2,228 research outputs found

    Measuring perceived learning gains of undergraduate nursing students in ICT skills: One group pre-test and post-test design

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    Purpose: This study aimed to measure learning gains during an ICT training intervention in first-year students completing a four-year undergraduate nursing degree. Methodology: This study adopted a quasi-experimental, one group pre-test and post-test design. The intervention effectiveness was measured using individual single-student normalised gains, g; class average normalised gain, 〈g〉; and average single-student normalised gain, g(ave). Results: In this study, the class average normalised gains, 〈g〉 ranged from 34.4% to 58.2%, and the average of single student normalised gains, g(ave) ranged from 32.4% to 50.7%. The overall class average normalised gain 〈g〉 was 44.8%, and the average of the single student normalised gain was 44.5%, with 68% of students having a normalised gain of 30% and above, indicating that the intervention was effective. Conclusion: Similar interventions and measurements are recommended to all health professional students during their first academic year to pave a foundation for ICT usage for academic purposes

    Nursing Competencies Needed for Electronic Advance Care Planning in Community

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    Advance care planning implementation occurs acrossthe world using different legislative frameworks, differentlanguage to describe both the process and the outcome, anddifferent models to develop these plans. Many countries are inthe process of developing personally controlled electronic healthrecords. Including advance care plans as part of this record isproposed in Australia. The Electronic Advance Care Plan(eACP) in Community project aimed to develop a model that willengage community dwelling older adults with chronic lifelimitingillnesses in the process of advance care planning that isperson-centred, evidence-based and has a focus of dignity of life.A systematic review was conducted to identify models of advancecare planning information sharing and to examine the nurses’role. A realist review comprising a metasynthesis of 8 qualitativestudies and 9 quantitative studies was conducted. Nursingcompetencies need to be developed to include the medico-legalframework around advance care plan development, as well asinformation technology competencies and communicationcompetencies so that nurses around the world are betterinformed for end-of-life care planning and practice in a digitalworl

    Beyond Checklists: A Nursing Informatics Education Strategy for Undergraduate Nursing Students Appraising Health Information on Social Networking Sites (SNS) / Au-delà des listes de vérification : Une stratégie de formation infirmière au numérique pour l’évaluation, par les étudiantes de premier cycle, des informations sur la santé présentes sur les sites des réseaux sociaux (SRS)

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    Increasingly internet social networking sites are used in healthcare to support, communicate and offer information platforms between healthcare providers, users, and the public. Undergraduate nursing students draw on various sources of evidence to inform best-practice decisions in collaboration with patients and the healthcare team. Student or patient-initiated access of information from social networking sites necessitates high levels of informatics literacy. While students may reveal adept social networking site navigation skills, their capacity to appraise and apply information from these sites to their nursing practice, in ways that demonstrate informatics competence, requires further exploration. The purpose of this education project was to describe how students’ informatics competence was enriched through the development and implementation of a Credibility, Argument, Purpose and Evidence guide, compared to a previously implemented checklist as part of a digital health assignment. The Constructivist Online Learning Environment Survey evaluated student-learning perceptions using the new guide as well as the previously utilized checklist. The developed guide improved students’ perceptions of their ability to appraise social networking sites. Results revealed an improvement in students’ appreciation of the significance of moving beyond the use of checklists when appraising and evaluating social networking sites. Educational institutions assume a prominent role as stakeholders in curriculum development, to equip nursing students with informatics skills to critically appraise and evaluate information from various social networking sites and technologies, alongside other health knowledge, for ethical evidence informed nursing practice. Résumé Les intervenants du secteur de la santé utilisent de plus en plus les sites de réseautage social en ligne pour soutenir, communiquer et offrir une plateforme d’information permettant des échanges entre les professionnels de la santé, les utilisateurs des services de santé et le public. Les étudiantes en sciences infirmières de premier cycle s’appuient sur diverses sources de résultats probants pour prendre des décisions éclairées basées sur les pratiques exemplaires, en collaboration avec les patients et les membres de l’équipe des soins. L’accès aux informations par les étudiantes ou les patients à partir des sites de réseautage social nécessite un niveau élevé de maîtrise du numérique. Bien que les étudiantes puissent détenir des habiletés de navigation sur de tels sites, leur capacité à évaluer et à mettre en application des informations tirées de ces sites dans leur pratique infirmière, de manière à démontrer une compétence numérique, nécessite une exploration plus poussée. Le but de ce projet de formation était de décrire comment la compétence numérique des étudiantes a été enrichie grâce à l’élaboration et à la mise en œuvre d’un guide portant sur la Crédibilité, l’Argumentation, le But, et les Résultats probants, pour remplacer une liste de vérification précédemment utilisée dans le cadre d’un travail en santé numérique. Le Constructivist Online Learning Environment Survey (sondage sur un environnement constructiviste d’apprentissage en ligne) a permis d’évaluer les perceptions d’apprentissage des étudiantes à l’aide du nouveau guide et de la liste de vérification utilisée précédemment. Le guide élaboré a amélioré la perception de ces dernières quant à leur capacité à évaluer les sites de réseautage social et les résultats ont révélé qu’elles comprennent davantage la nécessité d’aller au-delà des listes de vérification pour évaluer de tels sites. Les établissements d’enseignement jouent un rôle de premier plan dans l’élaboration des programmes de formation qui poussent les étudiantes en sciences infirmières à développer leur compétence numérique, leur permettant d’évaluer de manière critique les informations provenant de divers sites de réseaux sociaux et de technologies , en plus d’autres connaissances en matière de santé, pour une pratique infirmière éclairée par une analyse éthique des résultats probants

