154 research outputs found

    A coefficient inverse problem with a single measurement of phaseless scattering data

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    This paper is concerned with a numerical method for a 3D coefficient inverse problem with phaseless scattering data. These are multi-frequency data generated by a single direction of the incident plane wave. Our numerical procedure consists of two stages. The first stage aims to reconstruct the (approximate) scattered field at the plane of measurements from its intensity. We present an algorithm for the reconstruction process and prove a uniqueness result of this reconstruction. After obtaining the approximate scattered field, we exploit a newly developed globally convergent numerical method to solve the coefficient inverse problem with the phased scattering data. The latter is the second stage of our algorithm. Numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the performance of our method. Finally, we present a numerical study which aims to show that, under a certain assumption, the solution of the scattering problem for the 3D scalar Helmholtz equation can be used to approximate the component of the electric field which was originally incident upon the medium

    A numerical method to solve a phaseless coefficient inverse problem from a single measurement of experimental data

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    We propose in this paper a globally numerical method to solve a phaseless coefficient inverse problem: how to reconstruct the spatially distributed refractive index of scatterers from the intensity (modulus square) of the full complex valued wave field at an array of light detectors located on a measurement board. The propagation of the wave field is governed by the 3D Helmholtz equation. Our method consists of two stages. On the first stage, we use asymptotic analysis to obtain an upper estimate for the modulus of the scattered wave field. This estimate allows us to approximately reconstruct the wave field at the measurement board using an inversion formula. This reduces the phaseless inverse scattering problem to the phased one. At the second stage, we apply a recently developed globally convergent numerical method to reconstruct the desired refractive index from the total wave obtained at the first stage. Unlike the optimization approach, the two-stage method described above is global in the sense that it does not require a good initial guess of the true solution. We test our numerical method on both computationally simulated and experimental data. Although experimental data are noisy, our method produces quite accurate numerical results

    Uniqueness of a 3-D coefficient inverse scattering problem without the phase information

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    We use a new method to prove uniqueness theorem for a coefficient inverse scattering problem without the phase information for the 3-D Helmholtz equation. We consider the case when only the modulus of the scattered wave field is measured and the phase is not measured. The spatially distributed refractive index is the subject of the interest in this problem. Applications of this problem are in imaging of nanostructures and biological cells

    Phased and phaseless domain reconstruction in inverse scattering problem via scattering coefficients

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    In this work we shall review the (phased) inverse scattering problem and then pursue the phaseless reconstruction from far-field data with the help of the concept of scattering coefficients. We perform sensitivity, resolution and stability analysis of both phased and phaseless problems and compare the degree of ill-posedness of the phased and phaseless reconstructions. The phaseless reconstruction is highly nonlinear and much more severely ill-posed. Algorithms are provided to solve both the phased and phaseless reconstructions in the linearized case. Stability is studied by estimating the condition number of the inversion process for both the phased and phaseless cases. An optimal strategy is suggested to attain the infimum of the condition numbers of the phaseless reconstruction, which may provide an important guidance for efficient phaseless measurements in practical applications. To the best of our knowledge, the stability analysis in terms of condition numbers are new for the phased and phaseless inverse scattering problems, and are very important to help us understand the degree of ill-posedness of these inverse problems. Numerical experiments are provided to illustrate the theoretical asymptotic behavior, as well as the effectiveness and robustness of the phaseless reconstruction algorithm

    Uniqueness in inverse scattering problems with phaseless far-field data at a fixed frequency

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    This paper is concerned with uniqueness in inverse acoustic scattering with phaseless far-field data at a fixed frequency. The main difficulty of this problem is the so-called translation invariance property of the modulus of the far-field pattern generated by one plane wave as the incident field. Based on our previous work (J. Comput. Phys. 345 (2017), 58-73), the translation invariance property of the phaseless far-field pattern can be broken by using infinitely many sets of superpositions of two plane waves as the incident fields at a fixed frequency. In this paper, we prove that the obstacle and the index of refraction of an inhomogeneous medium can be uniquely determined by the phaseless far-field patterns generated by infinitely many sets of superpositions of two plane waves with different directions at a fixed frequency under the condition that the obstacle is a priori known to be a sound-soft or non-absorbing impedance obstacle and the index of refraction nn of the inhomogeneous medium is real-valued and satisfies that either nβˆ’1β‰₯c1n-1\ge c_1 or nβˆ’1β‰€βˆ’c1n-1\le-c_1 in the support of nβˆ’1n-1 for some positive constant c1c_1. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first uniqueness result in inverse scattering with phaseless far-field data. Our proofs are based essentially on the limit of the normalized eigenvalues of the far-field operators which is also established in this paper by using a factorization of the far-field operators

