1 research outputs found

    IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters: Vol. 10, No. 2. March 2013

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    1. One-Stationary Bistatic Side-Looking SAR Imaging Algorithm Based on Extended Keystone Transforms and Nonlinear Chirp Scaling / Zhongyu Li, et al 2. Supervised Graph Embedding for Polarimetric SAR Image Classification / Lei Shi, et al. 3. GPU Implementation of an Automatic Target Detection and Classification Algorithm for Hyperspectral Image Analysis / Sergio Bernabe, et al. 4. MUSIC Algorithms for Grid Diagnostics / Raffaele Solimene, Giovanni Leone 5. Extraction of Underwater Laver Cultivation Nets by SAR Polarimetric Entropy / Eun-Sung Won, Kazuo Ouchi, Chan-Su Yang 6. A Semisupervised Context-Sensitive Change Detection Technique via Gaussian Process / Keming Chen, et al. 7. Ground Moving Target Indication in SAR Images by Symetric Defocusing / Gaohuan Lv, Junfeng Wang, Xingzhao Liu 8. Some Statistical Properties of Surface Slopes via Remote Sensing Using Variable Reflection Angle Considering a Non-Gaussian Probability Density Function / Josue Alvarez-Borrego, Beatriz Martin-Atienza 9. Beam Position Agility in VPRF for Spaceborne Precipitation Radar / Danru Yu, Chonghui Zhao, Wei Xiang 10. Intercomparison of OSCAT Winds With Numerical-Model-Generaed Winds / Abhisek Chakraborty, et al. 11. SAR Image Despeckling Using a Space-Domain Filter with Alterable Window / Guang-Ting Li, et al. 12. SAR Target Configuration Recognition Using Locality Preserving Property and Gaussian Mixture Distribution / Ming Liu, et al. 13. Deorientation Effecr Investigation for Model-Based Decomposition Over Oriented Built-Up Areas / Si-Wei Chen, et al. 14. A New Method of Removing Unsyncronized Signal for ScanSAR Interferometry / Cunren Liang, et al. 15. Regional Algorithms for European Seas: a case study based on MERIS data / Tamito Kajiyama, Davide D\u27 Alimonte, Giuseppe Zibordi 16. A Multispectral Decomposition Technique for the Recovery of True SeaWiFS Top-of-Atmosphere Radiances / Wei Chen, Bo-Cai Gao 17. Automatic Generation of Srandard Deviation Attribute Profiles for Spectral-Spatial Classification of Remote Sensing Data / Prashanth R. Marpu, et al. 18. Interactive Segmentation for Change Detection in Multispectral Remote-Sensing Images / Haikel Hichri, et al. 19. A Comparison Between Coherent and Incoherent Similarity Measures in Terms of Crop Inventory / Olga Chesnokova, Esra Erten 20. Fast Filtering of LiDAR Point Cloud in rban Areas Based on Scan Line Segmentation and GPU Acceleration / Xiangyun Hu, Xiaokai Li, Yongjun Zhang etc