15,786 research outputs found

    A Differential Approach for Gaze Estimation

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    Non-invasive gaze estimation methods usually regress gaze directions directly from a single face or eye image. However, due to important variabilities in eye shapes and inner eye structures amongst individuals, universal models obtain limited accuracies and their output usually exhibit high variance as well as biases which are subject dependent. Therefore, increasing accuracy is usually done through calibration, allowing gaze predictions for a subject to be mapped to his/her actual gaze. In this paper, we introduce a novel image differential method for gaze estimation. We propose to directly train a differential convolutional neural network to predict the gaze differences between two eye input images of the same subject. Then, given a set of subject specific calibration images, we can use the inferred differences to predict the gaze direction of a novel eye sample. The assumption is that by allowing the comparison between two eye images, annoyance factors (alignment, eyelid closing, illumination perturbations) which usually plague single image prediction methods can be much reduced, allowing better prediction altogether. Experiments on 3 public datasets validate our approach which constantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods even when using only one calibration sample or when the latter methods are followed by subject specific gaze adaptation.Comment: Extension to our paper A differential approach for gaze estimation with calibration (BMVC 2018) Submitted to PAMI on Aug. 7th, 2018 Accepted by PAMI short on Dec. 2019, in IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligenc

    Learning to Personalize in Appearance-Based Gaze Tracking

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    Personal variations severely limit the performance of appearance-based gaze tracking. Adapting to these variations using standard neural network model adaptation methods is difficult. The problems range from overfitting, due to small amounts of training data, to underfitting, due to restrictive model architectures. We tackle these problems by introducing the SPatial Adaptive GaZe Estimator (SPAZE). By modeling personal variations as a low-dimensional latent parameter space, SPAZE provides just enough adaptability to capture the range of personal variations without being prone to overfitting. Calibrating SPAZE for a new person reduces to solving a small optimization problem. SPAZE achieves an error of 2.70 degrees with 9 calibration samples on MPIIGaze, improving on the state-of-the-art by 14 %. We contribute to gaze tracking research by empirically showing that personal variations are well-modeled as a 3-dimensional latent parameter space for each eye. We show that this low-dimensionality is expected by examining model-based approaches to gaze tracking. We also show that accurate head pose-free gaze tracking is possible

    Fast and Accurate Algorithm for Eye Localization for Gaze Tracking in Low Resolution Images

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    Iris centre localization in low-resolution visible images is a challenging problem in computer vision community due to noise, shadows, occlusions, pose variations, eye blinks, etc. This paper proposes an efficient method for determining iris centre in low-resolution images in the visible spectrum. Even low-cost consumer-grade webcams can be used for gaze tracking without any additional hardware. A two-stage algorithm is proposed for iris centre localization. The proposed method uses geometrical characteristics of the eye. In the first stage, a fast convolution based approach is used for obtaining the coarse location of iris centre (IC). The IC location is further refined in the second stage using boundary tracing and ellipse fitting. The algorithm has been evaluated in public databases like BioID, Gi4E and is found to outperform the state of the art methods.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, IET Computer Vision, 201

    High-field fMRI reveals brain activation patterns underlying saccade execution in the human superior colliculus

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    Background The superior colliculus (SC) has been shown to play a crucial role in the initiation and coordination of eye- and head-movements. The knowledge about the function of this structure is mainly based on single-unit recordings in animals with relatively few neuroimaging studies investigating eye-movement related brain activity in humans. Methodology/Principal Findings The present study employed high-field (7 Tesla) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate SC responses during endogenously cued saccades in humans. In response to centrally presented instructional cues, subjects either performed saccades away from (centrifugal) or towards (centripetal) the center of straight gaze or maintained fixation at the center position. Compared to central fixation, the execution of saccades elicited hemodynamic activity within a network of cortical and subcortical areas that included the SC, lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN), occipital cortex, striatum, and the pulvinar. Conclusions/Significance Activity in the SC was enhanced contralateral to the direction of the saccade (i.e., greater activity in the right as compared to left SC during leftward saccades and vice versa) during both centrifugal and centripetal saccades, thereby demonstrating that the contralateral predominance for saccade execution that has been shown to exist in animals is also present in the human SC. In addition, centrifugal saccades elicited greater activity in the SC than did centripetal saccades, while also being accompanied by an enhanced deactivation within the prefrontal default-mode network. This pattern of brain activity might reflect the reduced processing effort required to move the eyes toward as compared to away from the center of straight gaze, a position that might serve as a spatial baseline in which the retinotopic and craniotopic reference frames are aligned

    When Computer Vision Gazes at Cognition

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    Joint attention is a core, early-developing form of social interaction. It is based on our ability to discriminate the third party objects that other people are looking at. While it has been shown that people can accurately determine whether another person is looking directly at them versus away, little is known about human ability to discriminate a third person gaze directed towards objects that are further away, especially in unconstraint cases where the looker can move her head and eyes freely. In this paper we address this question by jointly exploring human psychophysics and a cognitively motivated computer vision model, which can detect the 3D direction of gaze from 2D face images. The synthesis of behavioral study and computer vision yields several interesting discoveries. (1) Human accuracy of discriminating targets 8{\deg}-10{\deg} of visual angle apart is around 40% in a free looking gaze task; (2) The ability to interpret gaze of different lookers vary dramatically; (3) This variance can be captured by the computational model; (4) Human outperforms the current model significantly. These results collectively show that the acuity of human joint attention is indeed highly impressive, given the computational challenge of the natural looking task. Moreover, the gap between human and model performance, as well as the variability of gaze interpretation across different lookers, require further understanding of the underlying mechanisms utilized by humans for this challenging task.Comment: Tao Gao and Daniel Harari contributed equally to this wor
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