4 research outputs found

    A Distributed Polling with Probabilistic Privacy

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    In this paper, we present PDP, a distributed polling protocol that enables a set of participants to gather their opinion on a common interest without revealing their point of view. PDP does not rely on any centralized authority or on heavyweight cryptography. PDP is an overlay-based protocol where a subset of participants may use a simple sharing scheme to express their votes. In a system of MM participants arranged in groups of size NN where at least 2k12k-1 participants are honest, PDP bounds the probability for a given participant to have its vote recovered with certainty by a coalition of BB dishonest participants by pi(B/N)(k+1)pi(B/N)^(k+1), where pipi is the proportion of participants splitting their votes, and kk a privacy parameter. PDP bounds the impact of dishonest participants on the global outcome by $2(k&alpha + BN), where represents the number of dishonest nodes using the sharing scheme

    Versatile Prêt à Voter: Handling Multiple Election Methods with a Unified Interface

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    A number of end-to-end veri¯able voting schemes have been introduced recently. These schemes aim to allow voters to verify that their votes have contributed in the way they intended to the tally and in addition allow anyone to verify that the tally has been generated correctly. These goals must be achieved while maintaining voter privacy and providing receipt-freeness. However, most of these end-to-end voting schemes are only designed to handle a single election method and the voter interface varies greatly between different schemes. In this paper, we introduce a scheme which handles many of the popular election methods that are currently used around the world. Our scheme not only ensures privacy, receipt-freeness and end-to-end veri¯ability, but also keeps the voter interface simple and consistent between various election methods