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    Discourse oriented summarization

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    The meaning of text appears to be tightly related to intentions and circumstances. Context sensitivity of meaning is addressed by theories of discourse structure. Few attempts have been made to exploit text organization in summarization. This thesis is an exploration of what knowledge of discourse structure can do for content selection as a subtask of automatic summarization, and query-based summarization in particular. Query-based summarization is the task of answering an arbitrary user query or question by using content from potentially relevant sources. This thesis presents a general framework for discourse oriented summarization, relying on graphs to represent semantic relations in discourse, and redundancy as a special type of semantic relation. Semantic relations occur on several levels of text analysis (query-relevance, coherence, layout, etc.), and a broad range of textual features may be required to detect them. The graph-based framework facilitates combining multiple features into an integrated semantic model of the documents to summarize. Recognizing redundancy and entailment relations between text passages is particularly important when a summary is generated of multiple documents, e.g. to avoid including redundant content in a summary. For this reason, I pay particular attention to recognizing textual entailment. Within this framework, a three-fold evaluation is performed to evaluate different aspects of discourse oriented summarization. The first is a user study, measuring the effect on user appreciation of using a particular type of knowledge for query-based summarization. In this study, three presentation strategies are compared: summarization using the rhetorical structure of the source, a baseline summarization method which uses the layout of the source, and a baseline presentation method which uses no summarization but just a concise answer to the query. Results show that knowledge of the rhetorical structure not only helps to provide the necessary context for the user to verify that the summary addresses the query adequately, but also to increase the amount of relevant content. The second evaluation is a comparison of implementations of the graph-based framework which are capable of fully automatic summarization. The two variables in the experiment are the set of textual features used to model the source and the algorithm used to search a graph for relevant content. The features are based on cosine similarity, and are realized as graph representations of the source. The graph search algorithms are inspired by existing algorithms in summarization. The quality of summaries is measured using the Rouge evaluation toolkit. The best performer would have ranked first (Rouge-2) or second (Rouge-SU4) if it had participated in the DUC 2005 query-based summarization challenge. The third study is an evaluation in the context of the DUC 2006 summarization challenge, which includes readability measurements as well as various content-based evaluation metrics. The evaluated automatic discourse oriented summarization system is similar to the one described above, but uses additional features, i.e. layout and textual entailment. The system performed well on readability at the cost of content-based scores which were well below the scores of the highest ranking DUC 2006 participant. This indicates a trade-off between readable, coherent content and useful content, an issue yet to be explored. Previous research implies that theories of text organization generalize well to multimedia. This suggests that the discourse oriented summarization framework applies to summarizing multimedia as well, provided sufficient knowledge of the organization of the (multimedia) source documents is available. The last study in this thesis is an investigation of the applicability of structural relations in multimedia for generating picture-illustrated summaries, by relating summary content to picture-associated text (i.e. captions or surrounding paragraphs). Results suggest that captions are the more suitable annotation for selecting appropriate pictures. Compared to manual illustration, results of automatic pictures are similar if the manual picture is mainly decorative

    An Effective Sentence Ordering Approach For Multi-Document Summarization Using Text Entailment

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    With the rapid development of modern technology electronically available textual information has increased to a considerable amount. Summarization of textual inform ation manually from unstructured text sources creates overhead to the user, therefore a systematic approach is required. Summarization is an approach that focuses on providing the user with a condensed version of the origina l text but in real time applicat ions extended document summarization is required for summarizing the text from multiple documents. The main focus of multi - document summarization is sentence ordering and ranking that arranges the collected sentences from multiple document in order to gene rate a well - organized summary. The improper order of extracted sentences significantly degrades readability and understandability of the summary. The existing system does multi document summarization by combining several preference measures such as chronology, probabilistic, precedence, succession, topical closeness experts to calculate the preference value between sentences. These approach to sent ence ordering and ranking does not address context based similarity measure between sentences which is very ess ential for effective summarization. The proposed system addresses this issues through textual entailment expert system. This approach builds an entailment model which incorpo rates the cause and effect between sentences in the documents using the symmetric measure such as cosine similarity and non - symmetric measures such as unigram match, bigram match, longest common sub - sequence, skip gram match, stemming. The proposed system is efficient in providing user with a contextual summary which significantly impro ves the readability and understandability of the final coherent summa


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    Text Processing has always existed in various forms. It makes voluminous text easily digestible, offers brief and quick overview of the subject contents and may provide critical context analysis to the reader. With the growth of digital articles in forms of news, blogs, wikis etc., there is serious need for a text processor which can adequately summarized an article or documents for the reader. This redirected and takes away the effort needed to read, assimilate and create summaries manually. This research paper proposed a system which provides unique opportunity for developing a core set text summarization system using Apriori Algorithm techniques to perform Binary Associated Rule on Data Mining. The system makes available a means of storing the automatic Generic-based summaries for future references and requirements
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