21,095 research outputs found

    A Computer Virus Propagation Model Using Delay Differential Equations With Probabilistic Contagion And Immunity

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    The SIR model is used extensively in the field of epidemiology, in particular, for the analysis of communal diseases. One problem with SIR and other existing models is that they are tailored to random or Erdos type networks since they do not consider the varying probabilities of infection or immunity per node. In this paper, we present the application and the simulation results of the pSEIRS model that takes into account the probabilities, and is thus suitable for more realistic scale free networks. In the pSEIRS model, the death rate and the excess death rate are constant for infective nodes. Latent and immune periods are assumed to be constant and the infection rate is assumed to be proportional to I (t) N(t), where N (t) is the size of the total population and I(t) is the size of the infected population. A node recovers from an infection temporarily with a probability p and dies from the infection with probability (1-p).Comment: International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC) Vol.6, No.5, September 201

    Immune System Approaches to Intrusion Detection - A Review (ICARIS)

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    The use of artificial immune systems in intrusion detection is an appealing concept for two reasons. Firstly, the human immune system provides the human body with a high level of protection from invading pathogens, in a robust, self-organised and distributed manner. Secondly, current techniques used in computer security are not able to cope with the dynamic and increasingly complex nature of computer systems and their security. It is hoped that biologically inspired approaches in this area, including the use of immune-based systems will be able to meet this challenge. Here we collate the algorithms used, the development of the systems and the outcome of their implementation. It provides an introduction and review of the key developments within this field, in addition to making suggestions for future research.Comment: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems (ICARIS), 316-329, 200

    Towards a Conceptual Framework for Innate Immunity

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    Innate immunity now occupies a central role in immunology. However, artificial immune system models have largely been inspired by adaptive not innate immunity. This paper reviews the biological principles and properties of innate immunity and, adopting a conceptual framework, asks how these can be incorporated into artificial models. The aim is to outline a meta-framework for models of innate immunity.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, 2 tables, 4th International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems (ICARIS 2005

    Scale Invariance of Immune System Response Rates and Times: Perspectives on Immune System Architecture and Implications for Artificial Immune Systems

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    Most biological rates and times decrease systematically with organism body size. We use an ordinary differential equation (ODE) model of West Nile Virus in birds to show that pathogen replication rates decline with host body size, but natural immune system (NIS) response rates do not change systematically with body size. This is surprising since the NIS has to search for small quantities of pathogens through larger physical spaces in larger organisms, and also respond by producing larger absolute quantities of antibody in larger organisms. We call this scale-invariant detection and response. We hypothesize that the NIS has evolved an architecture to efficiently neutralize pathogens. We investigate a range of architectures using an Agent Based Model (ABM). We find that a sub-modular NIS architecture, in which lymph node number and size both increase sublinearly with body size, efficiently balances the tradeoff between local pathogen detection and global response using antibodies. This leads to nearly scale-invariant detection and response, consistent with experimental data. Similar to the NIS, physical space and resources are also important constraints on Artificial Immune Systems (AIS), especially distributed systems applications used to connect low-powered sensors using short-range wireless communication. We show that AIS problems, like distributed robot control, will also require a sub-modular architecture to efficiently balance the tradeoff between local search for a solution and global response or proliferation of the solution between different components. This research has wide applicability in other distributed systems AIS applications.Comment: 23 pages, 4 figures, Swarm Intelligence journa

    Artificial Immune Systems (INTROS 2)

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    The biological immune system is a robust, complex, adaptive system that defends the body from foreign pathogens. It is able to categorize all cells (or molecules) within the body as self or non-self substances. It does this with the help of a distributed task force that has the intelligence to take action from a local and also a global perspective using its network of chemical messengers for communication. There are two major branches of the immune system. The innate immune system is an unchanging mechanism that detects and destroys certain invading organisms, whilst the adaptive immune system responds to previously unknown foreign cells and builds a response to them that can remain in the body over a long period of time. This remarkable information processing biological system has caught the attention of computer science in recent years. A novel computational intelligence technique, inspired by immunology, has emerged, called Artificial Immune Systems. Several concepts from the immune system have been extracted and applied for solution to real world science and engineering problems. In this tutorial, we briefly describe the immune system metaphors that are relevant to existing Artificial Immune Systems methods. We will then show illustrative real-world problems suitable for Artificial Immune Systems and give a step-by-step algorithm walkthrough for one such problem. A comparison of the Artificial Immune Systems to other well-known algorithms, areas for future work, tips & tricks and a list of resources will round this tutorial off. It should be noted that as Artificial Immune Systems is still a young and evolving field, there is not yet a fixed algorithm template and hence actual implementations might differ somewhat from time to time and from those examples given here.Comment: Search Methodologies: Introductory Tutorials in Optimization and Decision Support Techniques, 2nd edition, Springer, Chapter 7, 2014. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:0803.3912, arXiv:0910.4899, arXiv:0801.431