    Uniqueness of a phaseless inverse scattering problem for the generalized 3-D Helmholtz equation

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    An inverse scattering problems for the 3-D generalized Helmholtz equation is considered. Only the modulus of the complex valued scattered wave field is assumed to be measured and the phase is not measured. Uniqueness theorem is proved.Comment: 18 page

    Target reconstruction with a reference point scatterer using phaseless far field patterns

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    An important property of the phaseless far field patterns with incident plane waves is the translation invariance. Thus it is impossible to reconstruct the location of the underlying scatterers. By adding a reference point scatterer into the model, we design a novel direct sampling method using the phaseless data directly. The reference point technique not only overcomes the translation invariance, but also brings a practical phase retrieval algorithm. Based on this, we propose a hybrid method combining the novel phase retrieval algorithm and the classical direct sampling methods. Numerical examples in two dimensions are presented to demonstrate their effectiveness and robustness

    Uniqueness and direct imaging method for inverse scattering by locally rough surfaces with phaseless near-field data

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    This paper is concerned with inverse scattering of plane waves by a locally perturbed infinite plane (which is called a locally rough surface) with the modulus of the total-field data (also called the phaseless near-field data) at a fixed frequency in two dimensions. We consider the case where a Dirichlet boundary condition is imposed on the locally rough surface. This problem models inverse scattering of plane acoustic waves by a one-dimensional sound-soft, locally rough surface; it also models inverse scattering of plane electromagnetic waves by a locally perturbed, perfectly reflecting, infinite plane in the TE polarization case. We prove that the locally rough surface is uniquely determined by the phaseless near-field data generated by a countably infinite number of plane waves and measured on an open domain above the locally rough surface. Further, a direct imaging method is proposed to reconstruct the locally rough surface from the phaseless near-field data generated by plane waves and measured on the upper part of the circle with a sufficiently large radius. Theoretical analysis of the imaging algorithm is derived by making use of properties of the scattering solution and results from the theory of oscillatory integrals (especially the method of stationary phase). Moreover, as a by-product of the theoretical analysis, a similar direct imaging method with full far-field data is also proposed to reconstruct the locally rough surface. Finally, numerical experiments are carried out to demonstrate that the imaging algorithm with phaseless near-field data and full far-field data are fast, accurate and very robust with respect to noise in the data

    Inverse elastic scattering problems with phaseless far field data

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    This paper is concerned with uniqueness, phase retrieval and shape reconstruction methods for inverse elastic scattering problems with phaseless far field data. Systematically, we study two basic models, i.e., inverse scattering of plane waves by rigid bodies and inverse scattering of sources with compact support. For both models, we show that the location of the objects can not be uniquely recovered by the data. To solve this problem, we consider simultaneously the incident point sources with one fixed source point and at most three scattering strengths. We then establish some uniqueness results for source scattering problem with multi-frequency phaseless far field data. Furthermore, a fast and stable phase retrieval approach is proposed based on a simple geometric result which provides a stable reconstruction of a point in the plane from three distances to given points. Difficulties arise for inverse scattering by rigid bodies due to the additional unknown far field pattern of the point sources. To overcome this difficulty, we introduce an artificial rigid body into the system and show that the underlying rigid bodies can be uniquely determined by the corresponding phaseless far field data at a fixed frequency. Noting that the far field pattern of the scattered field corresponding to point sources is very small if the source point is far away from the scatterers, we propose an appropriate phase retrieval method for obstacle scattering problems, without using the artificial rigid body. Finally, we propose several sampling methods for shape reconstruction with phaseless far field data. Extended numerical examples in two dimensions are conducted with noisy data, and the results further verify the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed phase retrieval techniques and sampling methods.Comment: 37 page

    Uniqueness of two phaseless inverse acoustics problems in 3-d

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    Uniqueness is proven for two 3-d inverse problems of the determination of the spatially distributed sound speed in the frequency dependent acoustic PDE. The main new point is the assumption that only the modulus of the scattered complex valued wave field is measured on a certain set
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