21,110 research outputs found

    Policy Issues for the Water and Sanitation Sectors

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    Given the importance of water and sanitation loans in the Bank's portfolio of infrastructure projects and the significance of the measures that are underway throughout the region, this discussion paper aims to identify those particular features of the water and sanitation sector which distinguish it from other infrastructure services and which will consequently merit special attention by countries engaging in such reforms. Included are a discussion of institutional problems facing state-owned providers of public services and policy responses to three key economic issues: optimal sector structure, the scope for privatization, and the redesign social policy.Water management, Water Supply and Sanitation, Public Utilities, water supply & sanitation, LAC, water sector, water policies

    Russia's social protection malaise : key reform priorities as a response to the present crisis

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    This report focuses on changes in the social protection system to lessen the social impact of the economic crisis that confronts the Russian Federation today. The report is not comprehensive and covers exclusively the crisis-related issues. It addresses the key challenges of 1) coping with income decline and increasing poverty; 2) offsetting the consequences of reduced public expenditure in the social sectors; 3) targeting and delivering social assistance and benefits; and 4) improving the functioning of labor markets. It also deals with selected aspects of emergency assistance. Finally, it identifies possible areas for World Bank support.Poverty Assessment,Rural Poverty Reduction,Services&Transfers to Poor,Safety Nets and Transfers,Environmental Economics&Policies

    Water in the Green Economy: Capacity Development Aspects

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    This book discusses needs related to capacity development for water resources management, including water supply and sanitation, in the context of the green economy. It showcases theoretical and practical approaches with proven success. Most contributions come from members and partners within the interagency mechanism, UN-Water. The 11 case studies in this book range from innovative design and delivery of capacity development programs related to water in the green economy, market mechanisms, and quality control procedures supporting capacity development success towards the practical implementation of programs to enhance individual and institutional capacity

    Pension systems in East Asia and the Pacific : challenges and opportunities

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    With the recovery from the recent crisis, countries of the East Asia and Pacific region are rethinking their financial, and social policy, including old-age protection. Population aging, in combination with ongoing urbanization, and economic transformation, will place increasing pressure on traditional family care arrangements. Coverage under formal pension systems is generally low, and the absence of social safety nets for the needy elderly, poses risks in the face of breaks in the economic growth path. In addition to common systemic challenges, formal old-age income support systems confront issues specific to their design type: 1) The national provident fund, and social security systems with reserve funds, have demonstrated problems with investment policy, and performance, governance and management. 2) In the established market economies, social security systems are fiscally unsustainable in the long run, and often have a weak benefit-contribution link. 3) These types of systems encounter additional problems in transition economies, including low contribution collection from previously socialized enterprises. Options addressed by the paper involve the adoption of an integrated view on retirement income provision, averting fiscal un-sustainability, and, integrating public, and private sector pensions. Additionally, moving toward a multi-pillar structure with prudent coverage extension, and, fostering financial markets, to allow decentralized pension funds management, are also suggested.Health Economics&Finance,Public Sector Economics,Pensions&Retirement Systems,Environmental Economics&Policies,Banks&Banking Reform

    Central Asia’s Transition After Fifteen Years : Growth and Policy Choices

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    This paper presents a coherent and systematic analysis of the collapse and subsequent revival of the Central Asian Republics (CARs) since 1990. The focus is on the pattern of growth and structural change during the cycle of decline and subsequent revival in the CARs which have been inadequately analyzed in the literature on transition. The paper relates economic performance to initial conditions, country characteristics and policies. Within this framework, it proposes a simple typology of policies (including a new Type III set of policies on regional cooperation and industrial competitiveness) and relates them to the cycle of decline and revival in the CARs. It goes on to examine medium-term prospects and policy needs for the CARs.Growth, economic reform, regional cooperation, industrial competitiveness, central Asia, transitional economies

    Central Asia’s Transition After Fifteen Years: Growth and Policy Choices

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    This paper presents a coherent and systematic analysis of the collapse and subsequent revival of the Central Asian Republics (CARs) since 1990. The focus is on the pattern of growth and structural change during the cycle of decline and subsequent revival in the CARs which have been inadequately analyzed in the literature on transition. The paper relates economic performance to initial conditions, country characteristics and policies. Within this framework, it proposes a simple typology of policies (including a new Type III set of policies on regional cooperation and industrial competitiveness) and relates them to the cycle of decline and revival in the CARs. It goes on to examine medium-term prospects and policy needs for the CARs.growth, economic reform, regional cooperation, industrial competitiveness, Central Asia, transitional economies

    Financial Sector Reforms in Vietnam: Selected Issues and Problems

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    The purpose of this report is to concentrate on performing in-depth analyses of selected issues of prominence and importance for the future success of the reform process rather than describing the current day-to-day operations and procedures in the financial sector. This eclectic approach implies that other important issues such as the development of a payment system, the state and prospects for the inter-bank markets, and the human capital and organisational issues in the state-owned banks are neglected and/or not analysed in depth. They are, however, omissions due to constraints imposed by funds and time available rather than a failure to comprehend their importance. In this context, the present report should thus be viewed as a first step towards establishing an open dialogue about the nature and speed of the financial sector reforms in Vietnam based on recurrent independent assessments of financial sector issues and problems.Financial Sector Reforms, Vietnam

    Industrial Policy in Guatemala: A Case of Policy Inertia under Changing Paradigms

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    This paper reviews productive development policies (PDPs) in Guatemala, focusing on the alleged justification of existing programs in terms of the market or government failures they are meant to address. An effort is made to identify how the different instruments complement or contradict each other and how these situations came to be. The main hypothesis throughout the paper is that there are non-trivial contradictions within the set of PDPs and its implementation framework that render policy instruments ineffective or inefficient, with evidence from several case studies. On this basis and in light of international practices, the study develops a broad set of recommendations for improving the design and implementation of Guatemala’s PDPs.Industrial Policy, Policymaking, Guatemala

    Poverty and Inequality

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    While there are different estimates of poverty in Mexico, there is general agreement that poverty is widespread, and that the reduction of poverty should be a key area of focus for the new Administration. Beyond lack of income, poverty is a complex and multidimensional phenomena which affects many areas of the life of the poor. As a result, a wide range of public policies have been implemented in Mexico, as elsewhere, to reduce poverty and improve the well-being of the population. This paper has two objectives. First, it briefly presents a framework that could be used by the new Administration to prepare a coherent strategy for poverty reduction. Second, it provides a synthesis of eight background chapters devoted to government programs, social protection, education, health, urban labor markets, rural development, indigenous peoples, and gender that all relate to poverty in Mexico.Mexico; poverty; inequality

    National models of ISR: Belgium

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