13,413 research outputs found

    On the Performance of Spectrum Sensing Algorithms using Multiple Antennas

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    In recent years, some spectrum sensing algorithms using multiple antennas, such as the eigenvalue based detection (EBD), have attracted a lot of attention. In this paper, we are interested in deriving the asymptotic distributions of the test statistics of the EBD algorithms. Two EBD algorithms using sample covariance matrices are considered: maximum eigenvalue detection (MED) and condition number detection (CND). The earlier studies usually assume that the number of antennas (K) and the number of samples (N) are both large, thus random matrix theory (RMT) can be used to derive the asymptotic distributions of the maximum and minimum eigenvalues of the sample covariance matrices. While assuming the number of antennas being large simplifies the derivations, in practice, the number of antennas equipped at a single secondary user is usually small, say 2 or 3, and once designed, this antenna number is fixed. Thus in this paper, our objective is to derive the asymptotic distributions of the eigenvalues and condition numbers of the sample covariance matrices for any fixed K but large N, from which the probability of detection and probability of false alarm can be obtained. The proposed methodology can also be used to analyze the performance of other EBD algorithms. Finally, computer simulations are presented to validate the accuracy of the derived results.Comment: IEEE GlobeCom 201

    Eigenvalue-based Cyclostationary Spectrum Sensing Using Multiple Antennas

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    In this paper, we propose a signal-selective spectrum sensing method for cognitive radio networks and specifically targeted for receivers with multiple-antenna capability. This method is used for detecting the presence or absence of primary users based on the eigenvalues of the cyclic covariance matrix of received signals. In particular, the cyclic correlation significance test is used to detect a specific signal-of-interest by exploiting knowledge of its cyclic frequencies. The analytical threshold for achieving constant false alarm rate using this detection method is presented, verified through simulations, and shown to be independent of both the number of samples used and the noise variance, effectively eliminating the dependence on accurate noise estimation. The proposed method is also shown, through numerical simulations, to outperform existing multiple-antenna cyclostationary-based spectrum sensing algorithms under a quasi-static Rayleigh fading channel, in both spatially correlated and uncorrelated noise environments. The algorithm also has significantly lower computational complexity than these other approaches.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, accepted to IEEE GLOBECOM 201

    Cooperative Spectrum Sensing based on the Limiting Eigenvalue Ratio Distribution in Wishart Matrices

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    Recent advances in random matrix theory have spurred the adoption of eigenvalue-based detection techniques for cooperative spectrum sensing in cognitive radio. Most of such techniques use the ratio between the largest and the smallest eigenvalues of the received signal covariance matrix to infer the presence or absence of the primary signal. The results derived so far in this field are based on asymptotical assumptions, due to the difficulties in characterizing the exact distribution of the eigenvalues ratio. By exploiting a recent result on the limiting distribution of the smallest eigenvalue in complex Wishart matrices, in this paper we derive an expression for the limiting eigenvalue ratio distribution, which turns out to be much more accurate than the previous approximations also in the non-asymptotical region. This result is then straightforwardly applied to calculate the decision threshold as a function of a target probability of false alarm. Numerical simulations show that the proposed detection rule provides a substantial performance improvement compared to the other eigenvalue-based algorithms.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, submitted to IEEE Communications Letter

    Max-Min SNR Signal Energy based Spectrum Sensing Algorithms for Cognitive Radio Networks with Noise Variance Uncertainty

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    This paper proposes novel spectrum sensing algorithms for cognitive radio networks. By assuming known transmitter pulse shaping filter, synchronous and asynchronous receiver scenarios have been considered. For each of these scenarios, the proposed algorithm is explained as follows: First, by introducing a combiner vector, an over-sampled signal of total duration equal to the symbol period is combined linearly. Second, for this combined signal, the Signal-to-Noise ratio (SNR) maximization and minimization problems are formulated as Rayleigh quotient optimization problems. Third, by using the solutions of these problems, the ratio of the signal energy corresponding to the maximum and minimum SNRs are proposed as a test statistics. For this test statistics, analytical probability of false alarm (PfP_f) and detection (PdP_d) expressions are derived for additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. The proposed algorithms are robust against noise variance uncertainty. The generalization of the proposed algorithms for unknown transmitter pulse shaping filter has also been discussed. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithms achieve better PdP_d than that of the Eigenvalue decomposition and energy detection algorithms in AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels with noise variance uncertainty. The proposed algorithms also guarantee the desired Pf(Pd)P_f(P_d) in the presence of adjacent channel interference signals
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