2 research outputs found

    An Approach to Emulate and Validate the Effects of Single Event Upsets using the PREDICT FUTRE Hardware Integrated Framework

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    Due to the advances in electronics design automation industry, worldwide, the integrated approach to model and emulate the single event effects due to cosmic radiation, in particular single event upsets or single event transients is gaining momentum. As of now, no integrated methodology to inject the fault in parallel to functional test vectors or to estimate the effects of radiation for a selected function in system on chip at design phase exists. In this paper, a framework, PRogrammable single Event effects Demonstrator for dIgital Chip Technologies (PREDICT) failure assessment for radiation effects is developed using a hardware platform and aided by genetic algorithms addressing all the above challenges. A case study is carried out to evaluate the frameworks capability to emulate the effects of radiation using the co-processor as design under test (DUT) function. Using the ML605 and Virtex-6 evaluation board for single and three particle simulations with the layered atmospheric conditions, the proposed framework consumes approximately 100 min and 300 min, respectively; it consumes 600 min for 3 particle random atmospheric conditions, using the 64 GB RAM, 64-bit operating system with 3.1 GHz processor based workstation. The framework output transforms the 4 MeVcm2/mg linear energy transfer to a single event transient pulse width of 2 μs with 105 amplification factor for visualisation, which matches well with the existing experimental results data. Using the framework, the effects of radiation for the co-processing module are estimated during the design phase and the success rate of the DUT is found to be 48 per cent