2,198 research outputs found

    Character-level Transformer-based Neural Machine Translation

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    Neural machine translation (NMT) is nowadays commonly applied at the subword level, using byte-pair encoding. A promising alternative approach focuses on character-level translation, which simplifies processing pipelines in NMT considerably. This approach, however, must consider relatively longer sequences, rendering the training process prohibitively expensive. In this paper, we discuss a novel, Transformer-based approach, that we compare, both in speed and in quality to the Transformer at subword and character levels, as well as previously developed character-level models. We evaluate our models on 4 language pairs from WMT'15: DE-EN, CS-EN, FI-EN and RU-EN. The proposed novel architecture can be trained on a single GPU and is 34% percent faster than the character-level Transformer; still, the obtained results are at least on par with it. In addition, our proposed model outperforms the subword-level model in FI-EN and shows close results in CS-EN. To stimulate further research in this area and close the gap with subword-level NMT, we make all our code and models publicly available

    A Comparative Study on Transformer vs RNN in Speech Applications

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    Sequence-to-sequence models have been widely used in end-to-end speech processing, for example, automatic speech recognition (ASR), speech translation (ST), and text-to-speech (TTS). This paper focuses on an emergent sequence-to-sequence model called Transformer, which achieves state-of-the-art performance in neural machine translation and other natural language processing applications. We undertook intensive studies in which we experimentally compared and analyzed Transformer and conventional recurrent neural networks (RNN) in a total of 15 ASR, one multilingual ASR, one ST, and two TTS benchmarks. Our experiments revealed various training tips and significant performance benefits obtained with Transformer for each task including the surprising superiority of Transformer in 13/15 ASR benchmarks in comparison with RNN. We are preparing to release Kaldi-style reproducible recipes using open source and publicly available datasets for all the ASR, ST, and TTS tasks for the community to succeed our exciting outcomes.Comment: Accepted at ASRU 201

    Multilingual NMT with a language-independent attention bridge

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    In this paper, we propose a multilingual encoder-decoder architecture capable of obtaining multilingual sentence representations by means of incorporating an intermediate {\em attention bridge} that is shared across all languages. That is, we train the model with language-specific encoders and decoders that are connected via self-attention with a shared layer that we call attention bridge. This layer exploits the semantics from each language for performing translation and develops into a language-independent meaning representation that can efficiently be used for transfer learning. We present a new framework for the efficient development of multilingual NMT using this model and scheduled training. We have tested the approach in a systematic way with a multi-parallel data set. We show that the model achieves substantial improvements over strong bilingual models and that it also works well for zero-shot translation, which demonstrates its ability of abstraction and transfer learning
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