6,703 research outputs found

    Virtual and topological coordinate based routing, mobility tracking and prediction in 2D and 3D wireless sensor networks

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    2013 Fall.Includes bibliographical references.A Virtual Coordinate System (VCS) for Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) characterizes each sensor node's location using the minimum number of hops to a specific set of sensor nodes called anchors. VCS does not require geographic localization hardware such as Global Positioning System (GPS), or localization algorithms based on Received Signal Strength Indication (RSSI) measurements. Topological Coordinates (TCs) are derived from Virtual Coordinates (VCs) of networks using Singular Value Decomposition (SVD). Topology Preserving Maps (TPMs) based on TCs contain 2D or 3D network topology and directional information that are lost in VCs. This thesis extends the scope of VC and TC based techniques to 3D sensor networks and networks with mobile nodes. Specifically, we apply existing Extreme Node Search (ENS) for anchor placement for 3D WSNs. 3D Geo-Logical Routing (3D-GLR), a routing algorithm for 3D sensor networks that alternates between VC and TC domains is evaluated. VC and TC based methods have hitherto been used only in static networks. We develop methods to use VCs in mobile networks, including the generation of coordinates, for mobile sensors without having to regenerate VCs every time the topology changes. 2D and 3D Topological Coordinate based Tracking and Prediction (2D-TCTP and 3D-TCTP) are novel algorithms developed for mobility tracking and prediction in sensor networks without the need of physical distance measurements. Most existing 2D sensor networking algorithms fail or perform poorly in 3D networks. Developing VC and TC based algorithms for 3D sensor networks is crucial to benefit from the scalability, adjustability and flexibility of VCs as well as to overcome the many disadvantages associated with geographic coordinate systems. Existing ENS algorithm for 2D sensor networks plays a key role in providing a good anchor placement and we continue to use ENS algorithm for anchor selection in 3D network. Additionally, we propose a comparison algorithm for ENS algorithm named Double-ENS algorithm which uses two independent pairs of initial anchors and thereby increases the coverage of ENS anchors in 3D networks, in order to further prove if anchor selection from original ENS algorithm is already optimal. Existing Geo-Logical Routing (GLR) algorithm demonstrates very good routing performance by switching between greedy forwarding in virtual and topological domains in 2D sensor networks. Proposed 3D-GLR extends the algorithm to 3D networks by replacing 2D TCs with 3D TCs in TC distance calculation. Simulation results show that the 3D-GLR algorithm with ENS anchor placement can significantly outperform current Geographic Coordinates (GCs) based 3D Greedy Distributed Spanning Tree Routing (3D-GDSTR) algorithm in various network environments. This demonstrates the effectiveness of ENS algorithm and 3D-GLR algorithm in 3D sensor networks. Tracking and communicating with mobile sensors has so far required the use of localization or geographic information. This thesis presents a novel approach to achieve tracking and communication without geographic information, thus significantly reducing the hardware cost and energy consumption. Mobility of sensors in WSNs is considered under two scenarios: dynamic deployment and continuous movement. An efficient VC generation scheme, which uses the average of neighboring sensors' VCs, is proposed for newly deployed sensors to get coordinates without flooding based VC generation. For the second scenario, a prediction and tracking algorithm called 2D-TCTP for continuously moving sensors is developed for 2D sensor networks. Predicted location of a mobile sensor at a future time is calculated based on current sampled velocity and direction in topological domain. The set of sensors inside an ellipse-shaped detection area around the predicted future location is alerted for the arrival of mobile sensor for communication or detection purposes. Using TPMs as a 2D guide map, tracking and prediction performances can be achieved similar to those based on GCs. A simple modification for TPMs generation is proposed, which considers radial information contained in the first principle component from SVD. This modification improves the compression or folding at the edges that has been observed in TPMs, and thus the accuracy of tracking. 3D-TCTP uses a detection area in the shape of a 3D sphere. 3D-TCTP simulation results are similar to 2D-TCTP and show competence comparable to the same algorithms based on GCs although without any 3D geographic information

    Time domain analysis of switching transient fields in high voltage substations

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    Switching operations of circuit breakers and disconnect switches generate transient currents propagating along the substation busbars. At the moment of switching, the busbars temporarily acts as antennae radiating transient electromagnetic fields within the substations. The radiated fields may interfere and disrupt normal operations of electronic equipment used within the substation for measurement, control and communication purposes. Hence there is the need to fully characterise the substation electromagnetic environment as early as the design stage of substation planning and operation to ensure safe operations of the electronic equipment. This paper deals with the computation of transient electromagnetic fields due to switching within a high voltage air-insulated substation (AIS) using the finite difference time domain (FDTD) metho

    A Comparative Study of Target Tracking Approaches in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    EECLA: A Novel Clustering Model for Improvement of Localization and Energy Efficient Routing Protocols in Vehicle Tracking Using Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Due to increase of usage of wireless sensor networks (WSN) for various purposes leads to a required technology in the present world. Many applications are running with the concepts of WSN now, among that vehicle tracking is one which became prominent in security purposes. In our previous works we proposed an algorithm called EECAL (Energy Efficient Clustering Algorithm and Localization) to improve accuracy and performed well. But are not focused more on continuous tracking of a vehicle in better aspects. In this paper we proposed and refined the same algorithm as per the requirement. Detection and tracking of a vehicle when they are in larges areas is an issue. We mainly focused on proximity graphs and spatial interpolation techniques for getting exact boundaries. Other aspect of our work is to reduce consumption of energy which increases the life time of the network. Performance of system when in active state is another issue can be fixed by setting of peer nodes in communication. We made an attempt to compare our results with the existed works and felt much better our work. For handling localization, we used genetic algorithm which handled good of residual energy, fitness of the network in various aspects. At end we performed a simulation task that proved proposed algorithms performed well and experimental analysis gave us faith by getting less localization error factor

