365 research outputs found

    Domus tutor: A CBR tutoring agent for student support

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    The changes introduced by the Bologna process in the educational paradigm, moving from a lecturer centered paradigm to a learner centered paradigm, involves a more supported learning process based on learning outcomes and the adoption of new pedagogical methodologies. In this paper we present our strategy of integration of tutoring agents in learning environments, using the features of intelligent tutoring systems adapted to collaborative environments. The Domus Tutor agent is the face of the adaptive learning environment that integrates Learning Design, groupware and collaborative work technologies. The adaptation of the system to the learner profile is based on case-based reasoning methodology; witch is one of the major reasoning paradigms in artificial intelligence.- (undefined

    The Development And Evaluation Of Personalized Learning Material Based On A Profiling Algorithm For Polytechnic Students In Learning Algebra

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    Matematik adalah asas untuk pengajian kejuruteraan, terutamanya bagi pelajar kejuruteraan di politeknik Malaysia. Topik algebra pula adalah topik penting dalam matematik terutama bagi program kejuruteraan. Kajian-kajian lepas menunjukkan teknik pembelajaran tersesuai diri mampu meningkatkan kefahaman pelajar. Oleh itu, kajian ini dilakukan untuk mereka bentuk dan membangunkan satu aplikasi menggunakan teknologi Sistem Tutor Pintar (STP) untuk pembelajaran tersesuai diri bagi pembelajaran matematik. Teknologi ini membantu pembelajaran tersesuai diri dengan memberi cadangan bahan pembelajaran paling sesuai. Cadangan ini dilakukan melalui pengiraan algorithma Penaakulan Berasaskan Kes (PBK) dengan mencari persamaan antara profil baru dan profil yang disimpan di dalam pangkalan data. Cadangan dari profil yang mempunyai nilai persamaan paling tinggi digunakan sebagai rujukan. Gaya pembelajaran dan pengetahuan awalan pelajar digunakan sebagai maklumat untuk membentuk profil pelajar. Terdapat dua versi bahan ujian yang dibina: Pembelajaran Tersuai Diri (PTD) yang merujuk pelajar kepada nilai profil persamaan paling tinggi dan Pembelajaran secara Bukan Tersesuai Diri (PBTD) yang merujuk kepada nilai profil persamaan paling rendah. Mathematics is the foundation for engineering studies, especially for Malaysian polytechnics engineering students. Algebra is an important topic in mathematics, especially in engineering programs. Previous research shows that personalization techniques can increase student understanding. Thus, the aim of this study was to design and develop an application that utilized Intelligent Tutoring System (ITS) technology for the personalization of mathematics learning. This technology has the ability to help with the personalization of student learning by recommending the most suitable learning materials. The recommendation is computed using a Case-based Reasoning (CBR) algorithm by finding the similarity between the new submitted profile and the stored profiles in the database. The solution given by the most similar cases is used as a reference. Prior learning and mathematics learning style are the two parameters of a student's profile

    A hybrid recommender system for improving automatic playlist continuation

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    Although widely used, the majority of current music recommender systems still focus on recommendations’ accuracy, userpreferences and isolated item characteristics, without evaluating other important factors, like the joint item selections and the recommendation moment. However, when it comes to playlist recommendations, additional dimensions, as well as the notion of user experience and perception, should be taken into account to improve recommendations’ quality. In this work, HybA, a hybrid recommender system for automatic playlist continuation, that combines Latent Dirichlet Allocation and Case-Based Reasoning, is proposed. This system aims to address “similar concepts” rather than similar users. More than generating a playlist based on user requirements, like automatic playlist generation methods, HybA identifies the semantic characteristics of a started playlist and reuses the most similar past ones, to recommend relevant playlist continuations. In addition, support to beyond accuracy dimensions, like increased coherence or diverse items’ discovery, is provided. To overcome the semantic gap between music descriptions and user preferences, identify playlist structures and capture songs’ similarity, a graph model is used. Experiments on real datasets have shown that the proposed algorithm is able to outperform other state of the art techniques, in terms of accuracy, while balancing between diversity and coherence.This work has been partially supported by the Catalan Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR) (2017 SGR 574), by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), through the Incentive System to Research and Technological development, within the Portugal2020 Competitiveness and Internationalization Operational Program –COMPETE 2020– (POCI-01-0145-FEDER006961), and by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) (UID/EEA/50014/2013).Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    A Linear General Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Based Computing With Words Approach for Realising an Ambient Intelligent Platform for Cooking Recipes Recommendation

