1 research outputs found

    A study to assess the effectiveness of computer assisted teaching programme on knowledge and attitude regarding management of dengue hemorrhagic fever among staff nurses at selected hospital, Kerala

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    BACK GROUND: We are familiar with the following statements, Mosquitoes are worse than Tigers and its very difficult to control Dengue fever and Dengue hemorrhagic fever, until it subside dengue fever has been main health problem of the world. This study to assess the effectiveness of computer assisted teaching programme on knowledge and attitude regarding management of dengue hemorrhagic fever. OBJECTIVES: 1. To assess the level of knowledge and attitude regarding Management of dengue hemorrhagic fever before and after Computer Assisted teaching. 2. To determine the co-relation between knowledge and attitude regarding management of dengue hemorrhagic fever among staff nurses. 3. To find the effectiveness between post test knowledge and attitude regarding Management of dengue hemorrhagic fever among staff nurses with selected demographic variables. Design: Pre experimental- one group pre test and post test was used. Setting: The study was conducted in Huda trust hospital, Kerala. Sample size: The total sample size was 60 staff nurses. Sampling technique: Simple random sampling technique was used to select the sample. METHODS: Pre test was done by using structured questionnaires and attitude scale it took around 30 minutes after computer assisted teaching programme was given by using LCD Projector on management of Dengue Hemorrhagic fever was done and post test was done by using the same scale on 8th day. FINDINGS: From the findings of the study it can be concluded that most 39 (65%) of the were in age group of 18-22 years. Most 41 (68.33%) of the staff nurses were female. Most 25 (41.67%) of the staff nurses knew the information through television. The pre test knowledge level of mean was assessed among staff nurses, mean was 11.58 standard deviation was 1.22 that shows the staff nurses were in poor knowledge. Pre test level of practice score was 24.31 and standard deviation was 3.51 it shows that staff nurses were poor attitude in management of dengue hemorrhagic fever. After computer assisted teaching programme, the post test knowledge level of mean was 21.2, and standard deviation was 1.68 and post test attitude level of mean was 43.26, standard deviation was 3.54 that shows the staff nurses knowledge and attitude level was highly improved. And difference in mean percentage of pre and post test knowledge level was 39% and difference in mean percentage of pre and post test attitude level was 30% it seems to be the study was effective to the staff nurses regarding management of dengue hemorrhagic fever. Comparison of pre and post test level of knowledge and attitude level was analyzed by using paired ‘t’ test. Calculated ‘t value was 0.62 which was greater than table value. So it was significant at P.0.05% level. Correlation between knowledge and attitude was done by using Karl Pearson’s correlation method. The calculated ‘r’ value was 0.62 (0.62 > 0.28) .The calculated ‘ r’ value was higher than the table value. Hence it was a positive correlation between knowledge and attitude CONCLUSIONS: Based on the findings mean post knowledge and attitude scores was higher than the pre test knowledge and attitude regarding dengue hemorrhagic fever. The result indicates computer assisted teaching programme on management of dengue hemorrhagic fever was found to be significantly effective in improving knowledge and attitude among staff nurses. The study proves that computer teaching programme on management of dengue hemorrhagic fever was effective in improving the knowledge and attitude