12,019 research outputs found

    Information-Distilling Quantizers

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    Let XX and YY be dependent random variables. This paper considers the problem of designing a scalar quantizer for YY to maximize the mutual information between the quantizer's output and XX, and develops fundamental properties and bounds for this form of quantization, which is connected to the log-loss distortion criterion. The main focus is the regime of low I(X;Y)I(X;Y), where it is shown that, if XX is binary, a constant fraction of the mutual information can always be preserved using O(log(1/I(X;Y)))\mathcal{O}(\log(1/I(X;Y))) quantization levels, and there exist distributions for which this many quantization levels are necessary. Furthermore, for larger finite alphabets 2<X<2 < |\mathcal{X}| < \infty, it is established that an η\eta-fraction of the mutual information can be preserved using roughly (log(X/I(X;Y)))η(X1)(\log(| \mathcal{X} | /I(X;Y)))^{\eta\cdot(|\mathcal{X}| - 1)} quantization levels

    Learning Convex Partitions and Computing Game-theoretic Equilibria from Best Response Queries

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    Suppose that an mm-simplex is partitioned into nn convex regions having disjoint interiors and distinct labels, and we may learn the label of any point by querying it. The learning objective is to know, for any point in the simplex, a label that occurs within some distance ϵ\epsilon from that point. We present two algorithms for this task: Constant-Dimension Generalised Binary Search (CD-GBS), which for constant mm uses poly(n,log(1ϵ))poly(n, \log \left( \frac{1}{\epsilon} \right)) queries, and Constant-Region Generalised Binary Search (CR-GBS), which uses CD-GBS as a subroutine and for constant nn uses poly(m,log(1ϵ))poly(m, \log \left( \frac{1}{\epsilon} \right)) queries. We show via Kakutani's fixed-point theorem that these algorithms provide bounds on the best-response query complexity of computing approximate well-supported equilibria of bimatrix games in which one of the players has a constant number of pure strategies. We also partially extend our results to games with multiple players, establishing further query complexity bounds for computing approximate well-supported equilibria in this setting.Comment: 38 pages, 7 figures, second version strengthens lower bound in Theorem 6, adds footnotes with additional comments and fixes typo