2 research outputs found

    A localized decomposition evolutionary algorithm for imbalanced multi-objective optimization

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    Multi-objective evolutionary algorithms based on decomposition (MOEA/Ds) convert a multi-objective optimization problem (MOP) into a set of scalar subproblems, which are then optimized in a collaborative manner. However, when tackling imbalanced MOPs, the performance of most MOEA/Ds will evidently deteriorate, as a few solutions will replace most of the others in the evolutionary process, resulting in a significant loss of diversity. To address this issue, this paper suggests a localized decomposition evolutionary algorithm (LDEA) for imbalanced MOPs. A localized decomposition method is proposed to assign a local region for each subproblem, where the inside solutions are associated and the solution update is restricted inside (i.e., solutions are only replaced by offspring within the same local region). Once off-spring are generated within an originally empty region, the best one is reserved for this subproblem to extend diversity. Meanwhile, the subproblem with the largest number of associated solutions will be found and one of its associated solutions with the worst aggregated value will be removed. Moreover, to speed up convergence for each subproblem while balancing the population's diversity, LDEA only evolves the best-associated solution in each subproblem and correspondingly tailors two decomposition methods in the environmental selection. When compared to nine competitive MOEAs, LDEA has shown the advantages in tackling two benchmark sets of imbalanced MOPs, one benchmark set of balanced yet complicated MOPs, and one real-world MOP

    A Constrained Solution Update Strategy for Multiobjective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Decomposition

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    This paper proposes a constrained solution update strategy for multiobjective evolutionary algorithm based on decomposition, in which each agent aims to optimize one decomposed subproblem. Different from the existing approaches that assign one solution to each agent, our approach allocates the closest solutions to each agent and thus the number of solutions in an agent may be zero and no less than one. Regarding the agent with no solution, it will be assigned one solution in priority, once offspring are generated closest to its subproblem. To keep the same population size, the agent with the largest number of solutions will remove one solution showing the worst convergence. This improves diversity for one agent, while the convergence of other agents is not lowered. On the agent with no less than one solution, offspring assigned to this agent are only allowed to update its original solutions. Thus, the convergence of this agent is enhanced, while the diversity of other agents will not be affected. After a period of evolution, our approach may gradually reach a stable status for solution assignment; i.e., each agent is only assigned with one solution. When compared to six competitive multiobjective evolutionary algorithms with different population selection or update strategies, the experiments validated the advantages of our approach on tackling two sets of test problems