2 research outputs found

    A Failure of Aspect Sentiment Classifiers and an Adaptive Re-weighting Solution

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    Aspect-based sentiment classification (ASC) is an important task in fine-grained sentiment analysis.~Deep supervised ASC approaches typically model this task as a pair-wise classification task that takes an aspect and a sentence containing the aspect and outputs the polarity of the aspect in that sentence. However, we discovered that many existing approaches fail to learn an effective ASC classifier but more like a sentence-level sentiment classifier because they have difficulty to handle sentences with different polarities for different aspects.~This paper first demonstrates this problem using several state-of-the-art ASC models. It then proposes a novel and general adaptive re-weighting (ARW) scheme to adjust the training to dramatically improve ASC for such complex sentences. Experimental results show that the proposed framework is effective \footnote{The dataset and code are available at \url{https://github.com/howardhsu/ASC_failure}.}

    SentiBERT: A Transferable Transformer-Based Architecture for Compositional Sentiment Semantics

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    We propose SentiBERT, a variant of BERT that effectively captures compositional sentiment semantics. The model incorporates contextualized representation with binary constituency parse tree to capture semantic composition. Comprehensive experiments demonstrate that SentiBERT achieves competitive performance on phrase-level sentiment classification. We further demonstrate that the sentiment composition learned from the phrase-level annotations on SST can be transferred to other sentiment analysis tasks as well as related tasks, such as emotion classification tasks. Moreover, we conduct ablation studies and design visualization methods to understand SentiBERT. We show that SentiBERT is better than baseline approaches in capturing negation and the contrastive relation and model the compositional sentiment semantics.Comment: ACL-202