32,894 research outputs found

    Chronic-Pain Protective Behavior Detection with Deep Learning

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    In chronic pain rehabilitation, physiotherapists adapt physical activity to patients' performance based on their expression of protective behavior, gradually exposing them to feared but harmless and essential everyday activities. As rehabilitation moves outside the clinic, technology should automatically detect such behavior to provide similar support. Previous works have shown the feasibility of automatic protective behavior detection (PBD) within a specific activity. In this paper, we investigate the use of deep learning for PBD across activity types, using wearable motion capture and surface electromyography data collected from healthy participants and people with chronic pain. We approach the problem by continuously detecting protective behavior within an activity rather than estimating its overall presence. The best performance reaches mean F1 score of 0.82 with leave-one-subject-out cross validation. When protective behavior is modelled per activity type, performance is mean F1 score of 0.77 for bend-down, 0.81 for one-leg-stand, 0.72 for sit-to-stand, 0.83 for stand-to-sit, and 0.67 for reach-forward. This performance reaches excellent level of agreement with the average experts' rating performance suggesting potential for personalized chronic pain management at home. We analyze various parameters characterizing our approach to understand how the results could generalize to other PBD datasets and different levels of ground truth granularity.Comment: 24 pages, 12 figures, 7 tables. Accepted by ACM Transactions on Computing for Healthcar

    Ranking and Selecting Multi-Hop Knowledge Paths to Better Predict Human Needs

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    To make machines better understand sentiments, research needs to move from polarity identification to understanding the reasons that underlie the expression of sentiment. Categorizing the goals or needs of humans is one way to explain the expression of sentiment in text. Humans are good at understanding situations described in natural language and can easily connect them to the character's psychological needs using commonsense knowledge. We present a novel method to extract, rank, filter and select multi-hop relation paths from a commonsense knowledge resource to interpret the expression of sentiment in terms of their underlying human needs. We efficiently integrate the acquired knowledge paths in a neural model that interfaces context representations with knowledge using a gated attention mechanism. We assess the model's performance on a recently published dataset for categorizing human needs. Selectively integrating knowledge paths boosts performance and establishes a new state-of-the-art. Our model offers interpretability through the learned attention map over commonsense knowledge paths. Human evaluation highlights the relevance of the encoded knowledge

    Negative Results in Computer Vision: A Perspective

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    A negative result is when the outcome of an experiment or a model is not what is expected or when a hypothesis does not hold. Despite being often overlooked in the scientific community, negative results are results and they carry value. While this topic has been extensively discussed in other fields such as social sciences and biosciences, less attention has been paid to it in the computer vision community. The unique characteristics of computer vision, particularly its experimental aspect, call for a special treatment of this matter. In this paper, I will address what makes negative results important, how they should be disseminated and incentivized, and what lessons can be learned from cognitive vision research in this regard. Further, I will discuss issues such as computer vision and human vision interaction, experimental design and statistical hypothesis testing, explanatory versus predictive modeling, performance evaluation, model comparison, as well as computer vision research culture
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