13 research outputs found

    Novel Composite Approach to Reduce Broadcast Storm Problem

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    Broadcasting is the fundamental operation in mobile ad hoc network (MANET). Broadcasting is a side effect of flooding where each mobile nodes in the network can transmit the redundant packets to its neighboring nodes which are in the same transmission range. When mobile nodes are increased then network become dense and it leads to the problems such as redundant rebroadcast, contention and collision. These prone the high protocol overhead and intrusion with existing data traffic . Many MANET protocols such as Ad hoc On demand distance vector (AODV) and Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Zone Routing Protocol (ZRP), Location Aided Routing (LAR) rely on broadcasting during route discovery mechanism which causes the broadcast storm problem. The main focus of this paper to understand AODV and DSR protocols and its side effect of broadcasting and propose an algorithm to reduce the broadcast storm problem

    Routing Protocols for Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks: A Review

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    With the advances in micro-electronics, wireless sensor gadgets have been made substantially littler and more coordinated, and large-scale wireless sensor networks (WSNs) based the participation among the noteworthy measure of nodes have turned into a hotly debated issue. "Large-scale" implies for the most part large region or high thickness of a system. As needs be the routing protocols must scale well to the system scope augmentation and node thickness increments. A sensor node is regularly energy-constrained and can't be energized, and in this manner its energy utilization has a very critical impact on the adaptability of the protocol. To the best of our insight, at present the standard strategies to tackle the energy issue in large-scale WSNs are the various leveled routing protocols. In a progressive routing protocol, every one of the nodes are separated into a few gatherings with various task levels. The nodes inside the abnormal state are in charge of data aggregation and administration work, and the low level nodes for detecting their environment and gathering data. The progressive routing protocols are ended up being more energy-proficient than level ones in which every one of the nodes assume a similar part, particularly as far as the data aggregation and the flooding of the control bundles. With concentrate on the various leveled structure, in this paper we give an understanding into routing protocols planned particularly for large-scale WSNs. As per the distinctive goals, the protocols are by and large ordered in light of various criteria, for example, control overhead decrease, energy utilization mitigation and energy adjust. Keeping in mind the end goal to pick up a thorough comprehension of every protocol, we feature their imaginative thoughts, portray the basic standards in detail and break down their points of interest and hindrances. Also a correlation of each routing protocol is led to exhibit the contrasts between the protocols as far as message unpredictability, memory necessities, localization, data aggregation, bunching way and different measurements. At last some open issues in routing protocol plan in large-scale wireless sensor networks and conclusions are proposed

    Routing Protocols for Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks: A Review

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    With the advances in micro-electronics, wireless sensor gadgets have been made substantially littler and more coordinated, and large-scale wireless sensor networks (WSNs) based the participation among the noteworthy measure of nodes have turned into a hotly debated issue. "Large-scale" implies for the most part large region or high thickness of a system. As needs be the routing protocols must scale well to the system scope augmentation and node thickness increments. A sensor node is regularly energy-constrained and can't be energized, and in this manner its energy utilization has a very critical impact on the adaptability of the protocol. To the best of our insight, at present the standard strategies to tackle the energy issue in large-scale WSNs are the various leveled routing protocols. In a progressive routing protocol, every one of the nodes are separated into a few gatherings with various task levels. The nodes inside the abnormal state are in charge of data aggregation and administration work, and the low level nodes for detecting their environment and gathering data. The progressive routing protocols are ended up being more energy-proficient than level ones in which every one of the nodes assume a similar part, particularly as far as the data aggregation and the flooding of the control bundles. With concentrate on the various leveled structure, in this paper we give an understanding into routing protocols planned particularly for large-scale WSNs. As per the distinctive goals, the protocols are by and large ordered in light of various criteria, for example, control overhead decrease, energy utilization mitigation and energy adjust. Keeping in mind the end goal to pick up a thorough comprehension of every protocol, we feature their imaginative thoughts, portray the basic standards in detail and break down their points of interest and hindrances. Also a correlation of each routing protocol is led to exhibit the contrasts between the protocols as far as message unpredictability, memory necessities, localization, data aggregation, bunching way and different measurements. At last some open issues in routing protocol plan in large-scale wireless sensor networks and conclusions are proposed

