12,639 research outputs found

    Classification hardness for supervised learners on 20 years of intrusion detection data

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    This article consolidates analysis of established (NSL-KDD) and new intrusion detection datasets (ISCXIDS2012, CICIDS2017, CICIDS2018) through the use of supervised machine learning (ML) algorithms. The uniformity in analysis procedure opens up the option to compare the obtained results. It also provides a stronger foundation for the conclusions about the efficacy of supervised learners on the main classification task in network security. This research is motivated in part to address the lack of adoption of these modern datasets. Starting with a broad scope that includes classification by algorithms from different families on both established and new datasets has been done to expand the existing foundation and reveal the most opportune avenues for further inquiry. After obtaining baseline results, the classification task was increased in difficulty, by reducing the available data to learn from, both horizontally and vertically. The data reduction has been included as a stress-test to verify if the very high baseline results hold up under increasingly harsh constraints. Ultimately, this work contains the most comprehensive set of results on the topic of intrusion detection through supervised machine learning. Researchers working on algorithmic improvements can compare their results to this collection, knowing that all results reported here were gathered through a uniform framework. This work's main contributions are the outstanding classification results on the current state of the art datasets for intrusion detection and the conclusion that these methods show remarkable resilience in classification performance even when aggressively reducing the amount of data to learn from

    Fitting Prediction Rule Ensembles with R Package pre

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    Prediction rule ensembles (PREs) are sparse collections of rules, offering highly interpretable regression and classification models. This paper presents the R package pre, which derives PREs through the methodology of Friedman and Popescu (2008). The implementation and functionality of package pre is described and illustrated through application on a dataset on the prediction of depression. Furthermore, accuracy and sparsity of PREs is compared with that of single trees, random forest and lasso regression in four benchmark datasets. Results indicate that pre derives ensembles with predictive accuracy comparable to that of random forests, while using a smaller number of variables for prediction

    Separation of pulsar signals from noise with supervised machine learning algorithms

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    We evaluate the performance of four different machine learning (ML) algorithms: an Artificial Neural Network Multi-Layer Perceptron (ANN MLP ), Adaboost, Gradient Boosting Classifier (GBC), XGBoost, for the separation of pulsars from radio frequency interference (RFI) and other sources of noise, using a dataset obtained from the post-processing of a pulsar search pi peline. This dataset was previously used for cross-validation of the SPINN-based machine learning engine, used for the reprocessing of HTRU-S survey data arXiv:1406.3627. We have used Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) to deal with high class imbalance in the dataset. We report a variety of quality scores from all four of these algorithms on both the non-SMOTE and SMOTE datasets. For all the above ML methods, we report high accuracy and G-mean in both the non-SMOTE and SMOTE cases. We study the feature importances using Adaboost, GBC, and XGBoost and also from the minimum Redundancy Maximum Relevance approach to report algorithm-agnostic feature ranking. From these methods, we find that the signal to noise of the folded profile to be the best feature. We find that all the ML algorithms report FPRs about an order of magnitude lower than the corresponding FPRs obtained in arXiv:1406.3627, for the same recall value.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in Astronomy and Computin