    Detecting movements of a target using face tracking in wireless sensor networks

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    Abstract—Target tracking is one of the key applications of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). Existing work mostly requires organizing groups of sensor nodes with measurements of a target’s movements or accurate distance measurements from the nodes to the target, and predicting those movements. These are, however, often difficult to accurately achieve in practice, especially in the case of unpredictable environments, sensor faults, etc. In this paper, we propose a new tracking framework, called FaceTrack, which employs the nodes of a spatial region surrounding a target, called a face. Instead of predicting the target location separately in a face, we estimate the target’s moving toward another face. We introduce an edge detection algorithm to generate each face further in such a way that the nodes can prepare ahead of the target’s moving, which greatly helps tracking the target in a timely fashion and recovering from special cases, e.g., sensor fault, loss of tracking. Also, we develop an optimal selection algorithm to select which sensors of faces to query and to forward the tracking data. Simulation results, compared with existing work, show that FaceTrack achieves better tracking accuracy and energy efficiency. We also validate its effectiveness via a proof-of-concept system of the Imote2 sensor platform. Index Terms—Wireless sensor networks, target tracking, sensor selection, edge detection, face tracking, fault tolerance Ç

    Rekonstruktion und skalierbare Detektion und Verfolgung von 3D Objekten

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    The task of detecting objects in images is essential for autonomous systems to categorize, comprehend and eventually navigate or manipulate its environment. Since many applications demand not only detection of objects but also the estimation of their exact poses, 3D CAD models can prove helpful since they provide means for feature extraction and hypothesis refinement. This work, therefore, explores two paths: firstly, we will look into methods to create richly-textured and geometrically accurate models of real-life objects. Using these reconstructions as a basis, we will investigate on how to improve in the domain of 3D object detection and pose estimation, focusing especially on scalability, i.e. the problem of dealing with multiple objects simultaneously.Objekterkennung in Bildern ist für ein autonomes System von entscheidender Bedeutung, um seine Umgebung zu kategorisieren, zu erfassen und schließlich zu navigieren oder zu manipulieren. Da viele Anwendungen nicht nur die Erkennung von Objekten, sondern auch die Schätzung ihrer exakten Positionen erfordern, können sich 3D-CAD-Modelle als hilfreich erweisen, da sie Mittel zur Merkmalsextraktion und Verfeinerung von Hypothesen bereitstellen. In dieser Arbeit werden daher zwei Wege untersucht: Erstens werden wir Methoden untersuchen, um strukturreiche und geometrisch genaue Modelle realer Objekte zu erstellen. Auf der Grundlage dieser Konstruktionen werden wir untersuchen, wie sich der Bereich der 3D-Objekterkennung und der Posenschätzung verbessern lässt, wobei insbesondere die Skalierbarkeit im Vordergrund steht, d.h. das Problem der gleichzeitigen Bearbeitung mehrerer Objekte


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    Sensor networks have been an active research area in the past decade due to the variety of their applications. Many research studies have been conducted to solve the problems underlying the middleware services of sensor networks, such as self-deployment, self-localization, and synchronization. With the provided middleware services, sensor networks have grown into a mature technology to be used as a detection and surveillance paradigm for many real-world applications. The individual sensors are small in size. Thus, they can be deployed in areas with limited space to make unobstructed measurements in locations where the traditional centralized systems would have trouble to reach. However, there are a few physical limitations to sensor networks, which can prevent sensors from performing at their maximum potential. Individual sensors have limited power supply, the wireless band can get very cluttered when multiple sensors try to transmit at the same time. Furthermore, the individual sensors have limited communication range, so the network may not have a 1-hop communication topology and routing can be a problem in many cases. Carefully designed algorithms can alleviate the physical limitations of sensor networks, and allow them to be utilized to their full potential. Graphical models are an intuitive choice for designing sensor network algorithms. This thesis focuses on a classic application in sensor networks, detecting and tracking of targets. It develops feasible inference techniques for sensor networks using statistical graphical model inference, binary sensor detection, events isolation and dynamic clustering. The main strategy is to use only binary data for rough global inferences, and then dynamically form small scale clusters around the target for detailed computations. This framework is then extended to network topology manipulation, so that the framework developed can be applied to tracking in different network topology settings. Finally the system was tested in both simulation and real-world environments. The simulations were performed on various network topologies, from regularly distributed networks to randomly distributed networks. The results show that the algorithm performs well in randomly distributed networks, and hence requires minimum deployment effort. The experiments were carried out in both corridor and open space settings. A in-home falling detection system was simulated with real-world settings, it was setup with 30 bumblebee radars and 30 ultrasonic sensors driven by TI EZ430-RF2500 boards scanning a typical 800 sqft apartment. Bumblebee radars are calibrated to detect the falling of human body, and the two-tier tracking algorithm is used on the ultrasonic sensors to track the location of the elderly people
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