1 research outputs found

    Image Analysis for the Life Sciences - Computer-assisted Tumor Diagnostics and Digital Embryomics

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    Current research in the life sciences involves the analysis of such a huge amount of image data that automatization is required. This thesis presents several ways how pattern recognition techniques may contribute to improved tumor diagnostics and to the elucidation of vertebrate embryonic development. Chapter 1 studies an approach for exploiting spatial context for the improved estimation of metabolite concentrations from magnetic resonance spectroscopy imaging (MRSI) data with the aim of more robust tumor detection, and compares against a novel alternative. Chapter 2 describes a software library for training, testing and validating classification algorithms that estimate tumor probability based on MRSI. It allows flexible adaptation towards changed experimental conditions, classifier comparison and quality control without need for expertise in pattern recognition. Chapter 3 studies several models for learning tumor classifiers that allow for the common unreliability of human segmentations. For the first time, models are used for this task that additionally employ the objective image information. Chapter 4 encompasses two contributions to an image analysis pipeline for automatically reconstructing zebrafish embryonic development based on time-resolved microscopy: Two approaches for nucleus segmentation are experimentally compared, and a procedure for tracking nuclei over time is presented and evaluated