    Nursing Students\u27 Self-Efficacy and Attitude: Examining the Influence ofthe Omaha System In Nurse Managed Centers

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    Self-efficacy, or confidence, as an outcome behavior has been identified as influencing nursing job satisfaction and retention. Clinical learning environments and teaching strategies that build and support perceived self-efficacy are critical aspects of preparing new nurses for their entry and continuing role as professional nurses in today\u27s information-intensive data-management healthcare environment. The purpose of this pre-test post-test study is to measure, using the C-scale (Grundy, 1992), nursing students\u27 self-efficacy to perform patient assessment in Nurse Managed Centers (NMC) after one semester of using the Omaha System documentation framework. Nursing students\u27 attitudes of preparation for using Standardized Nursing Languages (SNL) in the future was also examined. Bandura\u27s (1977, 19986) theoretical model of self-efficacy provided the conceptual framework. Students\u27 overall self-efficacy scores increased significantly over the 12 week study. Use of the Omaha System \u27prepared a little\u27 to \u27very prepared\u27 90% of student nurses for future use of SNL. Continued use of the Omaha System documentation framework in Nurse Managed Center clinicals as a tool for understanding SNL is recommended.

    The Techno-Numerate Nurse: Results of a Study Exploring Nursing Student and Nurse Perceptions of Workplace Mathematics and Technology Demands

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    In this paper, we report on the findings of a research study that sought to answer the following questions: (i) How do current nursing students’ perceptions compare with those of actual working nurses regarding the mathematics and technology demands involved in nursing?; and, (ii) What types of course structures, content, pedagogy, or other recommendations could more effectively prepare nurses for the realities of the workplace in light of mathematics and technology demands? The study involved online open-response questions and semi-structured interviews. Seventy-six participants, including both 4th-year nursing students (n = 8) and working nurses (n = 68), completed the online component. Three of the practicing nurses, each working in very different healthcare contexts (mental health, neo-natal intensive care, acute care), volunteered to take part in subsequent in-depth interviews to share further insights. No statistically significant differences were found between nursing students’ and working nurses’ perceptions of mathematics and technology preparation for nursing within their undergraduate experiences. Based on the analysis of open-response item data and interview transcripts, we discuss the following emergent themes: math skills required for practice; math admission requirements; math-related course offerings and instructional strategies; technology skills required for practice; technology addressed in nursing programs; and, issues surrounding evidence-based practice and Internet access. The paper concludes with a list of seven recommendations for nurse education programs, as well as suggested directions for future research. _ Résumé Dans cet article, nous rapportons les résultats d\u27une recherche menée pour répondre aux questions suivantes : (i) quelle est la différence entre la perception des étudiantes en sciences infirmières et celle des infirmières sur le marché du travail concernant les exigences liées aux mathématiques et à la technologie dans le domaine des sciences infirmières? (ii) Quels types de structures de cours, de contenu, de méthodes pédagogiques ou quelles autres recommandations permettraient de mieux préparer les infirmières aux réalités du milieu du travail à la lumière des exigences liées aux mathématiques et à la technologie? La recherche a été réalisée à l\u27aide d\u27entrevues semi-structurées et de questions à réponses ouvertes accessibles en ligne. Soixante-seize participantes, dont des étudiantes de 4e année en sciences infirmières (n=8) et des infirmières en milieu de travail (n=68) ont répondu aux questions en ligne. Trois des infirmières en milieu de travail, toutes travaillant dans des contextes de soins de santé très différents (santé mentale, soins intensifs en néonatalogie, soins aigus), ont accepté de participer aux entrevues en profondeur pour partager davantage sur le sujet. Aucune différence statistiquement significative n\u27a été observée entre les perceptions des étudiantes en sciences infirmières et des infirmières en milieu de travail relativement à la préparation dans les domaines des mathématiques et des technologies pour les sciences infirmières dans le cadre de leurs études de premier cycle. D\u27après l\u27analyse des données issues des questions à réponses ouvertes et des transcriptions d\u27entrevues, nous discutons des thèmes émergents suivants : habiletés en mathématiques requises pour la pratique; exigences d\u27admission en mathématiques; offre de cours et stratégies d\u27enseignement touchant les mathématiques; habiletés en technologie requises pour la pratique; technologie abordée dans les programmes de sciences infirmières; et les questions concernant la pratique fondée sur des résultats probants et l\u27accès à Internet. Cet article se conclut par une liste de sept recommandations pour les programmes de formation en sciences infirmières, ainsi que par un ensemble d\u27orientations proposées pour les recherches futures

