13 research outputs found

    A Coded Shared Atomic Memory Algorithm for Message Passing Architectures

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    This paper considers the communication and storage costs of emulating atomic (linearizable) multi-writer multi-reader shared memory in distributed message-passing systems. The paper contains three main contributions: (1) We present a atomic shared-memory emulation algorithm that we call Coded Atomic Storage (CAS). This algorithm uses erasure coding methods. In a storage system with 'N' servers that is resilient to 'f' server failures, we show that the communication cost of CAS is N/(N-2f) . The storage cost of CAS is unbounded. (2) We present a modification of the CAS algorithm known as CAS with Garbage Collection (CASGC). The CASGC algorithm is parametrized by an integer 'd' and has a bounded storage cost. We show that in every execution where the number of write operations that are concurrent with a read operation is no bigger than 'd', the CASGC algorithm with parameter 'd' satisfies atomicity and liveness. We explicitly characterize the storage cost of CASGC, and show that it has the same communication cost as CASGC. (3) We describe an algorithm known as the Communication Cost Optimal Atomic Storage (CCOAS) algorithm that achieves a smaller communication cost than CAS and CASGC. In particular, CCOAS incurs read and write communication costs of N/(N-f) measured in terms of number of object values. We also discuss drawbacks of CCOAS as compared with CAS and CASGC

    Self-stabilization Overhead: an Experimental Case Study on Coded Atomic Storage

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    Shared memory emulation can be used as a fault-tolerant and highly available distributed storage solution or as a low-level synchronization primitive. Attiya, Bar-Noy, and Dolev were the first to propose a single-writer, multi-reader linearizable register emulation where the register is replicated to all servers. Recently, Cadambe et al. proposed the Coded Atomic Storage (CAS) algorithm, which uses erasure coding for achieving data redundancy with much lower communication cost than previous algorithmic solutions. Although CAS can tolerate server crashes, it was not designed to recover from unexpected, transient faults, without the need of external (human) intervention. In this respect, Dolev, Petig, and Schiller have recently developed a self-stabilizing version of CAS, which we call CASSS. As one would expect, self-stabilization does not come as a free lunch; it introduces, mainly, communication overhead for detecting inconsistencies and stale information. So, one would wonder whether the overhead introduced by self-stabilization would nullify the gain of erasure coding. To answer this question, we have implemented and experimentally evaluated the CASSS algorithm on PlanetLab; a planetary scale distributed infrastructure. The evaluation shows that our implementation of CASSS scales very well in terms of the number of servers, the number of concurrent clients, as well as the size of the replicated object. More importantly, it shows (a) to have only a constant overhead compared to the traditional CAS algorithm (which we also implement) and (b) the recovery period (after the last occurrence of a transient fault) is as fast as a few client (read/write) operations. Our results suggest that CASSS does not significantly impact efficiency while dealing with automatic recovery from transient faults and bounded size of needed resources

    ARES: Adaptive, Reconfigurable, Erasure coded, atomic Storage

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    Atomicity or strong consistency is one of the fundamental, most intuitive, and hardest to provide primitives in distributed shared memory emulations. To ensure survivability, scalability, and availability of a storage service in the presence of failures, traditional approaches for atomic memory emulation, in message passing environments, replicate the objects across multiple servers. Compared to replication based algorithms, erasure code-based atomic memory algorithms has much lower storage and communication costs, but usually, they are harder to design. The difficulty of designing atomic memory algorithms further grows, when the set of servers may be changed to ensure survivability of the service over software and hardware upgrades, while avoiding service interruptions. Atomic memory algorithms for performing server reconfiguration, in the replicated systems, are very few, complex, and are still part of an active area of research; reconfigurations of erasure-code based algorithms are non-existent. In this work, we present ARES, an algorithmic framework that allows reconfiguration of the underlying servers, and is particularly suitable for erasure-code based algorithms emulating atomic objects. ARES introduces new configurations while keeping the service available. To use with ARES we also propose a new, and to our knowledge, the first two-round erasure code based algorithm TREAS, for emulating multi-writer, multi-reader (MWMR) atomic objects in asynchronous, message-passing environments, with near-optimal communication and storage costs. Our algorithms can tolerate crash failures of any client and some fraction of servers, and yet, guarantee safety and liveness property. Moreover, by bringing together the advantages of ARES and TREAS, we propose an optimized algorithm where new configurations can be installed without the objects values passing through the reconfiguration clients

    Topics in Distributed Algorithms: On Wireless Networks, Distributed Storage and Streaming

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    Distributed algorithms are executed on a set of computational instances. Werefer to these instances as nodes. Nodes are runningconcurrently and are independent from each other. Furthermore, they have their own instructions and information. In this context, the challenges are to show thatthe algorithm is correct, regardless of computational, or communication delaysand to show bounds on the usage of communication.We are especially interested the behaviour after transient faults and underthe existence of Byzantine nodes.This thesis discusses fundamental communication models for distributed algorithms. These models are implementing abstract communication methods. First, we address medium access control for a wireless medium with guaranteeson the communication delay. We discuss time division multiple access(TDMA) protocols for ad-hoc networks and we introduce an algorithm that creates aTDMA schedule without using external references for localisation, or time. We justify our algorithm by experimental results.The second topic is the emulation of shared memory on message passingnetworks. Both, shared memory and message passing are basic interprocessorcommunication models for distributed algorithms. We are providing a way ofemulating shared memory on top of an existing message passing network underthe presence of data corruption and stop-failed nodes. Additionally, we ensurethe privacy of the data that is stored in the shared memory. The third topic looks into streaming algorithms and optimisation. We study the problem of sorting a stream ofvehicles on a highway with severallanes so that each vehicle reaches its target lane. We look into optimality interms of minimising the number of move operations, as well as, minimising the length of the output stream. We present an exact algorithm for the case oftwo lanes and show that NP-Hardness for a increasing number of lanes

    A coded shared atomic memory algorithm for message passing architectures

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    This paper considers the communication and storage costs of emulating atomic (linearizable) multi-writer multi-reader shared memory in distributed message-passing systems. The paper contains three main contributions: (1) we present an atomic shared-memory emulation algorithm that we call Coded Atomic Storage (CAS). This algorithm uses erasure coding methods. In a storage system with N servers that is resilient to f server failures, we show that the communication cost of CAS is N/(N−2f). The storage cost of CAS is unbounded. (2) We present a modification of the CAS algorithm known as CAS with garbage collection (CASGC). The CASGC algorithm is parameterized by an integer δ and has a bounded storage cost. We show that the CASGC algorithm satisfies atomicity. In every execution of CASGC where the number of server failures is no bigger than f, we show that every write operation invoked at a non-failing client terminates. We also show that in an execution of CASGC with parameter δ where the number of server failures is no bigger than f, a read operation terminates provided that the number of write operations that are concurrent with the read is no bigger than δ. We explicitly characterize the storage cost of CASGC, and show that it has the same communication cost as CAS. (3) We describe an algorithm known as the Communication Cost Optimal Atomic Storage (CCOAS) algorithm that achieves a smaller communication cost than CAS and CASGC. In particular, CCOAS incurs read and write communication costs of N/(N−2f) measured in terms of number of object values. We also discuss drawbacks of CCOAS as compared with CAS and CASGC.United States. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (Contract Numbers FA9550-13-1-0023, FA9550-14-1-0043)National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Award Numbers CCF-1217506, CCF-0939370, CCF-1553248)Bae Systems National Security Solutions Inc. (award 739532-SLIN 0004