3 research outputs found

    An adversarial imitation click model for information retrieval

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    Modern information retrieval systems, including web search, ads placement, and recommender systems, typically rely on learning from user feedback. Click models, which study how users interact with a ranked list of items, provide a useful understanding of user feedback for learning ranking models. Constructing "right"dependencies is the key of any successful click model. However, probabilistic graphical models (PGMs) have to rely on manually assigned dependencies, and oversimplify user behaviors. Existing neural network based methods promote PGMs by enhancing the expressive ability and allowing flexible dependencies, but still suffer from exposure bias and inferior estimation. In this paper, we propose a novel framework, Adversarial Imitation Click Model (AICM), based on imitation learning. Firstly, we explicitly learn the reward function that recovers users' intrinsic utility and underlying intentions. Secondly, we model user interactions with a ranked list as a dynamic system instead of one-step click prediction, alleviating the exposure bias problem. Finally, we minimize the JS divergence through adversarial training and learn a stable distribution of click sequences, which makes AICM generalize well across different distributions of ranked lists. A theoretical analysis has indicated that AICM reduces the exposure bias from O(T2) to O(T). Our studies on a public web search dataset show that AICM not only outperforms state-of-the-art models in traditional click metrics but also achieves superior performance in addressing the exposure bias and recovering the underlying patterns of click sequences

    Off-Policy Evaluation of Ranking Policies under Diverse User Behavior

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    Ranking interfaces are everywhere in online platforms. There is thus an ever growing interest in their Off-Policy Evaluation (OPE), aiming towards an accurate performance evaluation of ranking policies using logged data. A de-facto approach for OPE is Inverse Propensity Scoring (IPS), which provides an unbiased and consistent value estimate. However, it becomes extremely inaccurate in the ranking setup due to its high variance under large action spaces. To deal with this problem, previous studies assume either independent or cascade user behavior, resulting in some ranking versions of IPS. While these estimators are somewhat effective in reducing the variance, all existing estimators apply a single universal assumption to every user, causing excessive bias and variance. Therefore, this work explores a far more general formulation where user behavior is diverse and can vary depending on the user context. We show that the resulting estimator, which we call Adaptive IPS (AIPS), can be unbiased under any complex user behavior. Moreover, AIPS achieves the minimum variance among all unbiased estimators based on IPS. We further develop a procedure to identify the appropriate user behavior model to minimize the mean squared error (MSE) of AIPS in a data-driven fashion. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the empirical accuracy improvement can be significant, enabling effective OPE of ranking systems even under diverse user behavior.Comment: KDD2023 Research trac

    Understanding or Manipulation: Rethinking Online Performance Gains of Modern Recommender Systems

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    Recommender systems are expected to be assistants that help human users find relevant information automatically without explicit queries. As recommender systems evolve, increasingly sophisticated learning techniques are applied and have achieved better performance in terms of user engagement metrics such as clicks and browsing time. The increase in the measured performance, however, can have two possible attributions: a better understanding of user preferences, and a more proactive ability to utilize human bounded rationality to seduce user over-consumption. A natural following question is whether current recommendation algorithms are manipulating user preferences. If so, can we measure the manipulation level? In this paper, we present a general framework for benchmarking the degree of manipulations of recommendation algorithms, in both slate recommendation and sequential recommendation scenarios. The framework consists of four stages, initial preference calculation, training data collection, algorithm training and interaction, and metrics calculation that involves two proposed metrics. We benchmark some representative recommendation algorithms in both synthetic and real-world datasets under the proposed framework. We have observed that a high online click-through rate does not necessarily mean a better understanding of user initial preference, but ends in prompting users to choose more documents they initially did not favor. Moreover, we find that the training data have notable impacts on the manipulation degrees, and algorithms with more powerful modeling abilities are more sensitive to such impacts. The experiments also verified the usefulness of the proposed metrics for measuring the degree of manipulations. We advocate that future recommendation algorithm studies should be treated as an optimization problem with constrained user preference manipulations.Comment: 33 pages, 11 figures, 4 tables, ACM Transactions on Information System