    A Dynamic Probabilistic Based Broadcasting Scheme for MANETs

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    MANET is commonly known as Mobile Ad Hoc Network in which cluster of mobile nodes can communicate with each other without having any basic infrastructure. The basic characteristic of MANET is dynamic topology. Due to the dynamic behavior nature, the topology of the network changes very frequently, and this will lead to the failure of the valid route repeatedly. Thus, the process of finding the valid route leads to notable drop in the throughput of the network. To identify a new valid path to the targeted mobile node, available proactive routing protocols use simple broadcasting method known as simple flooding. The simple flooding method broadcasts the RREQ packet from the source to the rest of the nodes in mobile network. But the problem with this method is disproportionate repetitive retransmission of RREQ packet which could result in high contention on the available channel and packet collision due to extreme traffic in the network. A reasonable number of routing algorithms have been suggested for reducing the lethal impact of flooding the RREQ packets. However, most of the algorithms have resulted in considerable amount of complexity and deduce the throughput by depending on special hardware components and maintaining complex information which will be less frequently used. By considering routing complexity with the goal of increasing the throughput of the network, in this paper, we have introduced a new approach called Dynamic Probabilistic Route (DPR) discovery. The Node’s Forwarding Probability (NFP) is dynamically calculated by the DPR mobile nodes using Probability Function (PF) which depends on density of local neighbor nodes and the cumulative number of its broadcast covered neighbors

    A Survey on Routing Protocols for Large-Scale Wireless Sensor Networks

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    With the advances in micro-electronics, wireless sensor devices have been made much smaller and more integrated, and large-scale wireless sensor networks (WSNs) based the cooperation among the significant amount of nodes have become a hot topic. “Large-scale” means mainly large area or high density of a network. Accordingly the routing protocols must scale well to the network scope extension and node density increases. A sensor node is normally energy-limited and cannot be recharged, and thus its energy consumption has a quite significant effect on the scalability of the protocol. To the best of our knowledge, currently the mainstream methods to solve the energy problem in large-scale WSNs are the hierarchical routing protocols. In a hierarchical routing protocol, all the nodes are divided into several groups with different assignment levels. The nodes within the high level are responsible for data aggregation and management work, and the low level nodes for sensing their surroundings and collecting information. The hierarchical routing protocols are proved to be more energy-efficient than flat ones in which all the nodes play the same role, especially in terms of the data aggregation and the flooding of the control packets. With focus on the hierarchical structure, in this paper we provide an insight into routing protocols designed specifically for large-scale WSNs. According to the different objectives, the protocols are generally classified based on different criteria such as control overhead reduction, energy consumption mitigation and energy balance. In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of each protocol, we highlight their innovative ideas, describe the underlying principles in detail and analyze their advantages and disadvantages. Moreover a comparison of each routing protocol is conducted to demonstrate the differences between the protocols in terms of message complexity, memory requirements, localization, data aggregation, clustering manner and other metrics. Finally some open issues in routing protocol design in large-scale wireless sensor networks and conclusions are proposed

    A Distributed and Efficient Flooding Scheme Using 1-hop Information in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Abstract—Flooding is one of the most fundamental operations in mobile ad hoc networks. Traditional implementation of flooding suffers from the problems of excessive redundancy of messages, resource contention, and signal collision. This causes high protocol overhead and interference with the existing traffic in the networks. Some efficient flooding algorithms were proposed to avoid these problems. However, these algorithms either perform poorly in reducing redundant transmissions or require each node to maintain 2-hop (or more) neighbors information. In the paper, we study the sufficient and necessary condition of 100 percent deliverability for flooding schemes that are based on only 1-hop neighbors information. We further propose an efficient flooding algorithm that achieves the local optimality in two senses: 1) The number of forwarding nodes in each step is minimal and 2) the time complexity for computing forwarding nodes is the lowest, which is OðnlognÞ, where n is the number of neighbors of a node. Extensive simulations have been conducted and simulation results have shown the excellent performance of our algorithm. Index Terms—Flooding, broadcasting, mobile ad hoc networks, wireless networks. Ç

    A Distributed and Efficient Flooding Scheme Using 1-Hop Information in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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