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    This paper addresses the need to enhance transparency in ambient intelligent environments by developing more natural ways of interaction, which allow the users to communicate easily with the hidden networked devices rather than embedding obtrusive tablets and computing equipment throughout their surroundings. Ambient intelligence vision aims to realize digital environments that adapt to users in a responsive, transparent, and context-aware manner in order to enhance users' comfort. It is, therefore, appropriate to employ the paradigm of “computing with words” (CWWs), which aims to mimic the ability of humans to communicate transparently and manipulate perceptions via words. One of the daily activities that would increase the comfort levels of the users (especially people with disabilities) is cooking and performing tasks in the kitchen. Existing approaches on food preparation, cooking, and recipe recommendation stress on healthy eating and balanced meal choices while providing limited personalization features through the use of intrusive user interfaces. Herein, we present an application, which transparently interacts with users based on a novel CWWs approach in order to predict the recipe's difficulty level and to recommend an appropriate recipe depending on the user's mood, appetite, and spare time. The proposed CWWs framework is based on linear general type-2 (LGT2) fuzzy sets, which linearly quantify the linguistic modifiers in the third dimension in order to better represent the user perceptions while avoiding the drawbacks of type-1 and interval type-2 fuzzy sets. The LGT2-based CWWs framework can learn from user experiences and adapt to them in order to establish more natural human-machine interaction. We have carried numerous real-world experiments with various users in the University of Essex intelligent flat. The comparison analysis between interval type-2 fuzzy sets and LGT2 fuzzy sets demonstrates up to 55.43% improvement when general type-2 fuzzy sets are used than when interval type-2 fuzzy sets are used instead. The quantitative and qualitative analysis both show the success of the system in providing a natural interaction with the users for recommending food recipes where the quantitative analysis shows the high statistical correlation between the system output and the users' feedback; the qualitative analysis presents social scienc

    A smart environments architecture (Search)

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    We report on a system architecture, SEArch, and its associated methods and tools we have been developing, testing and extending for several years through a number of innovation processes in the field of Smart Environments. We have developed these infrastructure in a bottom up fashion directed by the needs of the different projects as opposed to an ideal one which projects have to conform to. In this sense is practical and although necessarily incomplete, it has significant versatility and reasonable efficiency. Projects developed using this architecture have been funded by different companies and funding bodies in Europe. The different components of the architecture are explained through the software supporting those aspects of the system and through the functionality they exhibit in different practical scenarios, extracted from some of the projects implemented with SEArch

