1 research outputs found

    A Computational Model For Declarative Recognition And Imperative Action

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    Sita is a novel agent language for modeling intelligent behaviour in dynamic environments. The central modeling principle is the distinction of recognition and action as the two complementary basic skills essential for situated behaviour. The underlying computational model combines an incremental bottom-up logic programming mechanism with a concurrent process calculus. This principle allows the clear separation and natural description of declarative knowledge about situations and procedural knowledge about acting. Keywords: agent architecture, computational model, programming language, situated action, reactive logic programming 1. Introduction In this paper we propose a new computational model for intelligent agents. Much work has been done on the theoretical basis of agenthood. Probably the best known is the BDI (Belief, Desire, Intention) approach [11], which builds on a temporal modal logic. The conceptual level of these theories is too abstract to directly derive concrete agents..