2 research outputs found

    Distributed PV Penetration Impact Analysis on Transmission System Voltages using Co-Simulation

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    With the growing penetrations of distributed energy resources (DERs), it is imperative to evaluate their impacts on transmission system operations. In this paper, an iteratively coupled transmission and distribution (T&D) co-simulation framework is employed to study the impacts of increasing penetrations of distribution-connected photovoltaic (PV) systems on transmission system voltages. The co-simulation framework introduces iterative coupling and unbalanced transmission system analysis that help accurately replicate the standalone T&D system results without resorting to the computational challenge of developing large-scale standalone T\&D models. The integrated T&D systems are evaluated for multiple PV deployment scenarios based on randomly generated PV locations and sizes. A test system is simulated using the IEEE-9 bus transmission system model integrated at each load point with three EPRI's Ckt-24 distribution feeder models. The results are thoroughly validated using a standalone T&D system model simulated in OpenDSS

    Transmission-Distribution Co-Simulation: Analytical Methods for Iterative Coupling

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    With the increased penetrations of distributed energy resources (DERs), the need for integrated transmission and distribution system analysis (T&D) is imperative. This paper presents an integrated unbalanced T&D analysis framework using an iteratively coupled co-simulation approach. The unbalanced T&D systems are solved separately using dedicated solvers. An iterative approach is developed for T&D interface coupling and to ensure convergence of the boundary variables. To do so, analytical expressions governing the T&D interface are obtained. First-order and second-order convergent methods using the Fixed-point iteration (FPI) method and Newton's method, respectively are proposed to solve the system of nonlinear T&D interface equations. The proposed framework is tested using an integrated T&D system model comprised of a 9-bus IEEE transmission test system integrated with a real-world 6000-bus distribution test system. The results show that the proposed framework can model the impacts of system unbalance and increased demand variability on integrated T&D systems and converges during stressed system conditions. As expected, Newton's method converges faster with a fewer number of iterations as compared to the FPI method and the improvements are more pronounced during high levels of system unbalance and high loading conditions