    Understanding the use of standardized nursing terminology and classification systems in published research : a case study using the International Classification for Nursing Practice®

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    Background In the era of evidenced based healthcare, nursing is required to demonstrate that care provided by nurses is associated with optimal patient outcomes, and a high degree of quality and safety. The use of standardized nursing terminologies and classification systems are a way that nursing documentation can be leveraged to generate evidence related to nursing practice. Several widely-reported nursing specific terminologies and classifications systems currently exist including the Clinical Care Classification System, International Classification for Nursing Practice®, Nursing Intervention Classification, Nursing Outcome Classification, Omaha System, Perioperative Nursing Data Set and NANDA International. However, the influence of these systems on demonstrating the value of nursing and the professions’ impact on quality, safety and patient outcomes in published research is relatively unknown. Purpose This paper seeks to understand the use of standardized nursing terminology and classification systems in published research, using the International Classification for Nursing Practice® as a case study. Methods A systematic review of international published empirical studies on, or using, the International Classification for Nursing Practice® were completed using Medline and the Cumulative Index for Nursing and Allied Health Literature. Results Since 2006, 38 studies have been published on the International Classification for Nursing Practice®. The main objectives of the published studies have been to validate the appropriateness of the classification system for particular care areas or populations, further develop the classification system, or utilize it to support the generation of new nursing knowledge. To date, most studies have focused on the classification system itself, and a lesser number of studies have used the system to generate information about the outcomes of nursing practice. Conclusions Based on the published literature that features the International Classification for Nursing Practice, standardized nursing terminology and classification systems appear to be well developed for various populations, settings and to harmonize with other health-related terminology systems. However, the use of the systems to generate new nursing knowledge, and to validate nursing practice is still in its infancy. There is an opportunity now to utilize the well-developed systems in their current state to further what is know about nursing practice, and how best to demonstrate improvements in patient outcomes through nursing care

    A Study to Understand and Compare Evidence Based Practice Among Health Professionals Involved in Pain Management

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    Pain management is a common concern of multiple health professionals. Evidence-based practice (EBP) in pain management is a recognized approach used to improve health outcomes. EBP tools can facilitate its implementation. PAIN+ is a tool that provides access to pre-appraised current best research evidence on pain to support clinical decisions. It is important to understand the knowledge, attitudes and behavior of professionals towards EBP and more specifically how they access research about pain management. The overarching purpose of this thesis is to better understand how clinicians from different professions involved in pain management view EBP and implement specific strategies to find pain related research evidence. We conducted a series of studies incorporating various methods to address these questions. Data was collected supplementary to a large randomized control trial to compare “Push” vs. “Pull” strategies for uptake of pain research. In the first study, we compared the knowledge, attitudes, outcomes expectations and behaviors of physicians, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and psychologists towards EBP in pain management using a validated knowledge attitude and behavior (KABQ) questionnaire. In the second study, we used a mixed methods approach to understand the competencies of clinicians accessing electronic databases to search for evidence on pain management. In the third study, we performed a structured classification of the abstracts that were viewed by clinicians to understand their access behaviors. In the last part of the thesis, we compared the usefulness of PAIN+ with PubMed using a randomized crossover trial approach. The results of this thesis indicate that the professionals involved in pain management have good knowledge of and attitudes towards EBP, but behavior i.e. implementation of EBP in practice and perception of outcomes of implementing EBP were low. In the second study, we found that professionals had acceptable levels of basic literature searching skills but had low levels of use of more advanced skills, and were not aware of using clinical queries in their search. In the third study, we found that all professionals accessed research evidence when provided alerts about pain research and some variations in the types of studies accessed were observed. Differences in access behaviors might reflect differences in professional approach to pain management. In our fourth study the crossover randomized controlled trial; we found PAIN+ and PubMed were both rated useful in retrieving pain evidence for clinicians. Professionals showed an interest in evidence-based pain management, but their skills for finding evidence were limited, they appeared to need training in locating and appraising pain related research evidence, and may benefit from tools that reduce this burden

