2 research outputs found

    A Definitional Approach to Functional Logic Programming

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    . We describe a definitional approach to the combination of functional and logic programming based on the theory of Partial Inductive Definitions. The described method produces programs directly executable in the definitional programming language GCLA. We show both a basic calculus for functional logic program definitions and discuss a refined version where the rules definitional resolution, definitional reflection, and definitional axiom are altered to be better suited for functional evaluation and equation solving. 1 Introduction Through the years there have been numerous attempts to combine the two main declarative programming paradigms functional and logic programming into one framework providing the benefits of both. The proposed methods varies from different kinds of translations, embedding one of the methods into the other, [21, 26], to more integrated approaches such as narrowing languages [9, 13, 20, 24] based on Horn clause logic with equality [23], some kind of higher order..

    Functional logic programming in GCLA

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    We describe a definitional approach to functional logic programming, based on the theory of Partial Inductive Definitions and the programming language GCLA. It is shown how functional and logic programming are easily integrated in GCLA using the features of the language, that is combining functions and predicates in programs becomes a matter of programming methodology. We also give a brief description of a way to automatically generate efficient procedural parts to the described definitions.