1 research outputs found

    The KR-Benes Network: A Control-Optimal Rearrangeable Permutation Network

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    The Benes network has been used as a rearrangeable network for over 40 years, yet the uniform N(2log⁑Nβˆ’1)N(2 \log N-1) control complexity of the NΓ—NN \times N Benes is not optimal for many permutations. In this paper, we present a novel O(log⁑N)O(\log N) depth rearrangeable network called KR-Benes that is {\it permutation-specific control-optimal}. The KR-Benes routes {\it every} permutation with the minimal control complexity {\it specific} to that permutation and its worst-case complexity for arbitrary permutations is bounded by the Benes; thus it replaces the Benes when considering control complexity/latency. We design the KR-Benes by first constructing a restricted 2log⁑K+22 \log K +2 depth rearrangeable network called KK-Benes for routing KK-bounded permutations with control 2Nlog⁑K2N \log K, 0≀K≀N/40 \leq K \leq N/4. We then show that the NΓ—NN \times N Benes network itself (with one additional stage) contains every KK-Benes network as a subgraph and use this property to construct the KR-Benes network. With regard to the control-optimality of the KR-Benes, we show that any optimal network for rearrangeably routing KK-bounded permutations must have depth 2log⁑K+22 \log K + 2, and therefore the KK-Benes (and hence the KR-Benes) is optimal.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, website http://www.csc.lsu.edu/~rkannan V3: Proved the (previous) Conjecture on Optimality of K-Bene