1,115 research outputs found

    Generalized Evidence Theory

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    Conflict management is still an open issue in the application of Dempster Shafer evidence theory. A lot of works have been presented to address this issue. In this paper, a new theory, called as generalized evidence theory (GET), is proposed. Compared with existing methods, GET assumes that the general situation is in open world due to the uncertainty and incomplete knowledge. The conflicting evidence is handled under the framework of GET. It is shown that the new theory can explain and deal with the conflicting evidence in a more reasonable way.Comment: 39 pages, 5 figure

    Investigation of robust optimization and evidence theory with stochastic expansions for aerospace applications under mixed uncertainty

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    One of the primary objectives of this research is to develop a method to model and propagate mixed (aleatory and epistemic) uncertainty in aerospace simulations using DSTE. In order to avoid excessive computational cost associated with large scale applications and the evaluation of Dempster Shafer structures, stochastic expansions are implemented for efficient UQ. The mixed UQ with DSTE approach was demonstrated on an analytical example and high fidelity computational fluid dynamics (CFD) study of transonic flow over a RAE 2822 airfoil. Another objective is to devise a DSTE based performance assessment framework through the use of quantification of margins and uncertainties. Efficient uncertainty propagation in system design performance metrics and performance boundaries is achieved through the use of stochastic expansions. The technique is demonstrated on: (1) a model problem with non-linear analytical functions representing the outputs and performance boundaries of two coupled systems and (2) a multi-disciplinary analysis of a supersonic civil transport. Finally, the stochastic expansions are applied to aerodynamic shape optimization under uncertainty. A robust optimization algorithm is presented for computationally efficient airfoil design under mixed uncertainty using a multi-fidelity approach. This algorithm exploits stochastic expansions to create surrogate models utilized in the optimization process. To reduce the computational cost, output space mapping technique is implemented to replace the high-fidelity CFD model by a suitably corrected low-fidelity one. The proposed algorithm is demonstrated on the robust optimization of NACA 4-digit airfoils under mixed uncertainties in transonic flow. --Abstract, page iii

    A logic-based analysis of Dempster-Shafer theory

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    AbstractDempster-Shafer (DS) theory is formulated in terms of propositional logic, using the implicit notion of provability underlying DS theory. Dempster-Shafer theory can be modeled in terms of propositional logic by the tuple (Σ, ϱ), where Σ is a set of propositional clauses and ϱ is an assignment of mass to each clause Σi ϵ Σ. It is shown that the disjunction of minimal support clauses for a clause Σi with respect to a set Σ of propositional clauses, ξ(Σi, Σ), when represented in terms of symbols for the ϱi 's, corresponds to a symbolic representation of the Dempster-Shafer belief function for δi. The combination of Belief functions using Dempster's rule of combination corresponds to a combination of the corresponding support clauses. The disjointness of the Boolean formulas representing DS Belief functions is shown to be necessary. Methods of computing disjoint formulas using network reliability techniques are discussed.In addition, the computational complexity of deriving DS Belief functions, including that of the logic-based methods which are the focus of this paper, is explored. Because of intractability even for moderately sized problem instances, efficient approximation methods are proposed for such computations. Finally, implementations of DS theory based on domain restrictions of DS theory, hypertree embeddings, and the ATMS, are examined

    Preliminary space mission design under uncertainty

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    This paper proposes a way to model uncertainties and to introduce them explicitly in the design process of a preliminary space mission. Traditionally, a system margin approach is used in order to take them into account. In this paper, Evidence Theory is proposed to crystallise the inherent uncertainties. The design process is then formulated as an Optimisation Under Uncertainties (OUU). Three techniques are proposed to solve the OUU problem: (a) an evolutionary multi-objective approach, (b) a step technique consisting of maximising the belief for different levels of performance, and (c) a clustering method that firstly identifes feasible regions. The three methods are applied to the BepiColombo mission and their effectiveness at solving the OUU problem are compared
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