8 research outputs found

    Binding in Nominal Equational Logic

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    AbstractMany formal systems, particularly in computer science, may be expressed through equations modulated by assertions regarding the 'freshness of names'. It is the presence of binding operators that make such structure non-trivial. Clouston and Pitts's Nominal Equational Logic presented a formalism for this style of reasoning in which support for name binding was implicit. This paper extends this logic to offer explicit support for binding and then demonstrates that such an extension does not in fact add expressivity

    Bialgebraic Semantics for Logic Programming

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    Bialgebrae provide an abstract framework encompassing the semantics of different kinds of computational models. In this paper we propose a bialgebraic approach to the semantics of logic programming. Our methodology is to study logic programs as reactive systems and exploit abstract techniques developed in that setting. First we use saturation to model the operational semantics of logic programs as coalgebrae on presheaves. Then, we make explicit the underlying algebraic structure by using bialgebrae on presheaves. The resulting semantics turns out to be compositional with respect to conjunction and term substitution. Also, it encodes a parallel model of computation, whose soundness is guaranteed by a built-in notion of synchronisation between different threads