2,808 research outputs found

    An algebraic basis for specifying and enforcing access control in security systems

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    Security services in a multi-user environment are often based on access control mechanisms. Static aspects of an access control policy can be formalised using abstract algebraic models. We integrate these static aspects into a dynamic framework considering requesting access to resources as a process aiming at the prevention of access control violations when a program is executed. We use another algebraic technique, monads, as a meta-language to integrate access control operations into a functional programming language. The integration of monads and concepts from a denotational model for process algebras provides a framework for programming of access control in security systems

    Action semantics in retrospect

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    This paper is a themed account of the action semantics project, which Peter Mosses has led since the 1980s. It explains his motivations for developing action semantics, the inspirations behind its design, and the foundations of action semantics based on unified algebras. It goes on to outline some applications of action semantics to describe real programming languages, and some efforts to implement programming languages using action semantics directed compiler generation. It concludes by outlining more recent developments and reflecting on the success of the action semantics project

    Analyzing logic programs with dynamic scheduling

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    Traditional logic programming languages, such as Prolog, use a fixed left-to-right atom scheduling rule. Recent logic programming languages, however, usually provide more flexible scheduling in which computation generally proceeds leftto- right but in which some calis are dynamically "delayed" until their arguments are sufRciently instantiated to allow the cali to run efficiently. Such dynamic scheduling has a significant cost. We give a framework for the global analysis of logic programming languages with dynamic scheduling and show that program analysis based on this framework supports optimizations which remove much of the overhead of dynamic scheduling

    In and Out of SSA : a Denotational Specification

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    International audienceWe present non-standard denotational specifications of the SSA form and of its conversion processes from and to imperative programming languages. Thus, we provide a strong mathematical foundation for this intermediate code representation language used in modern compilers such as GCC or Intel CC. More specifically, we provide (1) a new functional approach to SSA, the Static Single Assignment form, together with its denotational semantics, (2) a collecting denotational semantics for a simple imperative language Imp, (3) a non-standard denotational semantics specifying the conversion of Imp to SSA and (4) a non-standard denotational semantics for the reverse SSA to Imp conversion process. These translations are proven correct, ensuring that the structure of the memory states manipulated by imperative constructs is preserved in compilers' middle ends that use the SSA form as control-flow data representation. Interestingly, a s unexpected by-products of our conversion procedures, we offer (1) a new proof of the reducibility of the RAM computing model to the domain of Kleene's partial recursive functions, to which SSA is strongly related, and, on a more practical note, (2) a new algorithm to perform program slicing in imperative programming languages. All these specifications have been prototyped using GNU Common Lisp. These fundamental results prove that the widely used SSA technology is sound. Our formal denotational framework further suggests that the SSA form could become a target of choice for other optimization analysis techniques such as abstract interpretation or partial evaluation. Indeed, since the SSA form is language-independent, the resulting optimizations would be automatically enabled for any source language supported by compilers such as GCC

    A Graph Rewriting Approach for Transformational Design of Digital Systems

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    Transformational design integrates design and verification. It combines “correctness by construction” and design creativity by the use of pre-proven behaviour preserving transformations as design steps. The formal aspects of this methodology are hidden in the transformations. A constraint is the availability of a design representation with a compositional formal semantics. Graph representations are useful design representations because of their visualisation of design information. In this paper graph rewriting theory, as developed in the last twenty years in mathematics, is shown to be a useful basis for a formal framework for transformational design. The semantic aspects of graphs which are no part of graph rewriting theory are included by the use of attributed graphs. The used attribute algebra, table algebra, is a relation algebra derived from database theory. The combination of graph rewriting, table algebra and transformational design is new

    A Denotational Semantics for Communicating Unstructured Code

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    An important property of programming language semantics is that they should be compositional. However, unstructured low-level code contains goto-like commands making it hard to define a semantics that is compositional. In this paper, we follow the ideas of Saabas and Uustalu to structure low-level code. This gives us the possibility to define a compositional denotational semantics based on least fixed points to allow for the use of inductive verification methods. We capture the semantics of communication using finite traces similar to the denotations of CSP. In addition, we examine properties of this semantics and give an example that demonstrates reasoning about communication and jumps. With this semantics, we lay the foundations for a proof calculus that captures both, the semantics of unstructured low-level code and communication.Comment: In Proceedings FESCA 2015, arXiv:1503.0437