30 research outputs found

    High Performance Multiview Video Coding

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    Following the standardization of the latest video coding standard High Efficiency Video Coding in 2013, in 2014, multiview extension of HEVC (MV-HEVC) was published and brought significantly better compression performance of around 50% for multiview and 3D videos compared to multiple independent single-view HEVC coding. However, the extremely high computational complexity of MV-HEVC demands significant optimization of the encoder. To tackle this problem, this work investigates the possibilities of using modern parallel computing platforms and tools such as single-instruction-multiple-data (SIMD) instructions, multi-core CPU, massively parallel GPU, and computer cluster to significantly enhance the MVC encoder performance. The aforementioned computing tools have very different computing characteristics and misuse of the tools may result in poor performance improvement and sometimes even reduction. To achieve the best possible encoding performance from modern computing tools, different levels of parallelism inside a typical MVC encoder are identified and analyzed. Novel optimization techniques at various levels of abstraction are proposed, non-aggregation massively parallel motion estimation (ME) and disparity estimation (DE) in prediction unit (PU), fractional and bi-directional ME/DE acceleration through SIMD, quantization parameter (QP)-based early termination for coding tree unit (CTU), optimized resource-scheduled wave-front parallel processing for CTU, and workload balanced, cluster-based multiple-view parallel are proposed. The result shows proposed parallel optimization techniques, with insignificant loss to coding efficiency, significantly improves the execution time performance. This , in turn, proves modern parallel computing platforms, with appropriate platform-specific algorithm design, are valuable tools for improving the performance of computationally intensive applications

    Parallel HEVC Decoding on Multi- and Many-core Architectures : A Power and Performance Analysis

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    The Joint Collaborative Team on Video Decoding is developing a new standard named High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) that aims at reducing the bitrate of H.264/AVC by another 50 %. In order to fulfill the computational demands of the new standard, in particular for high resolutions and at low power budgets, exploiting parallelism is no longer an option but a requirement. Therefore, HEVC includes several coding tools that allows to divide each picture into several partitions that can be processed in parallel, without degrading the quality nor the bitrate. In this paper we adapt one of these approaches, the Wavefront Parallel Processing (WPP) coding, and show how it can be implemented on multi- and many-core processors. Our approach, named Overlapped Wavefront (OWF), processes several partitions as well as several pictures in parallel. This has the advantage that the amount of (thread-level) parallelism stays constant during execution. In addition, performance and power results are provided for three platforms: a server Intel CPU with 8 cores, a laptop Intel CPU with 4 cores, and a TILE-Gx36 with 36 cores from Tilera. The results show that our parallel HEVC decoder is capable of achieving an average frame rate of 116 fps for 4k resolution on a standard multicore CPU. The results also demonstrate that exploiting more parallelism by increasing the number of cores can improve the energy efficiency measured in terms of Joules per frame substantially

    Maximum-Entropy-Model-Enabled Complexity Reduction Algorithm in Modern Video Coding Standards

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    Symmetry considerations play a key role in modern science, and any differentiable symmetry of the action of a physical system has a corresponding conservation law. Symmetry may be regarded as reduction of Entropy. This work focuses on reducing the computational complexity of modern video coding standards by using the maximum entropy principle. The high computational complexity of the coding unit (CU) size decision in modern video coding standards is a critical challenge for real-time applications. This problem is solved in a novel approach considering CU termination, skip, and normal decisions as three-class making problems. The maximum entropy model (MEM) is formulated to the CU size decision problem, which can optimize the conditional entropy; the improved iterative scaling (IIS) algorithm is used to solve this optimization problem. The classification features consist of the spatio-temporal information of the CU, including the rate–distortion (RD) cost, coded block flag (CBF), and depth. For the case analysis, the proposed method is based on High Efficiency Video Coding (H.265/HEVC) standards. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can reduce the computational complexity of the H.265/HEVC encoder significantly. Compared with the H.265/HEVC reference model, the proposed method can reduce the average encoding time by 53.27% and 56.36% under low delay and random access configurations, while Bjontegaard Delta Bit Rates (BD-BRs) are 0.72% and 0.93% on average

    Optimisation énergétique de processus de traitement du signal et ses applications au décodage vidéo

