12,508 research outputs found

    DReAM: An approach to estimate per-Task DRAM energy in multicore systems

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    Accurate per-task energy estimation in multicore systems would allow performing per-task energy-aware task scheduling and energy-aware billing in data centers, among other applications. Per-task energy estimation is challenged by the interaction between tasks in shared resources, which impacts tasks’ energy consumption in uncontrolled ways. Some accurate mechanisms have been devised recently to estimate per-task energy consumed on-chip in multicores, but there is a lack of such mechanisms for DRAM memories. This article makes the case for accurate per-task DRAM energy metering in multicores, which opens new paths to energy/performance optimizations. In particular, the contributions of this article are (i) an ideal per-task energy metering model for DRAM memories; (ii) DReAM, an accurate yet low cost implementation of the ideal model (less than 5% accuracy error when 16 tasks share memory); and (iii) a comparison with standard methods (even distribution and access-count based) proving that DReAM is much more accurate than these other methods.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Accelerating Non-volatile/Hybrid Processor Cache Design Space Exploration for Application Specific Embedded Systems

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    In this article, we propose a technique to accelerate nonvolatile or hybrid of volatile and nonvolatile processor cache design space exploration for application specific embedded systems. Utilizing a novel cache behavior modeling equation and a new accurate cache miss prediction mechanism, our proposed technique can accelerate NVM or hybrid FIFO processor cache design space exploration for SPEC CPU 2000 applications up to 249 times compared to the conventional approach

    ElasticSimMATE: a Fast and Accurate gem5 Trace-Driven Simulator for Multicore Systems

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    International audienceMulticore system analysis requires efficient solutions for architectural parameter and scalability exploration. Long simulation time is the main drawback of current simulation approaches. In order to reduce the simulation time while keeping the accuracy levels, trace-driven simulation approaches have been developed. However, existing approaches do not allow multicore exploration or do not capture the behavior of multi-threaded programs. Based on the gem5 simulator, we developed a novel synchronization mechanism for multicore analysis based on the trace collection of synchronization events, instruction and dependencies. It allows efficient architectural parameter and scalability exploration with acceptable simulation speed and accuracy

    Using static program analysis to compile fast cache simulators

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    This thesis presents a generic approach towards compiling fast execution-driven simulators, and applies this to cache simulation of programs. The resulting cache simulation method reduces the time needed for cache performance evaluations without losing the accuracy of the results. Fast cache simulators are needed in the performance analysis of software systems. To properly understand the cache behavior caused by a program, simulations must be performed with a sufficient number of inputs. Traditional simulation of memory operations of a program can be orders of magnitude slower than the execution of the program. This leads to simulation times that are often infeasible in software development. The approach of this thesis is based on using static cache analysis to guide partial evaluation and slicing of simulators. Because of redundancy in memory access patterns of typical programs, an execution-driven cache simulator program can be partially evaluated during its compilation. Program slicing can be used to remove the computations that have no effect on the simulation result. The static cache analysis presented in this thesis is generic. The analysis is designed especially for programs that use dynamic addressing. The thesis assumes an address analysis that gives the cache analysis static information about cache aliases and cache conflicts between accessed memory lines. To determine the memory references that always cause cache hits or cache misses, the thesis describes both must and may analyses of cache states. The cache state analysis is built by using abstract interpretation. Based on the use of abstract interpretation, the soundness of the analysis is proved. The potential performance of the method was experimentally evaluated. The thesis describes both a tool set implementing the cache analysis method and experiments done with the tool set. The experiments indicate that a simple implementation is capable of significantly speeding up the simulations.reviewe

    Accurate analysis of memory latencies for WCET estimation

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    International audienceThese last years, many researchers have proposed solutions to estimate the Worst-Case Execution Time of a critical application when it is run on modern hardware. Several schemes commonly implemented to improve performance have been considered so far in the context of static WCET analysis: pipelines, instruction caches, dynamic branch predictors, execution cores supporting out-of-order execution, etc. Comparatively, components that are external to the processor have received lesser attention. In particular, the latency of memory accesses is generally considered as a fixed value. Now, modern DRAM devices support the open page policy that reduces the memory latency when successive memory accesses address the same memory row. This scheme, also known as row buffer, induces variable memory latencies, depending on whether the access hits or misses in the row buffer. In this paper, we propose an algorithm to take the open page policy into account when estimating WCETs for a processor with an instruction cache. Experimental results show that WCET estimates are refined thanks to the consideration of tighter memory latencies instead of pessimistic values

    Principled Approaches to Last-Level Cache Management

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    Memory is a critical component of all computing systems. It represents a fundamental performance and energy bottleneck. Ideally, memory aspects such as energy cost, performance, and the cost of implementing management techniques would scale together with the size of all different computing systems; unfortunately this is not the case. With the upcoming trends in applications, new memory technologies, etc., scaling becomes a bigger a problem, aggravating the performance bottleneck that memory represents. A memory hierarchy was proposed to alleviate the problem. Each level in the hierarchy tends to have a decreasing cost per bit, an increased capacity, and a higher access time compared to its previous level. Preferably all data will be stored in the fastest level of memory, unfortunately, faster memory technologies tend to be associated with a higher manufacturing cost, which often limits their capacity. The design challenge is, to determine which is the frequently used data, and store it in the faster levels of memory. A cache is a small, fast, on-chip chunk of memory. Any data stored in main memory can be stored in the cache. For many programs, a typical behavior is to access data that has been accessed previously. Taking advantage of this behavior, a copy of frequently accessed data is kept in the cache, in order to provide a faster access time next time is requested. Due to capacity constrains, it is likely that all of the frequently reused data cannot fit in the cache, because of this, cache management policies decide which data is to be kept in the cache, and which in other levels of the memory hierarchy. Under an efficient cache management policy, an encouraging amount of memory requests will be serviced from a fast on-chip cache. The disparity in access latency between the last-level cache and main memory motivates the search for efficient cache management policies. There is a great amount of recently proposed work that strives to utilize cache capacity in the most favorable to performance way possible. Related work focus on optimizing the performance of caches focusing on different possible solutions, e.g. reduce miss rate, consume less power, reducing storage overhead, reduce access latency, etc. Our work focus on improving the performance of last-level caches by designing policies based on principles adapted from other areas of interest. In this dissertation, we focus on several aspects of cache management policies, we first introduce a space-efficient placement and promotion policy which goal is to minimize the updates to the replacement policy state on each cache access. We further introduce a mechanism that predicts whether a block in the cache will be reused, it feeds different features from a block to the predictor in order to increase the correlation of a previous access to a future access. We later introduce a technique that tweaks traditional cache indexing, providing fast accesses to a vast majority of requests in the presence of a slow access memory technology such as DRAM
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