1,097 research outputs found

    Mermera: Non-Coherent Distributed Shared Memory for Parallel Computing

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    The proliferation of inexpensive workstations and networks has prompted several researchers to use such distributed systems for parallel computing. Attempts have been made to offer a shared-memory programming model on such distributed memory computers. Most systems provide a shared-memory that is coherent in that all processes that use it agree on the order of all memory events. This dissertation explores the possibility of a significant improvement in the performance of some applications when they use non-coherent memory. First, a new formal model to describe existing non-coherent memories is developed. I use this model to prove that certain problems can be solved using asynchronous iterative algorithms on shared-memory in which the coherence constraints are substantially relaxed. In the course of the development of the model I discovered a new type of non-coherent behavior called Local Consistency. Second, a programming model, Mermera, is proposed. It provides programmers with a choice of hierarchically related non-coherent behaviors along with one coherent behavior. Thus, one can trade-off the ease of programming with coherent memory for improved performance with non-coherent memory. As an example, I present a program to solve a linear system of equations using an asynchronous iterative algorithm. This program uses all the behaviors offered by Mermera. Third, I describe the implementation of Mermera on a BBN Butterfly TC2000 and on a network of workstations. The performance of a version of the equation solving program that uses all the behaviors of Mermera is compared with that of a version that uses coherent behavior only. For a system of 1000 equations the former exhibits at least a 5-fold improvement in convergence time over the latter. The version using coherent behavior only does not benefit from employing more than one workstation to solve the problem while the program using non-coherent behavior continues to achieve improved performance as the number of workstations is increased from 1 to 6. This measurement corroborates our belief that non-coherent shared memory can be a performance boon for some applications

    The force on the flex: Global parallelism and portability

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    A parallel programming methodology, called the force, supports the construction of programs to be executed in parallel by an unspecified, but potentially large, number of processes. The methodology was originally developed on a pipelined, shared memory multiprocessor, the Denelcor HEP, and embodies the primitive operations of the force in a set of macros which expand into multiprocessor Fortran code. A small set of primitives is sufficient to write large parallel programs, and the system has been used to produce 10,000 line programs in computational fluid dynamics. The level of complexity of the force primitives is intermediate. It is high enough to mask detailed architectural differences between multiprocessors but low enough to give the user control over performance. The system is being ported to a medium scale multiprocessor, the Flex/32, which is a 20 processor system with a mixture of shared and local memory. Memory organization and the type of processor synchronization supported by the hardware on the two machines lead to some differences in efficient implementations of the force primitives, but the user interface remains the same. An initial implementation was done by retargeting the macros to Flexible Computer Corporation's ConCurrent C language. Subsequently, the macros were caused to directly produce the system calls which form the basis for ConCurrent C. The implementation of the Fortran based system is in step with Flexible Computer Corporations's implementation of a Fortran system in the parallel environment

    Requirements for implementing real-time control functional modules on a hierarchical parallel pipelined system

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    Analysis of a robot control system leads to a broad range of processing requirements. One fundamental requirement of a robot control system is the necessity of a microcomputer system in order to provide sufficient processing capability.The use of multiple processors in a parallel architecture is beneficial for a number of reasons, including better cost performance, modular growth, increased reliability through replication, and flexibility for testing alternate control strategies via different partitioning. A survey of the progression from low level control synchronizing primitives to higher level communication tools is presented. The system communication and control mechanisms of existing robot control systems are compared to the hierarchical control model. The impact of this design methodology on the current robot control systems is explored

    Designing a high performance parallel logic programming system

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    Compilation techniques such as those portrayed by the Warren Abstract Machine(WAM) have greatly improved the speed of execution of logic programs. The research presented herein is geared towards providing additional performance to logic programs through the use of parallelism, while preserving the conventional semantics of logic languages. Two áreas to which special attention is given are the preservation of sequential performance and storage efficiency, and the use of low overhead mechanisms for controlling parallel execution. Accordingly, the techniques used for supporting parallelism are efficient extensions of those which have brought high inferencing speeds to sequential implementations. At a lower level, special attention is also given to design and simulation detail and to the architectural implications of the execution model behavior. This paper offers an overview of the basic concepts and techniques used in the parallel design, simulation tools used, and some of the results obtained to date

    Dynamic Systolization for Developing Multiprocessor Supercomputers

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    A dynamic network approach is introduced for developing reconfigurable, systolic arrays or wavefront processors; This allows one to design very powerful and flexible processors to be used in a general-purpose, reconfigurable, and fault-tolerant, multiprocessor computer system. The concepts of macro-dataflow and multitasking can be integrated to handle variable-resolution granularities in computationally intensive algorithms. A multiprocessor architecture, Remps, is proposed based on these design methodologies. The Remps architecture is generalized from the Cedar, HEP, Cray X- MP, Trac, NYU ultracomputer, S-l, Pumps, Chip, and SAM projects. Our goal is to provide a multiprocessor research model for developing design methodologies, multiprocessing and multitasking supports, dynamic systolic/wavefront array processors, interconnection networks, reconfiguration techniques, and performance analysis tools. These system design and operational techniques should be useful to those who are developing or evaluating multiprocessor supercomputers

    Optimal processor assignment for pipeline computations

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    The availability of large scale multitasked parallel architectures introduces the following processor assignment problem for pipelined computations. Given a set of tasks and their precedence constraints, along with their experimentally determined individual responses times for different processor sizes, find an assignment of processor to tasks. Two objectives are of interest: minimal response given a throughput requirement, and maximal throughput given a response time requirement. These assignment problems differ considerably from the classical mapping problem in which several tasks share a processor; instead, it is assumed that a large number of processors are to be assigned to a relatively small number of tasks. Efficient assignment algorithms were developed for different classes of task structures. For a p processor system and a series parallel precedence graph with n constituent tasks, an O(np2) algorithm is provided that finds the optimal assignment for the response time optimization problem; it was found that the assignment optimizing the constrained throughput in O(np2log p) time. Special cases of linear, independent, and tree graphs are also considered
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