1 research outputs found

    A Fault Tolerant Data Structure for Peer-to-Peer Range Query Processing

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    Abstract We present a fault tolerant dynamic data structure based on a constant-degree Distributed Hash Table (DHT) called FissionE that supports orthogonal range search in d-dimensional space. A publication algorithm, which distributes data objects among all nodes in the network is described, along with a search algorithm that processes range queries and reports all objects in range to the query issuer. Routing messages between two nodes is performed by the FissionE routing algorithm. The worst case orthogonal range search cost in our data structure with n nodes is O(log n+m) messages plus reporting cost, where m is the minimum number of nodes intersecting the query. Storing d complete copies of each data object on d different nodes provides redundancy for our scheme. This redundancy permits completely answering a query in the case of simultaneous failure of d βˆ’ 1 nodes