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    Consumer electronics offer today more and more features (video, audio, GPS, Internet) and connectivity means (multi-radio systems with WiFi, Bluetooth, UMTS, HSPA, LTE-advanced ... ). The power demand of these devices is growing for the digital part especially for the processing chip. To support this ever increasing computing demand, processor architectures have evolved with multicore processors, graphics processors (GPU) and ether dedicated hardware accelerators. However, the evolution of battery technology is itself slower. Therefore, the autonomy of embedded systems is now under a great pressure. Among the new functionalities supported by mobile devices, video services take a prominent place. lndeed, recent analyzes show that they will represent 70% of mobile Internet traffic by 2016. Accompanying this growth, new technologies are emerging for new services and applications. Among them HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding) can double the data compression while maintaining a subjective quality equivalent to its predecessor, the H.264 standard. ln a digital circuit, the total power consumption is made of static power and dynamic power. Most of modern hardware architectures implement means to control the power consumption of the system. Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) mainly reduces the dynamic power of the circuit. This technique aims to adapt the power of the processor (and therefore its consumption) to the actual load needed by the application. To control the static power, Dynamic Power Management (DPM or sleep modes) aims to stop the voltage supplies associated with specific areas of the chip. ln this thesis, we first present a model of the energy consumed by the circuit integrating DPM and DVFS modes. This model is generalized to multi-core integrated circuits and to a rapid prototyping tool. Thus, the optimal operating point of a circuit, i.e. the operating frequency and the number of active cores, is identified. Secondly, the HEVC application is integrated to a multicore architecture coupled with a sophisticated DVFS mechanism. We show that this application can be implemented efficiently on general purpose processors (GPP) while minimizing the power consumption. Finally, and to get further energy gain, we propose a modified HEVC decoder that is capable to tune its energy gains together with a decoding quality trade-off.Aujourd'hui, les appareils électroniques offrent de plus en plus de fonctionnalités (vidéo, audio, GPS, internet) et des connectivités variées (multi-systèmes de radio avec WiFi, Bluetooth, UMTS, HSPA, LTE-advanced ... ). La demande en puissance de ces appareils est donc grandissante pour la partie numérique et notamment le processeur de calcul. Pour répondre à ce besoin sans cesse croissant de nouvelles fonctionnalités et donc de puissance de calcul, les architectures des processeurs ont beaucoup évolué : processeurs multi-coeurs, processeurs graphiques (GPU) et autres accélérateurs matériels dédiés. Cependant, alors que de nouvelles architectures matérielles peinent à répondre aux exigences de performance, l'évolution de la technologie des batteries est quant à elle encore plus lente. En conséquence, l'autonomie des systèmes embarqués est aujourd'hui sous pression. Parmi les nouveaux services supportés par les terminaux mobiles, la vidéo prend une place prépondérante. En effet, des analyses récentes de tendance montrent qu'elle représentera 70 % du trafic internet mobile dès 2016. Accompagnant cette croissance, de nouvelles technologies émergent permettant de nouveaux services et applications. Parmi elles, HEVC (High Efficiency Video Coding) permet de doubler la compression de données tout en garantissant une qualité subjective équivalente à son prédécesseur, la norme H.264. Dans un circuit numérique, la consommation provient de deux éléments: la puissance statique et la puissance dynamique. La plupart des architectures matérielles récentes mettent en oeuvre des procédés permettant de contrôler la puissance du système. Le changement dynamique du couple tension/fréquence appelé Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) agit principalement sur la puissance dynamique du circuit. Cette technique permet d'adapter la puissance du processeur (et donc sa consommation) à la charge réelle nécessaire pour une application. Pour contrôler la puissance statique, le Dynamic Power Management (DPM, ou modes de veille) consistant à arrêter les alimentations associées à des zones spécifiques de la puce. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons d'abord une modélisation de l'énergie consommée par le circuit intégrant les modes DVFS et DPM. Cette modélisation est généralisée au circuit multi-coeurs et intégrée à un outil de prototypage rapide. Ainsi le point de fonctionnement optimal d'un circuit, la fréquence de fonctionnement et le nombre de coeurs actifs, est identifié. Dans un second temps, l'application HEVC est intégrée à une architecture multi-coeurs avec une adaptation dynamique de la fréquence de développement. Nous montrons que cette application peut être implémentée efficacement sur des processeurs généralistes (GPP) tout en minimisant la puissance consommée. Enfin, et pour aller plus loin dans les gains en énergie, nous proposons une modification du décodeur HEVC qui permet à un décodeur de baisser encore plus sa consommation en fonction du budget énergétique disponible localement

    Machine Learning-Based Quality-Aware Power and Thermal Management of Multistream HEVC Encoding on Multicore Servers

