19 research outputs found

    Is That a Chair? Imagining Affordances Using Simulations of an Articulated Human Body

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    For robots to exhibit a high level of intelligence in the real world, they must be able to assess objects for which they have no prior knowledge. Therefore, it is crucial for robots to perceive object affordances by reasoning about physical interactions with the object. In this paper, we propose a novel method to provide robots with an ability to imagine object affordances using physical simulations. The class of chair is chosen here as an initial category of objects to illustrate a more general paradigm. In our method, the robot "imagines" the affordance of an arbitrarily oriented object as a chair by simulating a physical sitting interaction between an articulated human body and the object. This object affordance reasoning is used as a cue for object classification (chair vs non-chair). Moreover, if an object is classified as a chair, the affordance reasoning can also predict the upright pose of the object which allows the sitting interaction to take place. We call this type of poses the functional pose. We demonstrate our method in chair classification on synthetic 3D CAD models. Although our method uses only 30 models for training, it outperforms appearance-based deep learning methods, which require a large amount of training data, when the upright orientation is not assumed to be known a priori. In addition, we showcase that the functional pose predictions of our method align well with human judgments on both synthetic models and real objects scanned by a depth camera.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figures. Accepted to ICRA202

    PointCLIP V2: Adapting CLIP for Powerful 3D Open-world Learning

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    Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training (CLIP) has shown promising open-world performance on 2D image tasks, while its transferred capacity on 3D point clouds, i.e., PointCLIP, is still far from satisfactory. In this work, we propose PointCLIP V2, a powerful 3D open-world learner, to fully unleash the potential of CLIP on 3D point cloud data. First, we introduce a realistic shape projection module to generate more realistic depth maps for CLIP's visual encoder, which is quite efficient and narrows the domain gap between projected point clouds with natural images. Second, we leverage large-scale language models to automatically design a more descriptive 3D-semantic prompt for CLIP's textual encoder, instead of the previous hand-crafted one. Without introducing any training in 3D domains, our approach significantly surpasses PointCLIP by +42.90%, +40.44%, and +28.75% accuracy on three datasets for zero-shot 3D classification. Furthermore, PointCLIP V2 can be extended to few-shot classification, zero-shot part segmentation, and zero-shot 3D object detection in a simple manner, demonstrating our superior generalization ability for 3D open-world learning. Code will be available at https://github.com/yangyangyang127/PointCLIP_V2

    Fast Hybrid Cascade for Voxel-based 3D Object Classification

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    Voxel-based 3D object classification has been frequently studied in recent years. The previous methods often directly convert the classic 2D convolution into a 3D form applied to an object with binary voxel representation. In this paper, we investigate the reason why binary voxel representation is not very suitable for 3D convolution and how to simultaneously improve the performance both in accuracy and speed. We show that by giving each voxel a signed distance value, the accuracy will gain about 30% promotion compared with binary voxel representation using a two-layer fully connected network. We then propose a fast fully connected and convolution hybrid cascade network for voxel-based 3D object classification. This threestage cascade network can divide 3D models into three categories: easy, moderate and hard. Consequently, the mean inference time (0.3ms) can speedup about 5x and 2x compared with the state-of-the-art point cloud and voxel based methods respectively, while achieving the highest accuracy in the latter category of methods (92%). Experiments with ModelNet andMNIST verify the performance of the proposed hybrid cascade network