2 research outputs found

    Explorations in the theory of partition zeta functions

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    We introduce and survey results on two families of zeta functions connected to the multiplicative and additive theories of integer partitions. In the case of the multiplicative theory, we provide specialization formulas and results on the analytic continuations of these "partition zeta functions", find unusual formulas for the Riemann zeta function, prove identities for multiple zeta values, and see that some of the formulas allow for pp-adic interpolation. The second family we study was anticipated by Manin and makes use of modular forms, functions which are intimately related to integer partitions by universal polynomial recurrence relations. We survey recent work on these zeta polynomials, including the proof of their Riemann Hypothesis.Comment: 41 pages, to appear in Exploring the Riemann Zeta Function, 190 years from Riemann's Birth, Springer, editors: H. Montgomery, A. Nikeghbali, and M. Rassia

    Eulerian series, zeta functions and the arithmetic of partitions

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    In this Ph.D. dissertation (2018, Emory University) we prove theorems at the intersection of the additive and multiplicative branches of number theory, bringing together ideas from partition theory, qq-series, algebra, modular forms and analytic number theory. We present a natural multiplicative theory of integer partitions (which are usually considered in terms of addition), and explore new classes of partition-theoretic zeta functions and Dirichlet series -- as well as "Eulerian" qq-hypergeometric series -- enjoying many interesting relations. We find a number of theorems of classical number theory and analysis arise as particular cases of extremely general combinatorial structure laws. Among our applications, we prove explicit formulas for the coefficients of the qq-bracket of Bloch-Okounkov, a partition-theoretic operator from statistical physics related to quasi-modular forms; we prove partition formulas for arithmetic densities of certain subsets of the integers, giving qq-series formulas to evaluate the Riemann zeta function; we study qq-hypergeometric series related to quantum modular forms and the "strange" function of Kontsevich; and we show how Ramanujan's odd-order mock theta functions (and, more generally, the universal mock theta function g3g_3 of Gordon-McIntosh) arise from the reciprocal of the Jacobi triple product via the qq-bracket operator, connecting also to unimodal sequences in combinatorics and quantum modular-like phenomena.Comment: Ph.D. dissertation (2018, Emory University, advisor Ken Ono) including joint work with Amanda Clemm, Marie Jameson, Ken Ono, Larry Rolen, Maxwell Schneider and Ian Wagner, 228 page