    Semantically-enhanced recommendations in cultural heritage

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    In the Web 2.0 environment, institutes and organizations are starting to open up their previously isolated and heterogeneous collections in order to provide visitors with maximal access. Semantic Web technologies act as instrumental in integrating these rich collections of metadata by defining ontologies which accommodate different representation schemata and inconsistent naming conventions over the various vocabularies. Facing the large amount of metadata with complex semantic structures, it is becoming more and more important to support visitors with a proper selection and presentation of information. In this context, the Dutch Science Foundation (NWO) funded the Cultural Heritage Information Personalization (CHIP) project in early 2005, as part of the Continuous Access to Cultural Heritage (CATCH) program in the Netherlands. It is a collaborative project between the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, the Eindhoven University of Technology and the Telematica Instituut. The problem statement that guides the research of this thesis is as follows: Can we support visitors with personalized access to semantically-enriched collections? To study this question, we chose cultural heritage (museums) as an application domain, and the semantically rich background knowledge about the museum collection provides a basis to our research. On top of it, we deployed user modeling and recommendation technologies in order to provide personalized services for museum visitors. Our main contributions are: (i) we developed an interactive rating dialog of artworks and art concepts for a quick instantiation of the CHIP user model, which is built as a specialization of FOAF and mapped to an existing event model ontology SEM; (ii) we proposed a hybrid recommendation algorithm, combining both explicit and implicit relations from the semantic structure of the collection. On the presentation level, we developed three tools for end-users: Art Recommender, Tour Wizard and Mobile Tour Guide. Following a user-centered design cycle, we performed a series of evaluations with museum visitors to test the effectiveness of recommendations using the rating dialog, different ways to build an optimal user model and the prediction accuracy of the hybrid algorithm. Chapter 1 introduces the research questions, our approaches and the outline of this thesis. Chapter 2 gives an overview of our work at the first stage. It includes (i) the semantic enrichment of the Rijksmuseum collection, which is mapped to three Getty vocabularies (ULAN, AAT, TGN) and the Iconclass thesaurus; (ii) the minimal user model ontology defined as a specialization of FOAF, which only stores user ratings at that time, (iii) the first implementation of the content-based recommendation algorithm in our first tool, the CHIP Art Recommender. Chapter 3 presents two other tools: Tour Wizard and Mobile Tour Guide. Based on the user's ratings, the Web-based Tour Wizard recommends museum tours consisting of recommended artworks that are currently available for museum exhibitions. The Mobile Tour Guide converts recommended tours to mobile devices (e.g. PDA) that can be used in the physical museum space. To connect users' various interactions with these tools, we made a conversion of the online user model stored in RDF into XML format which the mobile guide can parse, and in this way we keep the online and on-site user models dynamically synchronized. Chapter 4 presents the second generation of the Mobile Tour Guide with a real time routing system on different mobile devices (e.g. iPod). Compared with the first generation, it can adapt museum tours based on the user's ratings artworks and concepts, her/his current location in the physical museum and the coordinates of the artworks and rooms in the museum. In addition, we mapped the CHIP user model to an existing event model ontology SEM. Besides ratings, it can store additional user activities, such as following a tour and viewing artworks. Chapter 5 identifies a number of semantic relations within one vocabulary (e.g. a concept has a broader/narrower concept) and across multiple vocabularies (e.g. an artist is associated to an art style). We applied all these relations as well as the basic artwork features in content-based recommendations and compared all of them in terms of usefulness. This investigation also enables us to look at the combined use of artwork features and semantic relations in sequence and derive user navigation patterns. Chapter 6 defines the task of personalized recommendations and decomposes the task into a number of inference steps for ontology-based recommender systems, from a perspective of knowledge engineering. We proposed a hybrid approach combining both explicit and implicit recommendations. The explicit relations include artworks features and semantic relations with preliminary weights which are derived from the evaluation in Chapter 5. The implicit relations are built between art concepts based on instance-based ontology matching. Chapter 7 gives an example of reusing user interaction data generated by one application into another one for providing cross-application recommendations. In this example, user tagging about cultural events, gathered by iCITY, is used to enrich the user model for generating content-based recommendations in the CHIP Art Recommender. To realize full tagging interoperability, we investigated the problems that arise in mapping user tags to domain ontologies, and proposed additional mechanisms, such as the use of SKOS matching operators to deal with the possible mis-alignment of tags and domain-specific ontologies. We summarized to what extent the problem statement and each of the research questions are answered in Chapter 8. We also discussed a number of limitations in our research and looked ahead at what may follow as future work

    A Personalized System for Conversational Recommendations

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    Searching for and making decisions about information is becoming increasingly difficult as the amount of information and number of choices increases. Recommendation systems help users find items of interest of a particular type, such as movies or restaurants, but are still somewhat awkward to use. Our solution is to take advantage of the complementary strengths of personalized recommendation systems and dialogue systems, creating personalized aides. We present a system -- the Adaptive Place Advisor -- that treats item selection as an interactive, conversational process, with the program inquiring about item attributes and the user responding. Individual, long-term user preferences are unobtrusively obtained in the course of normal recommendation dialogues and used to direct future conversations with the same user. We present a novel user model that influences both item search and the questions asked during a conversation. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our system in significantly reducing the time and number of interactions required to find a satisfactory item, as compared to a control group of users interacting with a non-adaptive version of the system