    The pandemic of viruses with a long incubation phase in the small world

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    A model of the spread of viruses in selected city and in a network of cities is considered, taking into account the delay caused by the long incubation period of the virus. The effect of delay effects is shown in comparison with pandemics without such delay. A temporary asymmetry of the spread of infection has been identified, which means that the time for a pandemic to develop significantly exceeds the time for its completion. Model calculations of the spread of viruses in a network of interconnected large and small cities were carried out, and dynamics features were revealed in comparison with the spread of viruses in a single city, including the possibility of reinfection of megalopolis

    The Danger Theory and Its Application to Artificial Immune Systems

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    Over the last decade, a new idea challenging the classical self-non-self viewpoint has become popular amongst immunologists. It is called the Danger Theory. In this conceptual paper, we look at this theory from the perspective of Artificial Immune System practitioners. An overview of the Danger Theory is presented with particular emphasis on analogies in the Artificial Immune Systems world. A number of potential application areas are then used to provide a framing for a critical assessment of the concept, and its relevance for Artificial Immune Systems

    Artificial Immune Systems

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    The biological immune system is a robust, complex, adaptive system that defends the body from foreign pathogens. It is able to categorize all cells (or molecules) within the body as self-cells or non-self cells. It does this with the help of a distributed task force that has the intelligence to take action from a local and also a global perspective using its network of chemical messengers for communication. There are two major branches of the immune system. The innate immune system is an unchanging mechanism that detects and destroys certain invading organisms, whilst the adaptive immune system responds to previously unknown foreign cells and builds a response to them that can remain in the body over a long period of time. This remarkable information processing biological system has caught the attention of computer science in recent years. A novel computational intelligence technique, inspired by immunology, has emerged, called Artificial Immune Systems. Several concepts from the immune have been extracted and applied for solution to real world science and engineering problems. In this tutorial, we briefly describe the immune system metaphors that are relevant to existing Artificial Immune Systems methods. We will then show illustrative real-world problems suitable for Artificial Immune Systems and give a step-by-step algorithm walkthrough for one such problem. A comparison of the Artificial Immune Systems to other well-known algorithms, areas for future work, tips & tricks and a list of resources will round this tutorial off. It should be noted that as Artificial Immune Systems is still a young and evolving field, there is not yet a fixed algorithm template and hence actual implementations might differ somewhat from time to time and from those examples given here.Comment: 29 pages,4 figures

    Sample NLPDE and NLODE Social-Media Modeling of Information Transmission for Infectious Diseases:Case Study Ebola

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    We investigate the spreading of information through Twitter messaging related to the spread of Ebola in western Africa using epidemic based dynamic models. Diffusive spreading leads to NLPDE models and fixed point analysis yields systems of NLODE models. When tweets are mapped as connected nodes in a graph and are treated as a time sequenced Markov chain, TSMC, then by the Kurtz theorem these specific paths can be identified as being near solutions to systems of ordinary differential equations that in the large N limit retain many of the features of the original Tweet dynamics. Constraints on the model related to Tweet and re-Tweet rates lead to different versions of the system of equations. We use Ebola Twitter meme based data to investigate a modified four parameter model and apply the resulting fit to an accuracy metric for a set of Ebola memes. In principle the temporal and spatial evolution equations describing the propagation of the Twitter based memes can help ascertain and inform decision makers on the nature of the spreading and containment of an epidemic of this type.Comment: 14 pages, 4 tables, 2 figure

    Artificial Immune Systems (2010)

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    The human immune system has numerous properties that make it ripe for exploitation in the computational domain, such as robustness and fault tolerance, and many different algorithms, collectively termed Artificial Immune Systems (AIS), have been inspired by it. Two generations of AIS are currently in use, with the first generation relying on simplified immune models and the second generation utilising interdisciplinary collaboration to develop a deeper understanding of the immune system and hence produce more complex models. Both generations of algorithms have been successfully applied to a variety of problems, including anomaly detection, pattern recognition, optimisation and robotics. In this chapter an overview of AIS is presented, its evolution is discussed, and it is shown that the diversification of the field is linked to the diversity of the immune system itself, leading to a number of algorithms as opposed to one archetypal system. Two case studies are also presented to help provide insight into the mechanisms of AIS; these are the idiotypic network approach and the Dendritic Cell Algorithm.Comment: 29 pages, 1 algorithm, 3 figures, Handbook of Metaheuristics, 2nd Edition, Springe
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