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    The emergence of video streaming applications, together with the users’ demand for high-resolution contents, has led to the development of new video coding standards, such as High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). HEVC provides high efficiency at the cost of increased complexity. This higher computational burden results in increased power consumption in current multicore servers. To tackle this challenge, algorithmic optimizations need to be accompanied by content-aware application-level strategies, able to reduce power while meeting compression and quality requirements. In this paper, we propose a machine learning-based power and thermal management approach that dynamically learns and selects the best encoding configuration and operating frequency for each of the videos running on multicore servers, by using information from frame compression, quality, encoding time, power, and temperature. In addition, we present a resolution-aware video assignment and migration strategy that reduces the peak and average temperature of the chip while maintaining the desirable encoding time. We implemented our approach in an enterprise multicore server and evaluated it under several common scenarios for video providers. On average, compared to a state-of-the-art technique, for the most realistic scenario, our approach improves BD-PSNR and BD-rate by 0.54 dB, and 8%, respectively, and reduces the encoding time, power consumption, and average temperature by 15.3%, 13%, and 10%, respectively. Moreover, our proposed approach increases BD-PSNR and BD-rate compared to the HEVC Test Model (HM), by 1.19 dB and 24%, respectively, without any encoding time degradation, when power and temperature constraints are relaxed

    A Survey on Energy Consumption and Environmental Impact of Video Streaming

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    Climate change challenges require a notable decrease in worldwide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions across technology sectors. Digital technologies, especially video streaming, accounting for most Internet traffic, make no exception. Video streaming demand increases with remote working, multimedia communication services (e.g., WhatsApp, Skype), video streaming content (e.g., YouTube, Netflix), video resolution (4K/8K, 50 fps/60 fps), and multi-view video, making energy consumption and environmental footprint critical. This survey contributes to a better understanding of sustainable and efficient video streaming technologies by providing insights into the state-of-the-art and potential future directions for researchers, developers, and engineers, service providers, hosting platforms, and consumers. We widen this survey's focus on content provisioning and content consumption based on the observation that continuously active network equipment underneath video streaming consumes substantial energy independent of the transmitted data type. We propose a taxonomy of factors that affect the energy consumption in video streaming, such as encoding schemes, resource requirements, storage, content retrieval, decoding, and display. We identify notable weaknesses in video streaming that require further research for improved energy efficiency: (1) fixed bitrate ladders in HTTP live streaming; (2) inefficient hardware utilization of existing video players; (3) lack of comprehensive open energy measurement dataset covering various device types and coding parameters for reproducible research

    Towards Computational Efficiency of Next Generation Multimedia Systems

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    To address throughput demands of complex applications (like Multimedia), a next-generation system designer needs to co-design and co-optimize the hardware and software layers. Hardware/software knobs must be tuned in synergy to increase the throughput efficiency. This thesis provides such algorithmic and architectural solutions, while considering the new technology challenges (power-cap and memory aging). The goal is to maximize the throughput efficiency, under timing- and hardware-constraints

    Optimization of Pattern Matching Algorithms for Multi- and Many-Core Platforms

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    Image and video compression play a major role in the world today, allowing the storage and transmission of large multimedia content volumes. However, the processing of this information requires high computational resources, hence the improvement of the computational performance of these compression algorithms is very important. The Multidimensional Multiscale Parser (MMP) is a pattern-matching-based compression algorithm for multimedia contents, namely images, achieving high compression ratios, maintaining good image quality, Rodrigues et al. [2008]. However, in comparison with other existing algorithms, this algorithm takes some time to execute. Therefore, two parallel implementations for GPUs were proposed by Ribeiro [2016] and Silva [2015] in CUDA and OpenCL-GPU, respectively. In this dissertation, to complement the referred work, we propose two parallel versions that run the MMP algorithm in CPU: one resorting to OpenMP and another that converts the existing OpenCL-GPU into OpenCL-CPU. The proposed solutions are able to improve the computational performance of MMP by 3 and 2:7 , respectively. The High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC/H.265) is the most recent standard for compression of image and video. Its impressive compression performance, makes it a target for many adaptations, particularly for holoscopic image/video processing (or light field). Some of the proposed modifications to encode this new multimedia content are based on geometry-based disparity compensations (SS), developed by Conti et al. [2014], and a Geometric Transformations (GT) module, proposed by Monteiro et al. [2015]. These compression algorithms for holoscopic images based on HEVC present an implementation of specific search for similar micro-images that is more efficient than the one performed by HEVC, but its implementation is considerably slower than HEVC. In order to enable better execution times, we choose to use the OpenCL API as the GPU enabling language in order to increase the module performance. With its most costly setting, we are able to reduce the GT module execution time from 6.9 days to less then 4 hours, effectively attaining a speedup of 45

