88,295 research outputs found

    End-to-End Joint Antenna Selection Strategy and Distributed Compress and Forward Strategy for Relay Channels

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    Multi-hop relay channels use multiple relay stages, each with multiple relay nodes, to facilitate communication between a source and destination. Previously, distributed space-time codes were proposed to maximize the achievable diversity-multiplexing tradeoff, however, they fail to achieve all the points of the optimal diversity-multiplexing tradeoff. In the presence of a low-rate feedback link from the destination to each relay stage and the source, this paper proposes an end-to-end antenna selection (EEAS) strategy as an alternative to distributed space-time codes. The EEAS strategy uses a subset of antennas of each relay stage for transmission of the source signal to the destination with amplify and forwarding at each relay stage. The subsets are chosen such that they maximize the end-to-end mutual information at the destination. The EEAS strategy achieves the corner points of the optimal diversity-multiplexing tradeoff (corresponding to maximum diversity gain and maximum multiplexing gain) and achieves better diversity gain at intermediate values of multiplexing gain, versus the best known distributed space-time coding strategies. A distributed compress and forward (CF) strategy is also proposed to achieve all points of the optimal diversity-multiplexing tradeoff for a two-hop relay channel with multiple relay nodes.Comment: Accepted for publication in the special issue on cooperative communication in the Eurasip Journal on Wireless Communication and Networkin

    Communication-Computation Efficient Gradient Coding

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    This paper develops coding techniques to reduce the running time of distributed learning tasks. It characterizes the fundamental tradeoff to compute gradients (and more generally vector summations) in terms of three parameters: computation load, straggler tolerance and communication cost. It further gives an explicit coding scheme that achieves the optimal tradeoff based on recursive polynomial constructions, coding both across data subsets and vector components. As a result, the proposed scheme allows to minimize the running time for gradient computations. Implementations are made on Amazon EC2 clusters using Python with mpi4py package. Results show that the proposed scheme maintains the same generalization error while reducing the running time by 32%32\% compared to uncoded schemes and 23%23\% compared to prior coded schemes focusing only on stragglers (Tandon et al., ICML 2017)

    Joint Frequency Regulation and Economic Dispatch Using Limited Communication

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    We study the performance of a decentralized integral control scheme for joint power grid frequency regulation and economic dispatch. We show that by properly designing the controller gains, after a power flow perturbation, the control achieves near-optimal economic dispatch while recovering the nominal frequency, without requiring any communication. We quantify the gap between the controllable power generation cost under the decentralized control scheme and the optimal cost, based on the DC power flow model. Moreover, we study the tradeoff between the cost and the convergence time, by adjusting parameters of the control scheme. Communication between generators reduces the convergence time. We identify key communication links whose failures have more significant impacts on the performance of a distributed power grid control scheme that requires information exchange between neighbors

    Run-time Energy Management for Mobiles

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    Due to limited energy resources, mobile computing requires an energy-efficient a rchitecture. The dynamic nature of a mobile environment demands an architecture that allows adapting to (quickly) changing conditions. The mobile has to adapt d ynamically to new circumstances in the best suitable manner. The hardware and so ftware architecture should be able to support such adaptability and minimize the energy consumption by making resource allocation decisions at run-time. To make these decisions effective, a tradeoff has to be made between computation , communication and initialization costs (both time and energy). This paper describes our approach to construct a model that supports taking such decisions

    Quantum and Classical Strong Direct Product Theorems and Optimal Time-Space Tradeoffs

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    A strong direct product theorem says that if we want to compute k independent instances of a function, using less than k times the resources needed for one instance, then our overall success probability will be exponentially small in k. We establish such theorems for the classical as well as quantum query complexity of the OR function. This implies slightly weaker direct product results for all total functions. We prove a similar result for quantum communication protocols computing k instances of the Disjointness function. Our direct product theorems imply a time-space tradeoff T^2*S=Omega(N^3) for sorting N items on a quantum computer, which is optimal up to polylog factors. They also give several tight time-space and communication-space tradeoffs for the problems of Boolean matrix-vector multiplication and matrix multiplication.Comment: 22 pages LaTeX. 2nd version: some parts rewritten, results are essentially the same. A shorter version will appear in IEEE FOCS 0
