12 research outputs found

    Implicit Gradient Regularization

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    Gradient descent can be surprisingly good at optimizing deep neural networks without overfitting and without explicit regularization. We find that the discrete steps of gradient descent implicitly regularize models by penalizing gradient descent trajectories that have large loss gradients. We call this Implicit Gradient Regularization (IGR) and we use backward error analysis to calculate the size of this regularization. We confirm empirically that implicit gradient regularization biases gradient descent toward flat minima, where test errors are small and solutions are robust to noisy parameter perturbations. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the implicit gradient regularization term can be used as an explicit regularizer, allowing us to control this gradient regularization directly. More broadly, our work indicates that backward error analysis is a useful theoretical approach to the perennial question of how learning rate, model size, and parameter regularization interact to determine the properties of overparameterized models optimized with gradient descent

    The Statistical Complexity of Early-Stopped Mirror Descent

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    Recently there has been a surge of interest in understanding implicit regularization properties of iterative gradient-based optimization algorithms. In this paper, we study the statistical guarantees on the excess risk achieved by early-stopped unconstrained mirror descent algorithms applied to the unregularized empirical risk with the squared loss for linear models and kernel methods. By completing an inequality that characterizes convexity for the squared loss, we identify an intrinsic link between offset Rademacher complexities and potential-based convergence analysis of mirror descent methods. Our observation immediately yields excess risk guarantees for the path traced by the iterates of mirror descent in terms of offset complexities of certain function classes depending only on the choice of the mirror map, initialization point, step-size, and the number of iterations. We apply our theory to recover, in a clean and elegant manner via rather short proofs, some of the recent results in the implicit regularization literature, while also showing how to improve upon them in some settings

    On Implicit Bias in Overparameterized Bilevel Optimization

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    Many problems in machine learning involve bilevel optimization (BLO), including hyperparameter optimization, meta-learning, and dataset distillation. Bilevel problems consist of two nested sub-problems, called the outer and inner problems, respectively. In practice, often at least one of these sub-problems is overparameterized. In this case, there are many ways to choose among optima that achieve equivalent objective values. Inspired by recent studies of the implicit bias induced by optimization algorithms in single-level optimization, we investigate the implicit bias of gradient-based algorithms for bilevel optimization. We delineate two standard BLO methods -- cold-start and warm-start -- and show that the converged solution or long-run behavior depends to a large degree on these and other algorithmic choices, such as the hypergradient approximation. We also show that the inner solutions obtained by warm-start BLO can encode a surprising amount of information about the outer objective, even when the outer parameters are low-dimensional. We believe that implicit bias deserves as central a role in the study of bilevel optimization as it has attained in the study of single-level neural net optimization.Comment: ICML 202