4 research outputs found

    Matchgate Shadows for Fermionic Quantum Simulation

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    "Classical shadows" are estimators of an unknown quantum state, constructed from suitably distributed random measurements on copies of that state [Nature Physics 16, 1050-1057]. Here, we analyze classical shadows obtained using random matchgate circuits, which correspond to fermionic Gaussian unitaries. We prove that the first three moments of the Haar distribution over the continuous group of matchgate circuits are equal to those of the discrete uniform distribution over only the matchgate circuits that are also Clifford unitaries; thus, the latter forms a "matchgate 3-design." This implies that the classical shadows resulting from the two ensembles are functionally equivalent. We show how one can use these matchgate shadows to efficiently estimate inner products between an arbitrary quantum state and fermionic Gaussian states, as well as the expectation values of local fermionic operators and various other quantities, thus surpassing the capabilities of prior work. As a concrete application, this enables us to apply wavefunction constraints that control the fermion sign problem in the quantum-classical auxiliary-field quantum Monte Carlo algorithm (QC-AFQMC) [Nature 603, 416-420], without the exponential post-processing cost incurred by the original approach.Comment: 53 pages, 1 figur

    A Combinatorial Algorithm for Pfaffians

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    The Pfaffian of a graph is closely linked to Perfect Matching. It is also naturally related to the determinant of an appropriately defined matrix. This relation between Pfaffian and determinant is usually exploited to give a fast algorithm for computing Pfaffians. We present the first completely combinatorial algorithm for computing the Pfaffian in polynomial time. In fact, we show that it can be computed in the complexity class GapL; this result was not known before. Our proof techniques generalize the recent combinatorial characterization of determinant [MV97] in novel ways. As a corollary, we show that under reasonable encodings of a planar graph, Kasteleyn's algorithm for counting the number of perfect matchings in a planar graph is also in GapL. The combinatorial characterization of Pfaffian also makes it possible to directly establish several algorithmic and complexity theoretic results on Perfect Matching which otherwise use determinants in a roundabout way

    A Combinatorial Algorithm for Pfaffians 1

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    The Pfaffian of an oriented graph is closely linked to Perfect Matching. It is also naturally related to the determinant of an appropriately defined matrix. This relation between Pfaffian and determinant is usually exploited to give a fast algorithm for computing Pfaffians. We present the first completely combinatorial algorithm for computing the Pfaffian in polynomial time. Our algorithm works over arbitrary commutative rings. Over integers, we show that it can be computed in the complexity class GapL; this result was not known before. Our proof techniques generalize the recent combinatorial characterization of determinant [MV97] in novel ways. As a corollary, we show that under reasonable encodings of a planar graph, Kasteleyn’s algorithm [Kas67] for counting the number of perfect matchings in a planar graph is also in GapL. The combinatorial characterization of Pfaffian also makes it possible to directly establish several algorithmic and complexity theoretic results on Perfect Matching which otherwise use determinants in a roundabout way. We also present hardness results for computing the Pfaffian of an integer skew-symmetric matrix. We show that this is hard for ♯L and GapL under logspace many-one reductions