    An Exploration of the Influence of Nursing Education Culture on the Integration of Nursing Informatics Competencies Into a Collaborative Nursing Program Curriculum

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    Information communication technologies are becoming a customary part of the way in which nurses provide care. Consequently, it makes good sense to ensure that nursing informatics competencies are integrated into nursing curricula to prepare graduates for practice. However, few schools of nursing within Canada have fully integrated nursing informatics competencies into their curricula. Nursing education culture appears to influence decision-making, and the development of organizational priorities. Nonetheless, there are no known studies examining how nursing education culture impacts nursing informatics curriculum development endeavours. Therefore, this study aimed to address the following research questions: 1) In what ways does a nursing education culture (the shared values, assumptions and behaviours of two schools of nursing) and the practices and policies within the two schools of nursing affect the incorporation of nursing informatics competencies in a collaborative undergraduate nursing program curriculum? 2) How is the incorporation of competencies related to nursing informatics in the collaborative program curriculum influenced by the systems and subsystems within two schools of nursing? 3) How do the subsystems within the two schools of nursing interact to affect the incorporation of nursing informatics competencies in the undergraduate nursing curriculum? and 4) In what ways do resources within these two schools influence the curriculum development process and incorporation of nursing informatics competencies within the curriculum? These questions were explored using a focused ethnography framed with a systems theory perspective. Data were collected through interviews, observations, and document review. The culture under investigation was a collaborative undergraduate nursing program culture, offered jointly through a partnership between a University and College. Findings identified external and internal systems and subsystems had a significant influence on how values, beliefs, and priorities within the collaborative program were determined and this ultimately influenced the selection of curricular content. Subsequently, findings suggest that commitment and priority for the topic of nursing informatics need to be established within the nursing education culture. Until faculty value the use of information communication technologies to support nursing practice, nursing informatics as a topic area will be undervalued and its incorporation within the curriculum will remain limited

    The factors influencing nurse graduates use of mobile technology in clinical settings in Perth Western Australia: A mixed method study

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    The ubiquitous use of mobile technology in today’s society extends to the learning and teaching environment. Most academics in universities encourage its use, aided by libraries offering online resources. Whilst the literature highlights benefits of using mobile technology in learning, particularly for nurses to keep up-to-date, there is limited evidence on such use in clinical settings by graduate nurses in Western Australia (WA). Additionally, there is a lack of information and clarification on the use of such technology in WA hospitals. The purpose of this study was to identify and explore factors influencing the use of mobile technology by newly graduated registered nurses in the clinical area. The location of the study was in Perth, Western Australia. The study sought to answer the following questions: What factors influence nurse graduates use of mobile technology in the clinical setting? To what extent and in what ways do nurse graduates currently use mobile technology in the clinical setting? and What are the perceptions of nurse coordinators, educators and managers of graduate programs regarding mobile technology use in the clinical setting. In order to answer these questions, an explanatory, sequential, mixed method design was used. Initially, a review was undertaken of existing policy and guidelines, regarding use of mobile technology, from both public and private hospitals. This phase of the study was followed by two major phases: (quantitative and qualitative). As a preparation to the quantitative phase, a survey was developed involving the modified use of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM2). This model was used as the theoretical framework underpinning the study. The survey was administered online to registered nurse graduates using SurveyMonkey™. Both descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyse the data. Findings from the data informed the next phase of the study. Data collection for the qualitative phase of the study, involved synchronous Skype™ online text-based focus group interviews with the graduates. Additionally, nurse coordinators, educators and managers of graduate programs from both public and private hospitals, were invited to complete an online open-ended survey. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data from this phase of the study. The findings from both the quantitative and qualitative phases was synthesised to answer the research questions, forming a holistic picture to offer conclusions to the study. This study is significant, as there appears to be a gap between learning with mobile technology in Universities, and its use in the clinical setting. This problem may be associated with the lack of standardised policies in the use of mobile technology, or from senior nurses’ misperception of its benefits. The results of this study may lead to policies and guidelines being reviewed and implemented by local healthcare agencies, and could lead to review of current mobile technology integration into nursing undergraduate degrees