goes: "an image is worth a thousand words". Although existing methods of direct fine-tuning from pretrained models are effective, they require large computing resources and are not compatible with other base models, text prompt, and structural controls. In this paper, we present IP-Adapter, an effective and lightweight adapter to achieve image prompt capability for the pretrained text-to-image diffusion models. The key design of our IP-Adapter is decoupled cross-attention mechanism that separates cross-attention layers for text features and image features. Despite the simplicity of our method, an IP-Adapter with only 22M parameters can achieve comparable or even better performance to a fully fine-tuned image prompt model. As we freeze the pretrained diffusion model, the proposed IP-Adapter can be generalized not only to other custom models fine-tuned from the same base model, but also to controllable generation using existing controllable tools. With the benefit of the decoupled cross-attention strategy, the image prompt can also work well with the text prompt to achieve multimodal image generation. The project page is available at \url{https://ip-adapter.github.io}
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