6,239 research outputs found

    Execution Models for Choreographies and Cryptoprotocols

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    A choreography describes a transaction in which several principals interact. Since choreographies frequently describe business processes affecting substantial assets, we need a security infrastructure in order to implement them safely. As part of a line of work devoted to generating cryptoprotocols from choreographies, we focus here on the execution models suited to the two levels. We give a strand-style semantics for choreographies, and propose a special execution model in which choreography-level messages are faithfully delivered exactly once. We adapt this model to handle multiparty protocols in which some participants may be compromised. At level of cryptoprotocols, we use the standard Dolev-Yao execution model, with one alteration. Since many implementations use a "nonce cache" to discard multiply delivered messages, we provide a semantics for at-most-once delivery

    Actor-network procedures: Modeling multi-factor authentication, device pairing, social interactions

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    As computation spreads from computers to networks of computers, and migrates into cyberspace, it ceases to be globally programmable, but it remains programmable indirectly: network computations cannot be controlled, but they can be steered by local constraints on network nodes. The tasks of "programming" global behaviors through local constraints belong to the area of security. The "program particles" that assure that a system of local interactions leads towards some desired global goals are called security protocols. As computation spreads beyond cyberspace, into physical and social spaces, new security tasks and problems arise. As networks are extended by physical sensors and controllers, including the humans, and interlaced with social networks, the engineering concepts and techniques of computer security blend with the social processes of security. These new connectors for computational and social software require a new "discipline of programming" of global behaviors through local constraints. Since the new discipline seems to be emerging from a combination of established models of security protocols with older methods of procedural programming, we use the name procedures for these new connectors, that generalize protocols. In the present paper we propose actor-networks as a formal model of computation in heterogenous networks of computers, humans and their devices; and we introduce Procedure Derivation Logic (PDL) as a framework for reasoning about security in actor-networks. On the way, we survey the guiding ideas of Protocol Derivation Logic (also PDL) that evolved through our work in security in last 10 years. Both formalisms are geared towards graphic reasoning and tool support. We illustrate their workings by analysing a popular form of two-factor authentication, and a multi-channel device pairing procedure, devised for this occasion.Comment: 32 pages, 12 figures, 3 tables; journal submission; extended references, added discussio

    Security Theorems via Model Theory

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    A model-theoretic approach can establish security theorems for cryptographic protocols. Formulas expressing authentication and non-disclosure properties of protocols have a special form. They are quantified implications for all xs . (phi implies for some ys . psi). Models (interpretations) for these formulas are *skeletons*, partially ordered structures consisting of a number of local protocol behaviors. Realized skeletons contain enough local sessions to explain all the behavior, when combined with some possible adversary behaviors. We show two results. (1) If phi is the antecedent of a security goal, then there is a skeleton A_phi such that, for every skeleton B, phi is satisfied in B iff there is a homomorphism from A_phi to B. (2) A protocol enforces for all xs . (phi implies for some ys . psi) iff every realized homomorphic image of A_phi satisfies psi. Hence, to verify a security goal, one can use the Cryptographic Protocol Shapes Analyzer CPSA (TACAS, 2007) to identify minimal realized skeletons, or "shapes," that are homomorphic images of A_phi. If psi holds in each of these shapes, then the goal holds

    Automating Security Protocol Analysis

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    When Roger Needham and Michael Schroeder first introduced a seemingly secure protocol 24, it took over 18 years to discover that even with the most secure encryption, the conversations using this protocol were still subject to penetration. To date, there is still no one protocol that is accepted for universal use. Because of this, analysis of the protocol outside the encryption is becoming more important. Recent work by Joshua Guttman and others 9 have identified several properties that good protocols often exhibit. Termed Authentication Tests, these properties have been very useful in examining protocols. The purpose of this research is to automate these tests and thus help expedite the analysis of both existing and future protocols. The success of this research is shown through rapid analysis of numerous protocols for the existence of authentication tests. The result of this is that an analyst is now able to ascertain in near real-time whether or not a proposed protocol is of a sound design or whether an existing protocol may contain previously unknown weaknesses. The other achievement of this research is the generality of the input process involved. Although there exist other protocol analyzers, their use is limited primarily due to their complexity of use. With the tool generated here, an analyst needs only to enter their protocol into a standard text file; and almost immediately, the analyzer determines the existence of the authentication tests

    Events in security protocols

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    Operational semantics of security protocols

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    Operational semantics of security protocols

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