10,259 research outputs found

    A dual framework for low-rank tensor completion

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    One of the popular approaches for low-rank tensor completion is to use the latent trace norm regularization. However, most existing works in this direction learn a sparse combination of tensors. In this work, we fill this gap by proposing a variant of the latent trace norm that helps in learning a non-sparse combination of tensors. We develop a dual framework for solving the low-rank tensor completion problem. We first show a novel characterization of the dual solution space with an interesting factorization of the optimal solution. Overall, the optimal solution is shown to lie on a Cartesian product of Riemannian manifolds. Furthermore, we exploit the versatile Riemannian optimization framework for proposing computationally efficient trust region algorithm. The experiments illustrate the efficacy of the proposed algorithm on several real-world datasets across applications.Comment: Aceepted to appear in Advances of Nueral Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 2018. A shorter version appeared in the NIPS workshop on Synergies in Geometric Data Analysis 201

    DFacTo: Distributed Factorization of Tensors

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    We present a technique for significantly speeding up Alternating Least Squares (ALS) and Gradient Descent (GD), two widely used algorithms for tensor factorization. By exploiting properties of the Khatri-Rao product, we show how to efficiently address a computationally challenging sub-step of both algorithms. Our algorithm, DFacTo, only requires two sparse matrix-vector products and is easy to parallelize. DFacTo is not only scalable but also on average 4 to 10 times faster than competing algorithms on a variety of datasets. For instance, DFacTo only takes 480 seconds on 4 machines to perform one iteration of the ALS algorithm and 1,143 seconds to perform one iteration of the GD algorithm on a 6.5 million x 2.5 million x 1.5 million dimensional tensor with 1.2 billion non-zero entries.Comment: Under review for NIPS 201