    Power and Energy Aware Heterogeneous Computing Platform

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    During the last decade, wireless technologies have experienced significant development, most notably in the form of mobile cellular radio evolution from GSM to UMTS/HSPA and thereon to Long-Term Evolution (LTE) for increasing the capacity and speed of wireless data networks. Considering the real-time constraints of the new wireless standards and their demands for parallel processing, reconfigurable architectures and in particular, multicore platforms are part of the most successful platforms due to providing high computational parallelism and throughput. In addition to that, by moving toward Internet-of-Things (IoT), the number of wireless sensors and IP-based high throughput network routers is growing at a rapid pace. Despite all the progression in IoT, due to power and energy consumption, a single chip platform for providing multiple communication standards and a large processing bandwidth is still missing.The strong demand for performing different sets of operations by the embedded systems and increasing the computational performance has led to the use of heterogeneous multicore architectures with the help of accelerators for computationally-intensive data-parallel tasks acting as coprocessors. Currently, highly heterogeneous systems are the most power-area efficient solution for performing complex signal processing systems. Additionally, the importance of IoT has increased significantly the need for heterogeneous and reconfigurable platforms.On the other hand, subsequent to the breakdown of the Dennardian scaling and due to the enormous heat dissipation, the performance of a single chip was obstructed by the utilization wall since all cores cannot be clocked at their maximum operating frequency. Therefore, a thermal melt-down might be happened as a result of high instantaneous power dissipation. In this context, a large fraction of the chip, which is switched-off (Dark) or operated at a very low frequency (Dim) is called Dark Silicon. The Dark Silicon issue is a constraint for the performance of computers, especially when the up-coming IoT scenario will demand a very high performance level with high energy efficiency. Among the suggested solution to combat the problem of Dark-Silicon, the use of application-specific accelerators and in particular Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Arrays (CGRAs) are the main motivation of this thesis work.This thesis deals with design and implementation of Software Defined Radio (SDR) as well as High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) application-specific accelerators for computationally intensive kernels and data-parallel tasks. One of the most important data transmission schemes in SDR due to its ability of providing high data rates is Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM). This research work focuses on the evaluation of Heterogeneous Accelerator-Rich Platform (HARP) by implementing OFDM receiver blocks as designs for proof-of-concept. The HARP template allows the designer to instantiate a heterogeneous reconfigurable platform with a very large amount of custom-tailored computational resources while delivering a high performance in terms of many high-level metrics. The availability of this platform lays an excellent foundation to investigate techniques and methods to replace the Dark or Dim part of chip with high-performance silicon dissipating very low power and energy. Furthermore, this research work is also addressing the power and energy issues of the embedded computing systems by tailoring the HARP for self-aware and energy-aware computing models. In this context, the instantaneous power dissipation and therefore the heat dissipation of HARP are mitigated on FPGA/ASIC by using Dynamic Voltage and Frequency Scaling (DVFS) to minimize the dark/dim part of the chip. Upgraded HARP for self-aware and energy-aware computing can be utilized as an energy-efficient general-purpose transceiver platform that is cognitive to many radio standards and can provide high throughput while consuming as little energy as possible. The evaluation of HARP has shown promising results, which makes it a suitable platform for avoiding Dark Silicon in embedded computing platforms and also for diverse needs of IoT communications.In this thesis, the author designed the blocks of OFDM receiver by crafting templatebased CGRA devices and then attached them to HARP’s Network-on-Chip (NoC) nodes. The performance of application-specific accelerators generated from templatebased CGRAs, the performance of the entire platform subsequent to integrating the CGRA nodes on HARP and the NoC traffic are recorded in terms of several highlevel performance metrics. In evaluating HARP on FPGA prototype, it delivers a performance of 0.012 GOPS/mW. Because of the scalability and regularity in HARP, the author considered its value as architectural constant. In addition to showing the gain and the benefits of maximizing the number of reconfigurable processing resources on a platform in comparison to the scaled performance of several state-of-the-art platforms, HARP’s architectural constant ensures application-independent figure of merit. HARP is further evaluated by implementing various sizes of Discrete Cosine transform (DCT) and Discrete Sine Transform (DST) dedicated for HEVC standard, which showed its ability to sustain Full HD 1080p format at 30 fps on FPGA. The author also integrated self-aware computing model in HARP to mitigate the power dissipation of an OFDM receiver. In the case of FPGA implementation, the total power dissipation of the platform showed 16.8% reduction due to employing the Feedback Control System (FCS) technique with Dynamic Frequency Scaling (DFS). Furthermore, by moving to ASIC technology and scaling both frequency and voltage simultaneously, significant dynamic power reduction (up to 82.98%) was achieved, which proved the DFS/DVFS techniques as one step forward to mitigate the Dark Silicon issue