10 research outputs found

    VehicleNet: Learning Robust Visual Representation for Vehicle Re-identification

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    One fundamental challenge of vehicle re-identification (re-id) is to learn robust and discriminative visual representation, given the significant intra-class vehicle variations across different camera views. As the existing vehicle datasets are limited in terms of training images and viewpoints, we propose to build a unique large-scale vehicle dataset (called VehicleNet) by harnessing four public vehicle datasets, and design a simple yet effective two-stage progressive approach to learning more robust visual representation from VehicleNet. The first stage of our approach is to learn the generic representation for all domains (i.e., source vehicle datasets) by training with the conventional classification loss. This stage relaxes the full alignment between the training and testing domains, as it is agnostic to the target vehicle domain. The second stage is to fine-tune the trained model purely based on the target vehicle set, by minimizing the distribution discrepancy between our VehicleNet and any target domain. We discuss our proposed multi-source dataset VehicleNet and evaluate the effectiveness of the two-stage progressive representation learning through extensive experiments. We achieve the state-of-art accuracy of 86.07% mAP on the private test set of AICity Challenge, and competitive results on two other public vehicle re-id datasets, i.e., VeRi-776 and VehicleID. We hope this new VehicleNet dataset and the learned robust representations can pave the way for vehicle re-id in the real-world environments

    Attribute Descent: Simulating Object-Centric Datasets on the Content Level and Beyond

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    This article aims to use graphic engines to simulate a large number of training data that have free annotations and possibly strongly resemble to real-world data. Between synthetic and real, a two-level domain gap exists, involving content level and appearance level. While the latter is concerned with appearance style, the former problem arises from a different mechanism, i.e, content mismatch in attributes such as camera viewpoint, object placement and lighting conditions. In contrast to the widely-studied appearance-level gap, the content-level discrepancy has not been broadly studied. To address the content-level misalignment, we propose an attribute descent approach that automatically optimizes engine attributes to enable synthetic data to approximate real-world data. We verify our method on object-centric tasks, wherein an object takes up a major portion of an image. In these tasks, the search space is relatively small, and the optimization of each attribute yields sufficiently obvious supervision signals. We collect a new synthetic asset VehicleX, and reformat and reuse existing the synthetic assets ObjectX and PersonX. Extensive experiments on image classification and object re-identification confirm that adapted synthetic data can be effectively used in three scenarios: training with synthetic data only, training data augmentation and numerically understanding dataset content.Comment: Preprint, Accepted to IEEE Trans on PAM