5 research outputs found

    A Comprehensive Survey on Trustworthy Graph Neural Networks: Privacy, Robustness, Fairness, and Explainability

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    Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) have made rapid developments in the recent years. Due to their great ability in modeling graph-structured data, GNNs are vastly used in various applications, including high-stakes scenarios such as financial analysis, traffic predictions, and drug discovery. Despite their great potential in benefiting humans in the real world, recent study shows that GNNs can leak private information, are vulnerable to adversarial attacks, can inherit and magnify societal bias from training data and lack interpretability, which have risk of causing unintentional harm to the users and society. For example, existing works demonstrate that attackers can fool the GNNs to give the outcome they desire with unnoticeable perturbation on training graph. GNNs trained on social networks may embed the discrimination in their decision process, strengthening the undesirable societal bias. Consequently, trustworthy GNNs in various aspects are emerging to prevent the harm from GNN models and increase the users' trust in GNNs. In this paper, we give a comprehensive survey of GNNs in the computational aspects of privacy, robustness, fairness, and explainability. For each aspect, we give the taxonomy of the related methods and formulate the general frameworks for the multiple categories of trustworthy GNNs. We also discuss the future research directions of each aspect and connections between these aspects to help achieve trustworthiness

    Building Up Recommender Systems By Deep Learning For Cognitive Services

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    Cognitive services provide artificial intelligence (AI) technology for application developers, who are not required to be experts on machine learning. Cognitive services are presented as an integrated service platform where end users bring abilities such as seeing, hearing, speaking, searching, user profiling, etc. to their own applications under development via simple API calls. As one of the above abilities, recommender systems serve as an indispensable building brick, especially when it comes to the information retrieval functionality in the cognitive service platform. This thesis focuses on the novel recommendation algorithms that are able to improve on recommendation quality measured by accuracy metrics, e.g., precision and recall, with advanced deep learning techniques. Recent deep learning-based recommendation models have been proved to have state-ofthe-art recommendation quality in a host of recommendation scenarios, such as rating prediction tasks, top-N ranking tasks, sequential recommendation, etc. Many of them only leverage the existing information acquired from users’ past behaviours to model them and make one or a set of predictions on the users’ next choice. Such information is normally sparse so that an accurate user behaviour model is often difficult to obtain even with deep learning. To overcome this issue, we invent various adversarial techniques and apply them to deep learning recommendation models in different scenarios. Some of these techniques involve generative models to address data sparsity and some improve user behaviour modelling by introducing an adversarial opponent in model training. We empirically show the effectiveness of our novel techniques and the enhancement achieved over existing models via thorough experiments and ablation studies on widely adopted recommendation datasets. The contributions in this thesis are as follows: 1. Propose the adversarial collaborative auto-encoder model for top-N recommendation; 2. Propose a novel deep domain adaptation cross-domain recommendation model for rating prediction tasks via transfer learning; 3. Propose a novel adversarial noise layer for convolutional neural networks and a convolutional generative adversarial model for top-N recommendation

    Tracking the Temporal-Evolution of Supernova Bubbles in Numerical Simulations

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    The study of low-dimensional, noisy manifolds embedded in a higher dimensional space has been extremely useful in many applications, from the chemical analysis of multi-phase flows to simulations of galactic mergers. Building a probabilistic model of the manifolds has helped in describing their essential properties and how they vary in space. However, when the manifold is evolving through time, a joint spatio-temporal modelling is needed, in order to fully comprehend its nature. We propose a first-order Markovian process that propagates the spatial probabilistic model of a manifold at fixed time, to its adjacent temporal stages. The proposed methodology is demonstrated using a particle simulation of an interacting dwarf galaxy to describe the evolution of a cavity generated by a Supernov

    A DeepWalk-Based Approach to Defend Profile Injection Attack in Recommendation System

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    Part 6: Recommendation SystemInternational audienceIn the open social networks, the analysis of user data after the injection attack has a great impact on the recommendation system. K-Nearest Neighbor-based collaborative filtering algorithms are very vulnerable to this attack. Another recommendation algorithm based on probabilistic latent semantic analysis has relatively accurate recommendation, but it is not very stable and robust against attacks on the overall user data of the recommendation system. Here is used to DeepWalk the user network processing, while taking advantage of the user profile feature time series to consider the user’s behavior over time, the algorithm also analyzes the stability and robustness of DeepWalk and user profile. The results show that especially the DeepWalk-based approach can achieve comparable recommendation accuracy

    Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2023

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    The Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing (PSB) 2023 is an international, multidisciplinary conference for the presentation and discussion of current research in the theory and application of computational methods in problems of biological significance. Presentations are rigorously peer reviewed and are published in an archival proceedings volume. PSB 2023 will be held on January 3-7, 2023 in Kohala Coast, Hawaii. Tutorials and workshops will be offered prior to the start of the conference.PSB 2023 will bring together top researchers from the US, the Asian Pacific nations, and around the world to exchange research results and address open issues in all aspects of computational biology. It is a forum for the presentation of work in databases, algorithms, interfaces, visualization, modeling, and other computational methods, as applied to biological problems, with emphasis on applications in data-rich areas of molecular biology.The PSB has been designed to be responsive to the need for critical mass in sub-disciplines within biocomputing. For that reason, it is the only meeting whose sessions are defined dynamically each year in response to specific proposals. PSB sessions are organized by leaders of research in biocomputing's 'hot topics.' In this way, the meeting provides an early forum for serious examination of emerging methods and approaches in this rapidly changing field