2 research outputs found

    Dynamic Power Management of High Performance Network on Chip

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    With increased density of modern System on Chip(SoC) communication between nodes has become a major problem. Network on Chip is a novel on chip communication paradigm to solve this by using highly scalable and efficient packet switched network. The addition of intelligent networking on the chip adds to the chip’s power consumption thus making management of communication power an interesting and challenging research problem. While VLSI techniques have evolved over time to enable power reduction in the circuit level, the highly dynamic nature of modern large SoC demand more than that. This dissertation explores some innovative dynamic solutions to manage the ever increasing communication power in the post sub-micron era. Today’s highly integrated SoCs require great level of cross layer optimizations to provide maximum efficiency. This dissertation aims at the dynamic power management problem from top. Starting with a system level distribution and management down to microarchitecture enhancements were found necessary to deliver maximum power efficiency. A distributed power budget sharing technique is proposed. To efficiently satisfy the established power budget, a novel flow control and throttling technique is proposed. Finally power efficiency of underlying microarchitecture is explored and novel buffer and link management techniques are developed. All of the proposed techniques yield improvement in power-performance efficiency of the NoC infrastructure

    A Combined DOE-ILP Based Power and Read Stability Optimization in Nano-CMOS SRAM

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